Twitter Algorithms maybe nasty but the people are great
Hi readers how are you all doing ? Let’s start by suggesting that this particular article writing bulldog memorabilia collector has mental health issues, OCD PTSD the types of disorders that may make you think your losing your mind but I assure you Twitter algorithms do punch back
“WHAT” Yes you are bat crap crazy mr collector( I believe your thinking) but it’s true the format where your encouragement is aimed at conversations threads and good posts is not just a like and retweet format I couldn’t believe just how harrowing twitter can be, I reached my goal of two hundred thousand followers so losing them now isn’t to much of an issue now.
This all started sadly after wiggles died (yep just what I needed) I had a good run on the twitter format getting to know regulars getting decent interactions and ended up with a staggering 112 million in a retweet reach the same week we hit 750k in impressions from people liking and retweeting to our tag being used and videos of a gorgeous pup being watched.
These kinds are stats are for the rich the famous the well known and the popular lit pages twitter did not like @collectibulldog growing as fast as we were and started what I call format cyber bullying and put this to the test, my efforts have got me in what’s called a search suggestion ban and where others can follow a certain amount each day mine is down to just 28.
Algorithms create unwelcome lockouts !

Apart from lockouts we have other restrictions too
We have in our Bio name AUTOMATIC LOCK OUTS this is to warn people that twitter is locking our page, accidentally on purpose who knows but it sure feels personal when it’s being repeated, not only that twitter is randomly unfollowing my mutuals, I wouldn’t of even noticed if they did not get in touch.
This automated lockouts are supposed to be if your page shows suspicious behaviour but mine is locked when I’m asleep, another bad feature of this is until you unlock yourself you’ve automatically unfollowed everyone until you resume and that’s when you notice just how many people thought you unfollowed them then took their follow away, this has trimming 10 thousand followers from my page so far.
I know a certain algorithm was created after my test ! Twitter tells you its good to follow people they even email the suggestion, I never thought that all the accounts that had blocked us for no reason as unfair so started following their followers twitter noticed this and now all blocked pages have hidden following and followers now an algorithm must of been created to do this because it would really stupid or human error to get me to do one and then punish the page for it.
I’m guessing twitter doesn’t like a non verified account getting a decent following and if you like me suffer with mental health issues then tread lightly if you create an account, the policy and ethos alone contradicts itself and I’ve noticed that with twitter ok Mr M Z may of sold details on but twitter can be just as dangerous a format, as a bulldog page I’m lucky to have a wonderful following whom tell me to ignore twitter but I cannot when things are unfair!
Class wars ! Algorithms at work !
The two tier system is disgusting the blue badges (verifies ) are encouraged to only retweet their own content (mostly do because stars are selfish and shallow) just think of the help each of our pages would get if only verified accounts mixed with us lower tweeters, my endorsement has a blue badge and does retweet me yet he is the only one.
Conversations are recommended and twitter have a thread option they want us all talking BUT ABOUT WHAT ? this format is so messed up your page can be in trouble for following other accounts ! retweeting certain accounts ! or being part of a bad thread that you were added too even accidentally, mutually retweeting of a bad account is a no no BUT AGAIN how do you know what twitter sees as bad.
Political agendas apparently now play a part on twitter with Bot accounts (I’ve been asked if I’m one as most of my posts are dog related) made up accounts to help with votes and other such pages a normal person wouldn’t think is fake, and isn’t it twitters job to keep us all safe on their format.
If you google you can read all this yourself from Twitters own twitter jail (where I’ll end up for writing this) different bans, lock outs for no reason tweets going missing the list goes on, I thought reddit moderators were the worst online till I came up against twitter and its algorithms how dare they treat us in this way, designed for the music industry but grown beyond its own beliefs I feel twitter needs to modernise itself look at its failures and start again fresh.
Algorithms are annoying

an Advert we used to interact on Twitter all those days ago lol
Twitter algorithms
The most annoying piece of all this twitter algorithm drama is the unfortunate unfollowing you see those that think I’ve unfollowed during a lockout and haven’t seen my pinned post about the issue unfollow, as I’m in the hundreds of thousands I can get upto three thousand unfollows at a time.
Now I do not want those that either didn’t / couldn’t wait or understand the reason why a unfollow appears but anyway I then use an app to unfollow back and this then pees off twitter whom designed the algorithm to like those that follow and penalise those that unfollow so as stated before twitter has algorithms that contradict themselves.
Are you like me regarding mental illness do you use social media as an escape or a way to talk to other adults without the added anxiety of going out ! Well your better off picking a less named brand format Instagram, Pinterest, there are others too like we ❤️It, medium and pocket, all these formats have one thing in common your not feeling bullied at all.
I’ve tried myself on Twitter to talk about my mental illness and used so called popular mental health hashtags I’ve had hardly any retweets or likes to these and it seems wherever people are talking about mental health I cannot find it on twitter, yes you can access certain hashtag pages but to be denied support is just wrong how are you supposed to talk when know ones listening.
Is twitter for you ?
Wether for business or pleasure I’d cut my teeth using Facebook your limited to 5000 followers but if you get some great followers you’ll find your profile becoming popular, once you have a profile you can then create a page, business, community, blogging whatever you want it for they can cater for you they just try getting you to pay to get exposure, Facebook has new rules and regulations so I have to add NO SALES and EDUCATIONAL to my posts.
Facebook seems cleaner too, twitter likes to disrupt pages like ours but animal cruelty, fights and riots, politics and the rows that each side create, 18 rated tweets, domestic violence, attention seekers, trolls, phishers (scammers) right through to the unintelligent that either ruin your post with a stupid question or less favourable pages will spam your posts so that their posts go further.
That’s just a few things I can mention about the format that I remember before the changes the lockouts and loss of followers, we loved our page and tweeters took to wiggles like a duck to water, Porscha became popular but I feel as she’s lost her puppy look only the truly faithful will stay as fans, we cannot change the dog we got just to please others plus she’s gorgeous.
Please do your research into twitter its successes and its failures you cannot change anything once started and you need to follow proper twitter etiquette to make sure you stay in the formats good books, if your like me articulate and up for a challenge give the format a go, if you want a peaceful life without undue stress STAY OFF TWITTER!
Lastly !
Before setting up a twitter account look at how others have written about the format check out the jail and ban features as well as how you tell what’s a good account and what accounts can get you into unwitting unfortunate circumstances that you’ll have no clue about.
Use the word suggestion box if your sensitive as there’s everything from 18+ videos 24/7 tonnes of cruelty and fighting posts, to be honest other than business and dog pages I’ve not found many other pages I enjoy retweeting yet have an obligation when others retweet mine.
Do not take it personally when your sitting there wondering why certain posts do not move this format is a little weird as it’s twitter etiquette that your mutuals share the same obligation of sharing a post no matter what (obviously clean posts) this is annoying especially if you know your Seo ! And understand each and every move is seen as an impression, personally I was hoping for more interactions for Collectibulldogs so twitter might of left me alone.
Finally if your going on and showing off your doggy find a few animal advocates to follow first, the amount of trolling towards animals is unbelievable yes there’s stupid people on twitter whom seem to think an animal is going to be effected by what they say but WATCH OUT IT COULD EFFECT YOU !
Adding antiques, artist shows talents too our latest article that features a ceramics artist showing his talent
I feel your pain I’ve seen how this does effect you yet I’m proud you persist and that your real friends on Twitter stay ! Hopefully Twitter will get their algorithms right and innocent initiative pages like yours that make others smile everyday will get left alone.