2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs

2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs
Hi Readers and visitors to collectibulldogs how are you all ? Also how did 2019 treat you, did you have a fantastic year a terrible year or like ours both combined into one, 2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs and that it has been.
After 2018 left wiggles with knuckling and me OUTRAGED AT OUR NEIGHBOURS I spent that year and early 2019 carrying wiggles everywhere our last journey together was in a taxi I was holding her tight praying to every god imaginable what I’d i do if only wiggles could be saved.

2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs Wiggles will always be in our ❤️S
To get the phone call saying it was cancer was the hardest phone call I’ve ever made or taken our lives changed after wiggles went we lost online friends who previously would talk to us as part of the bulldog community, this hurt too As most would of felt like I did at one point or another.
A day does not go by where I do not think of wiggles she was taken way to early the pain destroyed me for months after yet this is the gamble you take we adopt don’t shop and this route means there’s not much back story to help any vet keep a pet going longer.
2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs

Wow what a beautiful dog Porscha our Cutie Pattottie !
We felt it wrong at first to adopt but in April of 2019 we were persuaded by our friends to adopt again we thought long and hard we didn’t want a repeat of what happened to wiggles and came across an advert for puppy Porcsha.
Now we had never heard of a miniature bulldog before and when we saw her in the advert she looked a typical puppy bulldog, it wasn’t until she passed six months that her parents features started showing.
The idea behind taking Porscha home was our apartment is ideal for short legged dogs and we were going to carry her up and down those blasted stairs here, well that was the plan Porscha is now a very confident and very fast chunky little bulldog french bulldog type ears like her mum and over bite from the dad.

2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs IM A BEAUTIFUL BULLDOG
People say replacing a pet with another can ease the pain this did not happen for me yes I was falling in love with this new addition to the home yet still pinned for wiggles, Porscha is now an integral part of our lives and just like wiggles and the later great scruffy Louise will be known across the globe as collectibulldogs keeps bulldogs in the spotlWHICH YOU CAN FIND AND IF YOU READ CAREFULLY ADD TOO WITH DIGNITY
2019 a big baby surprise!

2019 wow what a year at collectibulldogs OUR 4D BABY SCAN UP CLOSE
Working out the dates ! the day we sat in Porschas first home collecting her my wife debbie was actually pregnant and we didn’t even know, late early may my wife awoke me one morning pregnancy stick in hand and thanking me over and over
When my synapsis had woken up after me it dawned on me what was being said, what was just as beautiful is my wife said and believes our new arrival is a gift from wiggles a thank you for the years of pampering the second life and super star life online but also for the unconditional love she was given.

Wow what a father to be Making toys for new arrival
Our baby sienna “cannot really pass on the name wiggles “ will know of the dogs she never got to see but helped to change her dads life, Scruffy Louise was the best anxiety dog ever and idea behind collectibulldogs and wiggles cuteness helped propel us straight into the mainstream.
I thought a nice gift to give to my daughter at aged 2 would be a home made toy chest with 3D designs wooden carved toys teddies and books, well we are getting there but I think a bit bias as a lot of the toys and teddies and of bulldogs.
2019 ! Saying goodbye and designer issues BadSummer

Wow There’s no better time to be ADVERTISING with collectibulldogs than now
Overjoyed that my wife’s now giving me our second child after 17 years didn’t mean I was not sad when it came to packing away collectibulldogs the collection “it still feels weird like your moving home when your not ?” And as I was needing to photograph the pieces before packing it for the new website I didn’t need the designer issue that then followed for months.
You great peoples from around the world should of had a keen eye on the new website by September of 2019 not late November THE WORST MONTH THIS YEAR ! It’s true we are back with our original host and yes we can either say he’s lazy or has commitments but when your in contract for paid work it should be done.

Wow I Actually miss the collection being displayed
At first we felt a bit cheated we had not expected to be so involved and to the point a friend helped with rendering, all that aside he has created a better website with its neat open book style layout and the rotator for the gallery where you can read more about it here ! Is a cool feature too.
Feeling like the boy that cried wolf I have since apologised for any delays you’ll understand why we didn’t have a massive relaunch and even I was getting tired of sending out coming soon updates, “I will mention giveaway in 3D segment” and why it’s late.
From old to new 3D printing bug

Wow We’ve got 3 printers at collectibulldogs
Waiting for the new website and having no bulldog memorabilia as inspiration for blog articles we started getting into 3D printing this was around the time that WE GOT SUSPENDED OVER A TWITTER POST A MIX UP WITH SONY ABOUT COPYRIGHT ISSUES yes this was very embarrassing from the point of view of the sites reputation but if I’m honest I found some life.
Spending hours on social media might make you popular online but takes away from real life, off line I was able to enjoy my wife’s pregnancy with her not worry about how many follows or retweets the page would of got and in this time too I found I had the bug for 3D printing.

Wow A baby Joda made using 3D printing it’s a fun hobby
Going from antiques to printing is a big jump 3D printers are used by museums and universities for all kinds of different applications and we thought this would be ideal if we follow the crowd and get our own printer
That printer has turned into three now and all I’ve been printing is baby toys for our baby or bulldog themed pieces for a website giveaway, if you’ve read our November article you’ll know why the giveaway has now been held till the new year and we hope all are understandably ok with this.
3D printing takes hours sometimes days 3D Bulldogs And how we make themis an article just about how we are getting on with this venture and we know it’s not for everyone but with new designs weekly and a chance to to get a good amount together there will be more choice and improvements to quality and design.
The month from below
Apologies for not using the devils home as sub header the H word is not for this website but that’s where we felt we have been since early November, a sister passed away on the 4th, this came suddenly and was the first shock of the month
Thinking she would have to be my rock, my Debbie lost her father in late November making it the most terrible of months, sitting at the funeral hearing my eulogy read out I had my arm around my wife as we both said good bye to her father.
As stated previously even though investment was put into a great new website We pulled our press release and radio interviews even a local magazine lots of exposure was pushed aside and we relaunched in a quiet dignified way, We are sure that 2020 and our new theme will bring in the views
2020 will also see our very first giveaway let’s see how well it goes there will be tiny conditions like being asked to tag or social share maybe but as long as your willing to and pay the postage we will print and print.
December delights

Wow Lots more homemade baubles then the presents
Tis the season to be jolly ! Well I’ll be reflecting on the year just passing by but with the imminent arrival of our new baby daughter I’ll have to be forgiven for feeling young again that coupled with the joy of Christmas will make the end of 2019 very special indeed
There will be bulldog antiques and other delights this December under that tree but to have my wife and new baby home in the warm safe and healthy now that’s my idea of celebrating seasons greetings this year.
wether it be gifts and memories a new baby or both there will definitely be joy over the Christmas of 2019 and hopefully new life will help shape our family and help us to look forward to a future we lost so much love this year some unconditional love would do nicely.
Still with a Community psychiatric nurse CPN means in myself personally have not coped well and due to the emotional unstable personality disorder I’m labelled with he will be around for the best part of a year keeping an eye on how my state of mind goes as we enter 2020.
Here is some more info on the definition of a community psychiatric nurse
We would like to thank the powers that be for the privilege of having another child our little family is finally getting bigger, I’d like personally like to thank my wife, lee hollman, kaye Richardson and all others out there that have stayed with us believing in the venture sharing our posts and being continuously Faithful to helping us grow our name.
I’d like to thank my daughter for finally getting out of her bed this year my expectations have been exceeded the little show off as she now goes to college and works hard I couldn’t be more proud if I tried, she’s going to go far in life heart and intelligence is a brilliant combination to have.
Id like to thank those that are part of my care plan they keep me tickerty boo and during times of relapses and breakdowns are there picking up the pieces and getting me back together again I’m lucky in the sense that I’m seen of gentlemanly character and have a bond with these professionals, and lastly again on a personal level I’ll be thanking my wife everyday after the birth of our baby.
So That leaves me to say to one and all where ever you are to have a safe and loving Christmas / seasons greetings please remember life’s not a rehearsal so no matter how annoying the person to the left or right of you at the dinner table this year is remember they are still there and love you ! MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE ASHDOWN FAMILY AND COLLECTIBULLDOGS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL.
Collectibulldogs update 2022
Collectibulldogs has had its ups and downs since we last wrote this article it is now 2022 we have lasted ever since 2015 and we hope to continue for another 10 years at least so we welcome as many visitors as possible this obviously helps To showcase the bulldog collection as well as the antiques the vintage and all the other collectables we have amassed over the years
Old blog articles like this to be seen again Google and other entities want us to update our blog articles which is called search engine optimisation which I am actually doing right now I hope I have not interrupted anything and that you are enjoying our blogging pieces
We have a friend that posts our links on Twitter check it out
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Collectibulldogs can be found on the Facebook Pinterest Instagram médium Bloglovin and all other formats we have to do is type in Collectibulldogs into the search bar and we should pop up alternatively you can use the link system provided that takes you to our social media channels where you can carry on the interest for bulldog antiques memorabilia and collectables. Collectibulldogs Will soon be in collaboration with a blogging company for up to 1 year and we hope that this new alliance will bring Đinh not Josh new content rich articles but the viewers to read them and I hope that we can rank for new keywords too.
this partnership is reviewed every three months and Collectibulldogs has the last say on every article that gets published on the website we do however give full control to the publisher said that they can publish their articles when trending keywords are available I’m gathering this will help our website as much as it will help the publishing company who will be aiming to publish a range of different articles on Collectibulldogs without going over the contract which is In Essence a Gentlemans agreement Collectibulldogs hopes that people learn from these new articles and the only links should be going back to the clients and not to shops for selling.
There is no profit Collectibulldogs is not getting paid for this all we are getting is search engine optimisation accredited articles that have been written by skilled analysts and writers and we are also hoping to learn more about keywords how to use longtail keywords properly especially whilst blogging not just the keyword itself and we have been told that the company has its own Google assured methods of creating trending keywords and gathering visitors we also believe that our articles will be posted with this companies permissions on any of the outlets to give enough free promotion and free advertising. So here’s to the next three months and after that hopefully until this time next year we will have at least four articles published per week for you readers to get your teeth and do I’m looking forward to reading them too
Omg Wow I remember this year I became a father again after 20 years Collectibulldogs Fathers Day 2018 Check it out we celebrate Father’s Day here