WW1 a special postal delivery

WW1 a special postal delivery
Hi there readers of collectibulldogs I’m wishing you all well especially during our second lockdown WW1 a special postal delivery is about a picture I have at home that I love so done some research to be able to get context
The picture as a whole is a brilliant painting the details are all there from the bi planes and the car to the military men the pilot and what I think is the bases mascot the bulldog sitting there looking at he’s masters , the stationary bi planes could well be facing the English Channel but I cannot be certain of the makeshift airfield.
In the offset of WW1 planes had made an entrance these were European in design and it was not until France licensed England with making these models that we then started having an Air Force.
These planes that were very Rickody with canvas and wooden wings had heavy engines that held up a wooden frame in the sky, flying these was to the peril of many a pilot until there was an enemy to fight in the air these planes stayed quite basic at first and the elements to get through were what made a pilot until the start of air war fare and ground fire.
WW1 a special postal delivery

WW1 a special postal delivery A beautiful shot back in time
If we study the clearer painted area which is quite detailed you’ll see a red bottle with FPO research points strongly to the french post office, the plane would normally be taking aerial photographs over the trenches and those poor soldiers but you can clearly see this mission was a letter retrieval but I think quite important.
The giveaways are that the post could of come by boat England has a proud big navel tradition and although England didn’t own the sky at the time there’s no debating his majesties sea capabilities, the bags of mail I’m sure are to loved ones from the soldiers before they disappeared into no mans land there’s also top brass standing by the pilot.
The stunning car looks like it belonged to one of the field Sergeants it’s true horses were very much used in WW1 but it wasn’t long into the war before the military noticed horses were not up for pulling heavy weapons long distances so machines to compensate were invented just like in any war before.
So going back to the pilot I strongly think he has secrets in paper form that the field sergeants feel or deem so important they arrive at the plane as soon as the pilot has had a chance to land, these planes were kitted out to take photos but just like planes and weight there had to be a balance so this trip was not to spy at the front line.
WW1 a special postal delivery The planes no

WW1 a special postal delivery
Trying to find this exact plane was not in the Remit I’m afraid I did try but believe the planes number to be false, now there could be a couple of reasons why this has happened and that’s A it’s a french registry with English colours, the number is false on purpose (just in case it crashed and was found.
Either those or that the painter added he’s own version of the tail number I’ve looked it up and this class of plane would of had two letters and 3 numbers yet H 5667 doesn’t match anything I could research, this could be the infancy of the English Airforce back in the early 1900s.
The man throwing the mail to the ground and having it listed could of been a french engineer England had no hard run ways to start with so bumpy farm fields and open pasture was a prime landing spot if you could get the plane down right.
there were many accidents with the weight of the engine tipping the nose up but the outcome wasn’t usually a disaster but the plane had to be rebuilt on the field so before the first plane factory in the U.K. we guested engineers that fixed the planes repairs.
The bulldog

WW1 a special postal delivery
I would love nothing than to say that the whole story revolves around the seated bulldog but he plays a small yet significant part and was treated as the base mascot, many English fliers were from the gentry whom had interests in breeding and showing dogs.
Bulldogs came into their own as propaganda in WW2 which made it easy for the British war machine to get photos of Winston Churchill with bulldogs as they were common place both in barracks and sign up check points even American sailors took their pups across the Atlantic.
If you watch some of the old films you’ll see some directors have cleverly put bulldogs into scenes proving these beautiful creatures landed on french beaches but were popular before WW2.
it’s a stunning portrait of a world we don’t belong too but without them we may not be here now so in honour of every soldier that fought for our freedoms no matter the date this article is dedicated to each and every one of them, brave souls that gave their today so we could have a tomorrow
Wow amazing blog at Brighton museum 2022