Website hosting at its best

Website hosting

Website hosting at its best great value for Money 💰

Hi readers how are you doing ? Relieved is a word I can use as I talk about Lee at digital Wulf whom shows website hosting at its best, you’ll notice if your a regular visitor here that Lee has restored everything that went missing and is even helping to get us verified where we can.


Yes Digital Wulf did have a miss understanding with us at Collectibulldogs but we have since sorted out any issues and we migrated back, we are sorry if it’s taken time but web hosting at its best with a one person hosting company patiently waiting is key to getting it right.


Thanks to Lee I can now worry about the upcoming baby and how I see the next eighteen years or so I never thought I’d be having a second child and thought our seventeen year old was our only one miracle baby but that is not the case, our amazing host knows this and Is happy to maintain Collectibulldogs free of charge until I’m ready to take over.


One thing Lee offers in abundance is value for money 💰 I’m not sure if it’s a north south divide where anything from London down to Brighton is more expensive than that of many companies in the north of England, as stated Digital Wulf are doing the rebuild and quoted at least a third cheaper than quotes from website developers closer to home.


Great ideas not just great website hosting

Website hosting

Best website hosting connected Trustpilot is back again

Taken aback is a bit passive to the way in which I reacted to a couple of possible ideas for the brand new website Lee showed me versions of home pages that I know will send Collectibulldogs through the stratosphere !


Only being a show and tell with sponsored advertising website I can assure you Lee has our best interests in mind and wants Collectibulldogs to have the wow factor, every website he makes is an opportunity to learn and just like any artist takes pride in he’s work, after all its sites like mine rebuilt that could get lee more work.


There was a time time where I had asked visitors on social media whether my dream should be pursued many said no (get on with becoming a father again ) which I have respected and a majority that did say yes carry on I’ve worked hard for this and many want someone to keep bulldogs in the public eye 👁.


moving forward with lees inspiration I can see a website coming that would stand the test of time and something I can pass on to my child or children, I have a chance to try and get my new child into bulldogs the breed and of course the collecting  imagine Collectibulldogs and son / or daughter (not to be sexiest)


Website hosting easy rebuild not so easy !

Website hosting

Best website hosting fixed Social media now back with added blog lovin button


Two months is a rough estimate as in time frame for the new website and my ancient ideas can now go out the window as would only undermine Lee’s ideas especially for the homepage ! Less is more these days and helps with load speeds so my ideas are now scraped.


This is not not something I mind the layout ideas Digital Wulf will be implementing will be very modern and some may just scroll up and down for a while trying to work out how the graphics move and a homepage appears from no where sliding it’s content into position it’s amazing and will definitely be a WOW factor compared to me sitting there


I’d like to remind people that out of respect to some personal friends I did leave wiggles up online, I was asked if she could stay (Bless) but I had to explain we need to move forward and to let her rest in peace, our baby was conceived around the time wiggles left us and Debbie believes our new baby is wiggles way of saying thank you.


Porscha’s image will take over and will appear on the new website this little whipper snapper already has a few stories I could tell but I’m saving content like that as filler for the new website, I hope 🤞 most or all take her to their hearts she really is a lovely little pooch, I can honestly say she only loves her exercise because she gets attention from strangers.


Hi from website hosting builder


Hello there I’m Lee and I run Digital Wulf a Website hosting and design service and I also run a remote service that enables me to take care of your website issues from my geographical location with no need of a call out,  my prices are negotiable I understand people have budgets and if anyone orders any work and mentions CBDs will get 20% off their order.



Thank you to eiffion and debbie with trusting Digital Wulf with your rebuild and congratulations on your recent baby news how excited must you be? Yes it’s going to take a couple of months with both work done this end and those at Collectibulldogs, need to provide the images and content they wish put onto this new website but it’s all ok, I understand underlining issues with this client so contract is flexible!


It’s then my job to find the best possible template for the new website and get rebuilding. I’ve been informed that this client wants to shrink the size of the website change the menu completely but still keep the wealth of knowledge accumulated so have offered a larger sized server at a small additional cost to the client this makes for more storage and bandwidth


I’m looking to create a website that you visitors will want to return, to advertise on, bookmark and share. These guys are brilliant at keeping bulldogs in the public eye and I’m happy to help them be the best there is. I’m thinking of a total relaunch (with links saved) to give the WOW factor more WOW WOW ! This is the clients  decision and will be spoken about as part of the rebuild of this bespoke bulldog memorabilia website, oh and well done on achievements CBDs I said your blogging would get you places  ALL THE BEST LEE at Digital Wulf


Website hosting

I pinched this from Digital Wulf it shows what can be offered


Website hosting To Thank you’s !


A joint venture is exactly what the new rebuild is and I myself could not do it all alone, we do not have a residential writer except for myself yet but thank you’s have to go out ones to my one to one whom is interested in an autobiography this lady has worked very hard on proofreading and putting keywords into our new content.


The museum at Brighton has loaned me the camera needed to get the best possible pictures and transform into photoshop usable pictures this way Lee can resize add too or embed the codes from photoshop and the pictures appear where we want them even the moving ones.


My museum mentor Debbie Bennett needs a huge thank you the list is endless for this superwoman whom deserves an OBE MBE any kind of National  acknowledgement for her services to the mental health services and museum services this lady caters for over 30 vulnerable adults needs on and off the museum and only gets four hours a week to do so.


Debbie believes in myself and that of Collectibulldogs and helped set up the help from Lucy Debbies also understanding to individual needs an example would be its ok not for me to attend the museum when it’s very hot as I’m prone to heat stroke, I will be trying harder in future to get to the museum it’s the least I can do in return.


Website hosting / Boy or girl can you tell !


Whilst we are all eagerly waiting the arrival of both the new website and seven months time a brand new baby ! We already know what we are called lol, but names are something we are stuck on, naming Chloe Mai was easy and Debbie has a few chosen girl names but no boys names…


why not use our open comments box (no more WordPress only comments thanks to lee ) to tell us wether you think the baby will be a boy or a girl Our baby scan pics might help yet some may have that hidden intuition either way we’d love to here from you, many have said you only glow if your having a boy is this true ? As debs glows just nicely.


Fussiness has been taken out of the  equation we are just happy to be having another child We never thought this would happen again so was preparing middle aged life to revolve around looking after Debbies parents and try to travel, the only travelling we will be doing for a while now is all baby related.


New baby, new puppy 🐶 new website all I need now is a new lower apartment and then life’s perfect 👌 my daughters doing great  academically and my wife’s ever so happy ! an apartment and a bit of help moving would be brilliant and help ease our life considerably so please fingers crossed folks.


Gobsmacking Bulldog collection Guest post

Open your mind imagine what our YouTube channel is like