Come find out how we started the bulldog that gave the me the inspiration and my tribute to a great dog.

About collectibulldogs Still not moving!
Please note. If you like my collection and would like to help it get seen by others please make use of the sharing icons and show your media friends we may be amateurish at the mo but we are here and growing in popularity.
My collection has one sole purpose readers, and that’s to make it so my Antique bulldog collection is worthy of auction one day or in years to come, this is so that my daughter can go to university once leaving college and study to live whatever dreams she wants as her vocation in life. Here’s to hoping she decides to work with animals I know back when I was younger I wanted to become a vet but there’s so many other possibilities out there, and I want the world to be her oyster but her happiness has always been my number one priory. It’s been an absolute honour and privilege to have created all this for her and I hope it keeps me out of a care home in years to come lol. I’m not sure when I will stop collecting but I am sure that I am having a great time in this bully bonkers world!
I started out with the least expensive more obtainable ENGLISH-BULLDOG-PIECES and this continued at a steady pace for a year or two with me learning all the time sourcing researching even learning from my mistakes until one day I realised unwittingly I had taught myself a lot about bulldogging and also the best ENGLISH-BULLDOG types dates etc to invest in on this crusade of mine. I did not have the kind of money needed for top quality pieces till I met a gentleman into bulldogs like me.I started buying high end pieces off him with a monthly payment arrangement until paid up. I have gone on to meet many wonderful sellers dealers and contacts since and I would love nothing more than to get my collection reconized and hope one day someone spots what I have put together and think WOW!!!
I ultimately would like it as a profitable successful business as collectibulldogs goes places not only for me to prove I can make things happen but secondly also to pass on some kind of business to my daughter one day. At the moment all this is just a pipe dream and any chance of seeing it become real unless a business angel brings me investment or an investor I will just have to continue as a collector learning to blog!!!!… My ultimate Dream would be a bulldog museum where a few choice collectors curate a catalogued collection running through the different genres like the history advertising propaganda a good two hundred years of bulldog history just like a museum but all bulldog… On the 19 oct 2015 I was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) ive struggled with this for years now and during the making of this site,I want to disclose this info so to inspire others with disorders like mine to follow their dreams and passions, I’ve found it a great distraction, a great way of investing in my daughters future and a great way to meet new people,i have been so warmly welcomed into the bulldog community whom are a great bunch and have helped me in many ways. Never quit trying!
Eiffion started collecting bulldogs 6 years ago. The bulldogs were just standard pieces with no makers marks. Within a few months, he had collected several pieces. He started looking for designer pieces and that’s where he fell in love with his collection even more. Slowly but surely, amazing pieces were becoming part of his collection, and that made his passion for collecting bulldog items even more serious. It didn’t have to be a bulldog statue, if it had a bulldog on it, he would have to have it. That’s when he also decided to learn about the maker’s marks and back stamps and where they were made. Eiffion knows most of the maker’s marks and what country the item was made in. To this day his collection is a testament of his passion for his daughter’s future, and of collecting bulldogs. He even has a very old bulldog toy which is displayed in our local toy museum. All his pieces are displayed in cabinets and he organises them from the maker’s mark country of origin and material. Continue the story and learn about Scruffy-Louise the Bulldog
About collectibulldogs update 2025
I’ve been live now since 2014 so I thought to go over about collectibulldogs and other pages to see if I can rank them any higher I know search engine crawlers enjoy new content so about collectibulldogs now Well it’s been a ride of ups and downs you’ll find over 500 Content rich articles not all about collectibulldogs we have different options and even a section on mental health
more about collectibulldogs is we have a new host and now at FMstomp the website is connected to a powerful server and it’s taken this long to get myself established and have fun telling new interest all about collectibulldogs