Snapping it then packing it Yet again

Snapping it then packing it I’ve only just got this rare beswick
HI readers hope your well out there, An idea came to mind whilst thinking of wall papers to go behind the new pictures on our brand new website if im snapping it then packing it straight after this could save me some time, the only issue we have is if the picture quality fails and a new one needs doing.
I wouldn’t like to of packed away Collectibulldogs after just finding out I need to dig out a piece I first snapped that sure would be annoying, maybe a system would be a great idea snapping it then packing it could have some kind of structural option where I can find pieces if needed.
I’m making out that I’ve come up with this idea to improve our chances of getting the collection packed with the guise of snapping away but if I’m honest my wife Debbie has been asking me to pack some away for ages now, fearful of the cats doing damage is one of her reasons I just think it’s space wars lol.
However the idea gets implemented I’m dreading the end result snapping it and then packing it is the easy part “do you remember Moving the collection from last time, 50 stairs back down out and off to the new home (when we find one) I believe this is 6 times I’ve moved the collection now.
Snapping it then packing it will take time !

Snapping it then packing it
Our timeframe started both with the rebuild of the website and looking for a more baby free apartment all at the same time so it will be a close call I think, either we will be snapping it then packing it and after just waiting for a move or a new apartment pops up fast.
Lucy will be helping but Lucy only works with me for two hours I might have to chat with Lucy to see if we can rearrange our time set and maybe that way I won’t see her for a few weeks but get assistance for a whole day it’s something I’ll have to ask her and quite soon too.
My last count a few years ago was around 5000 pieces I’m now hoping that I’ve sold given away or gifted some to people to lessen the load, a couple are owed to a friend in the states and was just about to sort it out when wiggles passed away and Debbie’s news was announced but I keep to my word and they will get sent.
We have scheduled a chat with our web designing host Lee ! To go through the backbone of the website the menu size and of course the new draw dropping layouts now available and which will propel Collectibulldogs with many a demographic wanting to see what’s coming.
Packing with help of Brighton museum

Help from Brighton museum always appreciated
Emails have been sent to Brighton museum asking for the loan of their large and or medium sized packing containters, the apartments stairs are harrowing but we cannot pack anything in large containers or boxes as the door way Is so narrow, I used crisp packet boxes moving here a perfect size but so many trips up and down.
Maybe 50 pieces a week could be snapped and then packed using the small plastic crates we have but each one would not hold that many pieces and at £5 per container it would be rather expensive if the museum decide they do not wish to help or lend any of their property as I already have borrowed the camera needed.
Ideas on how best to showcase the pieces needs talking about asap so thatvinput can create what’s needed and start the process, I’d rather pieces were together but still accessable not like the 5000 or so images at the moment on our current website, once we have a all round idea I’ll either blog about it or keep it all a surprise until we relaunch.
Domain authority is what I’m hoping my investment will archive at DA 30+ we are not quite in the average to good stage, Google ranks websites like this and for a four year old website our DA isn’t too bad and something to be proud of yet a higher domain attracts attention.
The piece featured
It’s a John Beswick cigar tray that was recently found we nearly turned it down as it did look like an old doulton or beswick had just been glued onto a tray but no it’s the real deal and one we haven’t seen as we do not have a beswick book.
It’s a larger sized piece but the bulldog you see on top is not in fact the same size as the normal seated versions and if you look the patina is the same as beswicks puppy’s both the single and the double, when I realised it was different I knew we had found one of beswicks more rarer pieces.
Check out this survey on the best cameras for 2022
John Beswick pieces are doing well in most English auctions so maybe it came in a job lot from a house clearence the shape my wife says “looks like a Bulldog on a sink” and the colour is very much 1950s, the piece is quite heavy but worth it to add to the collection.
Ok so wish me luck folks in the next few weeks the collection should shrink as I snap it and then put each piece away I will just need to remind myself it’s for the best get it over and done with so others can enjoy the website and remember that I’ve been promised both space and new child friendly cabinets once we have moved. Happy collecting whilst I’m packing folks all the best and stay safe.
Collectibulldogs special Brighton museum top article
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