Twitter loves wiggles

Wiggles on Twitter
But first things first hi there folks it’s been a little while since my last blog so I’ll start as normal, how are you all I hope safe and well, if you do not know Collectibulldogs is on the move We as in the family are on the move So been very busy carefully packing, my front room looks like one of those storage sheds I knew there was a lot but CRIKEY!!!
Anyway today’s blog is all about wiggles (my OCD to a point) and the world of Twitter so let’s start by explaining I try to find therapeutic opportunities where I can and if I can and I found Twitter was not only a distraction but feeds into my obsessions yet in a more positive way. My first campaign saw me about 3k follows short of my target and I started another.
Wiggles is more than a bulldog on the format she’s become a kind of community based bulldog that everyone feels they are a part of, with that chunky butt walk and teddy bear looks she’s picked up her own following, this has now turned in to us (me with her pics wit / less jokes and humour) which I’ve put together with a goal reach of 100k, can you imagine someone’s pet hitting that amount I’m sure it might be a world record I’d have to look it up.
Being so cute and cuddly wiggles gets her fair share of attention, love and treats at home and to have that love spread over to the interweb is amazing I’ve had brilliant Direct Messages there’s been a few tears where she reminds folks of a passed loved one and 100s have shared pictures of their pets, I rolled with this so my pinned tweet is used for meeting new folk and their pets through August, it’s all inclusive so if anyone doesn’t have a pet they can still post a pic/gif of the animal they love the most.
I have asked a good SEO friend to help with my validation this little blue tick will make the page official and I’m hoping it attracts more followers to our page, if not I’ve stated the last 10k will be a slog to get, I know how to gain using different methods but as it’s all organic it takes time, I spend a lot of my time unfortunately unfollowing many from follow help that just like most want to see their followers rise before their followings.

Twitter loves that face
I’d like to thank those on my page that like, retweet and are generally genuine followers whom show interest in the page as a whole, I would also like to thank everyone that have taken to wiggles or have her in their hearts now, she’s a survivor like me and deserves all the love sent her way, fingers crossed now as we reach that last ten k and the hope that we get our little blue badge I think we are diverse enough to receive it.
I feel this portion of what I do on twitter is how can I put it? I don’t think people quite get yet or why it’s there and what for, and many do not read past blogs explaining my future ideas and suggestions for the collection I’m still new it’s understandable, this isn’t a problem I still get great reciprocation from others, for example my ipads pinging twitter likes as I’m writing this, the format moves much faster than others so there’s two options.
The first of the options is either to pin content to the top hoping the shares will result in interest or by leaving a post or two for a few hours or a day, this gets attention but you lose follows for being inactive (tusk) or there’s the option two, post away as much as you like yet this dilutes the likes and shares resulting in less interest, someone once said twitter can be fickle and if sarcastic or not it’s true it’s a brilliant format with amazing people from around the world yet the concept of the format itself can find one just a bit frustrated.
I’m glad I was able to get a blog out before we move and plans I had for this year will have to go on hold till 2018 now, I’m still looking at the social enterprise route and my offer of a pop up museum at Brighton museum will still be on the cards I will just be a bit behind due to our sudden upheaval, please keep the collection in your thoughts lol, we as a family can move with ease but with 20 or so crates, over 60 boxes 10 tubes and I still need to pack paintings the collection will be a different more delicate matter indeed.
To show the good folks of twitter I can be useful I’m going to add two or three of their websites or blog pages to this article this will show I’m willing and able to collaborate with others and as it works both ways I may get the reverse with others dropping my links on their blog posts but let’s see if it works first, to twitter wiggle on and too others it’s happy collecting till next time.
there are so many great folk over on theformat choosing to link a couple isn’t easy let’s go see
The power of friendship ay there’s many out there that charge for a blogging or link exchange all I’m after is a great twitter experience, to gain full time mutuals and a bit of help getting myself out and in return this offer is on the table, PLEASE NOTE You don’t have to just be on twitter to get linked like this just ask or write us at
I’ll give my own blog own more swing as it’s related
Please contact me If you require help making a clip it’s a free app so no charge !!
Wiggles is great fun to read about I see her on twitter and just want to squeeze that face she’s so cute, she’s done very well through the website and if you didn’t know she’s got quite the following now I wonder if the site owner finds this embarrassing lol GO WIGGLES
Wiggles has become a little star I had no idea social media would love her like they do but who couldn’t that face is so cute
I found your tweeter interesting ! it is great fun to read about Wiggles on your twitter !
I love reading about my wiggles or lily as I call her here at home she’s perfect for the website and I’ve heard she’s so pretty she’s doing well on social media
Apart from twitters purge thanks to wiggles we do ok on most formats with that cute look