wedding day nov 2 becoming mr and mrs

Finally it’s our wedding
OUR WEDDING! Hi there readers I hope all are well, todays article is not about bulldogs I’m afraid but our very special wedding that I have Written about and we had this Friday November the second twenty eighteen (I’m writing the date everywhere helps to remember lol) it was a fantastic day.
We got married in Brighton councils actual chambers the semi circle ⭕️ of people didn’t put me off and I was more than ready to see my bride 👰 come from the door, when she did I have to admit I had a couple of tears where she looked so absolutely stunning.
My wedding day
I started out the day with tea and toast I was up early around nine so felt I could just relax the actual time of our marriage was 4-30 so I thought I had all the time in the world, it wasn’t until I was left sitting in Gas hairdressers at the top of st james street, I was thankful to the hairdressers eighty eight just down the road.
The barber was told to chop chop and I raced back home with new hair do but late for meeting people before hand, after getting ready I went down to the pre arranged pub and was bought a pint 🍺 I drunk this and went round to Brighton council (the wedding building) and was told I’m early THANK GOD I thought and slipped off for one more drink.
Time flies when your getting married
Its true we arranged this partly well mostly in hast due to debbies dad and he’s latar stages of onset vascular dementia and was unable to give Debbie away, he has been currently more poorly so the fact he was in hospital during our day was bitter sweet.
Debbies dad was in our thoughts all day even though he couldn’t make it he was shown the event but the poor fella could not make head nor tail of the situation before him he doesn’t recognise whom he used too and it’s a shame we could not of got married earlier so he could of known at least one of he’s children has become wed.
Our mums made the wedding and reception I had not spoken to my own mum in years and debbies mum was so happy that she was getting married and after 23 years together definitely to the right man, I did my bit well and only a poking out shirt tail spoilt my part from being perfect.
Debbies wedding day

Debbie with her brother at our wedding
Ive titled this part but Debbie has graciously said she would create her own segment that I can turn into content as a new article or just update this with what she’s written, I want to say Debbie looked stunning her bridesmaids complimented her look and yes I got a tear or two in my eye.
After all those years together and yes I believe my wife to of always been naturally gorgeous but I was left speechless so I took her hand and kissed it instead, please make use of the youtube clips provided if you wish to watch the event.
It all went posh like !

The weddings most beautiful ladies
Its true I had to walk to get married but debbies Entourage had posh rides to the weddingday but after it was luxury to be driven with my new wife in beautiful Range Rover with bridesmaids following in another posh car 🚗, it was all hazy by then so I couldn’t make out the second car.
Chauffeur Driven out to the goldstone ex service mans club in hove we certainly arrived in style, I helped my new bride out thanked the chauffeur and took her through to what was a WOW in your face weddingevent that ladies from the bulldog community had sorted out it looked beautiful and thank you to ANGIE SHERWOOD WALKER and MELITA BRETT for all the effort put in.
The Goldstone ex servicemen club

The goldstone club is available for events just get in contact
Ok I have promised a friend helene wheeler I would mention the club it was helene again from the bulldog community that came up with the idea to have the venue here, we had our own catering but otherwise it was all down to these ladies.
The details for this event venue are what I’ve been given to share and is correct at time of this blog article going out You can find their Facebook page here or Contact or Goldstone club Shirley street hove Tel 01273 731572, I recommend this event venue the staff were friendly and helpful, the space is large and the DJ and drinks are very affordable too.
The night itself

Our wedding day after 23 years
Fantastic as far as I remember lol I had the first dance with Debbie when the singer arrived we spoke a few words (just between us excuse me lol) and then both went around to thank our guests, I was bought way to many drinks and ended up drinking tea by the nights end.
If you read below you’ll see why we eventually went back to our home I do not quite remember this but do remember holding lots of bags gifts cards and debbies dress as she exited the car, with saying that can we thank all those that attended and gifted us we are both grateful and humbled by the generous nature of some.
That leaves the honeymoon
monies given to us will go towards a honeymoon thank you, we have not yet confirmed a destination A because the passport office needs to issue me with a passport and with debbies dad due out of hospital very soon but then having set backs means Debbie will want to be close which is understandable I did not want to come home myself but respect ✊ the situation.
Once we know debbies dads home with a care plan Debbie can sigh a bit of relief and leave her dad in capable hands so we can go away sometime, as someone whom has spent the last decade working on Collectibulldogs in so looking forward to a small break no offence.
Shoutout from the jive aces
A great six piece celeb 50s jive band have a fabulous trombone player called Alex whom has found the time to talk to Collectibulldogs when he can and has warned to us we were so lucky to get a twitter shoutout from Alex and the band
Lastly and dedicated too with wife’s blessings
Thats Nov the second all wrapped up the wedding ring proves it lol, on a serious note quickly before I go and that’s to say this article is dedicated to debbies dad whom couldn’t be there and to my late father that never saw me grow up have children nor this special day so to both our dads I Tip my hat 🎩 and dedicate this article to you both.
Love this blog,it tells it from Aves point of view which is good to hear.Mine will be appearing soon need to finish writing it,bought a tear to my end when reading the end.
Was a fantastic day you looked stunning and now a real Ashdown lol xx
Congratulations to you both. Hopefully it won’t be too long before the two of you can get away.
Thank you lee that’s kind to say I’m itching for a break my friend but the pa in law has to come first
We had such a wonderful time , so thrilled to see you get married , the reception was amazing and i loved the detail on the chair backs , thankyou both for inviting us xx
It was our pleasure glad you enjoyed the day ! Xx
I’ll say this for your marriage. “If you don’t take the next step, you can’t afford to move forward. Be happy in life rather than being sad! Smile, and always be positive!”
Congratulations man! I’m happy for you! May both of you stay married till you both die together. ❤❤❤❤
It was a beautiful day bro so happy me and the boys got to share it with you x