Fathers Day

Hi folks (excited) I hope your all well and safe out there with many of you celebrating this upcoming Father’s Day!
It’s like a second birthday just for dads where we get appreciated by our youngsters for making their life’s so dang easy for them lol.
I’m just joking I’m a father to one teenage daughter and she’s perfect.
With only two years left of her junior schooling she will be in college before we know it but in the meantime I’ve politely suggested I would love nothing more but for Chloe to do her own little blog article for her dad and as I do not know her inner thoughts about the venture it would be amazing to know what she thinks of the past few years what I’ve done and of course why I’m doing it too.
My princess has had little to do with Collectibulldogs as a teenager it’s her social life that’s really important to her at the moment and I do not think she has any idea of the magnitude of the collection and all that’s been done over the years to get where we are now.
So readers the next person you will hear from is my 14 yr old princess (with some help from Debs) and I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say, hmmm intrigued.

FATHERS DAY Bronze puppy and munchies
Well today is Fathers Day in England.
We have bought Eiffion some lovely bulldog pieces to go with his collection.
Some of the pieces you will have already seen, but there is one piece that he does not know about.
Not sure what he will do with this piece, as it can be used 2 different ways. There will be a picture once he has opened it.
This surprise gift is an usual gift but one that we know he will love.
It has become quite easy over the last few years to pick Eiffion a present.Anything with a bulldog he will love.
Sometimes it’s difficult to remember which ones he has and which ones he doesn’t have,where he has so many.
There is not much room left in his display cabinets,but he does tend to have a move around of the pieces to make more space.

FATHERS DAY My Father’s Day card
Chloe-Mai’s Fathers Day Article
Hi to all of dads readers I’m chloe Mai I’m 14 and I hope you like my article for my dad.
Once in a while at school I always try to make my dad something that associates with a bulldog.
In year 7 I made him a bulldog pencil stand which was quite hard as we could only use straight lines but he really liked it!
Whenever I see something bulldog related in a shop I always try and pick it up if I have enough money because I know that he will love it.
When it’s my dad’s birthday or Christmas etc, I try to buy him something to do with Bulldogs.
I know my dad’s collection is big, but I also know he’s doing it for my future, which I am happy about.
Bulldogs make him happy and I like to see it when he gets a new piece as I know it makes him happy.

FATHERS DAY Betty the choccy bulldog
I have a few bulldog bits myself, a bag, t shirt and some statues.
His buying of Bulldogs does affect me, because if I see one in a shop or something with a bulldog on it, I message my mum and say shall we get it
.Sometimes I say to my dad we should get a bigger place, so he can a room just for his bulldog collection.
I know a few names of the pieces he collects like Royal Doulton, Huebach and Mack.
I couldn’t tell you the rest.
I never ever thought my dad’s collection would be as big as what it is.
It makes him happy and that makes me happy knowing he is doing something he loves.
Myself (Debbie), do have a few favourite pieces from Eiffion’s collection.
I can’t name them, but I could point them out if I saw them.
I am really proud of Eiffion’s collection.
He has spent a lot of time building the collection up to what it is today.I couldn’t imagine anything different now.
If he wasn’t collecting Bulldogs I know he would find life really hard as he would have nothing to focus on.
The collecting makes him feel good.
His website at the moment is going for a refit and I know once this is done, it will make him a lot more happier.
He likes getting the views from the website, when he doesn’t get any it makes him feel down.
So the website is a big part of the collection.
I don’t what life would be like now without his collection.

FATHERS DAY Debbie’s fav piece
Eiffion has some unusual pieces in his collection, some are wacky, some are beautiful.
His collection ranges from statues, books, pictures, cutlery, postcards etc.
He wants to make the English bulldog famous again as its not often seen in pictures, etc.
Normally the French bulldog and Pug are seen on clothing, pillows etc.
For it to be English Bulldog and in England and is not that popular is very unusual.
So he is hoping to bring the name English bulldog back in.
We will finish writing here as I know some of you have busy lives.
From myself and our daughter,we would like to thank you for taking the time to read this blog.
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. Hope you all have a great day.
Me again

FATHERS DAY Inscribed gold
Just to let folks know I have waited till Fathers Day itself before putting out this blog, that way I could show folks the surprise the girls were talking about.
Well it’s a first I now have a 2kg solid chocolate bulldog called Betty whom I’m not sure whether to chomp on or just enjoy looking at.
I would like to thank the girls for all my presents I did really well this year and have been pleasantly surprised at the gifts bought for me.
The real credit has of course has got to go to Chloe for being such a perfect daughter to bring up and is a privilege and honour even if time does fly and Debs!!
As it’s her mothering skills that keep us afloat I just sort of potter around doing my thing till the wallets needed or some chump needs a talking too other than that I’m not sure what else I do other than just be here when needed.

FATHERS DAY Match vesta
Remembering my father on fathers day
Just like me many of you good folk will be having mixed feelings today due to loses and I wish to say I feel the same.
I lost my dad at an early age so will be spending time today remembering him his crude jokes and any-times we had that were good as father and son, I hope all those in the same boat feel the same and will be remembering the good times they had with dads too.
I hope if my father is looking down he would be proud of the man I’ve become the adversities I’ve overcome and the achievements I’ve made but most of all I would want him to be proud of the father I became and everything that I have done for my own family.
Till next time folks happy collecting and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!

FATHERS DAY Bulldog walking cane present (hopefully)
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or why not see what else debs has to see in her other blog Check out let’s ask debs