Wow how amazing blog at Brighton museum 2022

Amazing blog at Brighton museum
Hi Readers thank you for viewing our articles we are lucky 🍀 as we have been given the opportunity to guest post at Brighton museum, a place I know very well but recently turned into a charitable organisation.
The opportunity comes about quite easy as I just ask my museum mentor if it’s possible and when I’m I’ll and others want to distract me I’m asked if I wish to write a guest post, creating an amazing blog for Brighton museum is not as easy as it sounds.
If I leave the links to previous amazing blogs I’ve written you can see the content is a bit different to our own amazing blogs here at collectibulldogs, why ? I get help from Brighton museum to create better articles that would fit in with their demographic.
In my next article I talk more about collectibulldogs but as Brighton museum want to hit a bigger demographic I’ve been sent suggested ideas on how to incorporate the museum or it’s objects into an amazing blog with top content created for all.
Amazing blogs and missing backlink

Exciting come join our bulldog collectors club 2022 THE EXHIBITION PICTURE FROM BRIGHTON MUSEUM 2017
This next part is quite important! My website states that I’m a museum listed bulldog antiques website this means my website link to Brighton museum is essential to me being able to state this
when they changed to a charity my back link was taken down this meant that people searching collections would not see there, I was given no warning of this take down and decided to make my own amazing blogs more generic or links back to collectibulldogs to make up for this broken promise.
The decision to take my link down is not in my hands and I’m assured that it will be put back up but until then it’s actually hurting my website as I have a broken link and this creates a lower domain authority I’m guessing they didn’t know the impact chasing this would do to us.
Any way there’s three known amazing blogs at Brighton museum from collectibulldogs but before I add my own links here’s Brighton museum links to some amazing blogs SOME OF THE BRIGHTON MUSEUM BLOG ARTICLES CAN BE FOUND HERE
Please check them out you might find some really interesting articles Brighton museum has a great back archive
My own amazing blog articles

Amazing blogs my articles at Brighton museum
Here we go, the articles I’m posting are all links to Brighton museum I cannot copy them straight to here as that will be plagiarising my own content which would be frowned upon and something that I just wouldn’t do anyway so please use this links I know Brighton museum will appreciate any spike in views.
When I started curating at Brighton museum one of my first jobs was to recategorise spectacles monocles and there were even faux eyes and their holders, very interesting indeed so I wrote an article about these, I’d never seen glasses so small before and it was a delicate job, I had a great mentor Lucy whom assisted if I needed it.
looking back through time wasn’t just an amazing article but also opened my eyes to life long ago and it’s a job I enjoyed at the time BRIGHTON BLOG ARTICLE It would help my cause I believe if the museum knows I’m sending them visitors they will see I’m a community minded kind of website happy to share and even had footfall ideas when I was working there.
These articles or amazing blogs (for keywords) are a few years old as stated I have one queued up and ready to go but that does not detract from the fact they were good enough to be published on their website blogging section, one day I hope they may expect my collection and offer me a display area or installation as I know it would get a worldwide audience.
Amazing blog from Brighton museum continued

Amazing blog ! Not many see the view from this angle
The second link is an article I did for the museum mentors this is a group for people with mental or physical issues, it helps them to learn about art have a safe space to go and each member gets individual help or support whilst part of this community
This group is great if you do art and great if you don’t ! If I’m frank then I’m happy to say I do not like doing many forms of art myself and go for the company the tea and the biscuits, others that go have amazing skills which you maybe able to browse in one of Brighton museums amazing blog articles

Amazing blog my artworks Swarovski Crystals adorn this sugar skull / day of the dead inspired piece.
MY ARTICLE CREATING ART CREATING MAGIC was first published in 2017 and as you can tell by the picture that this article has our projects in and one was with Brighton university, using a 3D printing machine a copy of a dog from the willits collection was recreated and collectibulldogs was gifted two of these.
When I am engaged it is known for me to do what I call art, I don’t draw paint etc but I do things with bulldog pieces I’ve not needed and pimped them up, I’ve also taken in special collectibulldogs pieces to share with the group, I’ve not been in ages and do hope to try and find my way back at some point.
The last chance exhibition amazing blog article
MY EXHIBITION BLOG ARTICLE is the last of the three amazing blog articles published by the kind people at Brighton museums, this article has a great insight into our exhibition that collectibulldogs was proud to be part of, it actually feels weird submitting a blog article now as it’s been years
Its actually refreshing to get help to create a better article and I also feel when I’m blogging for Brighton museums I’m actually doing it on behalf of the other members that do not wish to take part in writing or cannot for some reason.
Brighton museums is a great place to reach out to local people as well as those tuning into the website from around the world, I’m not sure how many have read our amazing blog articles I’ve not checked the analytics to see whether or not people have jumped from the museum to us.
I will be sending this article into the museum and I’m hoping they can see I’m collaborating and could really do with my back link as well as social media followings, this would show formats we are serious even though it’s just one theme.
Booking your ticket is it worth it
First of all coming to Brighton is a fantastic idea we are not just a city by the sea with a pier and rides Brighton is much much more than that, we have tea rooms catering for dogs there’s a beautiful olde type in the lianes and the shops are different to each other even window shopping can take a day or too.
Brighton museum needs the funds the investment is to improve and fix issues on this centuries-old pavilion old stables and prince regents tennis court which is now the main walkway into the museum.
For those that remember the museum as children it was mainly packed with Egyptian installations and old portraits well nothing could be further from this old style now, as you walk through your transported into new worlds going from gallery to gallery.
The museum itself seems small but the curators assistants and volunteers have created a eclectic range of themes yes there’s Brighton projects but there’s also fashion pottery even A area celebrating indigenous tribes, the peace inside adds to the nostalgia that’s until you walk through the Willits collection.
Amazing blog Brighton museum continued
I’m very bad as I feel I cannot ever get the name right but at Brighton museum is a beautiful collection called the Willits Collection this was donated to the museum by “yes you guessed it a mr Willit, unlike collectibulldogs this collection has many different themed sub sections
spread out in two massive display cases that I can only envy and wish my collection was based there pulling in the customers this collection has been specifically created to add it’s different sections as you go around the room.
It’s nice to know there were and others out there like me but unlike my idea to collect just bulldogs this collection has it all, I won’t give too much away but my favourite are the hunting cups made from pottery and shaped as bulldog heads.
Also the last time I was there I saw a massive bit of pottery made by the same man that runs the art club on tv ! There is also a collection by Macintosh And just before lockdown there was the Turner collection, lastly my favourite area is the ceramics on the ground floor I also adore the painting of the swans so yes buying a ticket to see all this is worth the price of admission.