Original Steiff bulldog plush toy
It’s a Steiff Bulldog and original

The Steiff seal of approval Steiff bulldog
Hi again readers hoping your all well and safe, well I did say I’d do my research and then present you with information on the newest investment that is our Steiff Bulldog, buying teddies is not our collecting niche but it’s a famous Steiff.
The famous German plush toy maker

Our first Steiff bulldog
So This is a German toy company. The lady whom invented this toy was called Margarete Steiff and she began by starting off making her wares as elephants that could be found in a magazine and this were sold as pin cushions
The toy gets upgraded

Attention to detail is so true for Steiff products
As quoted by Margrete Steiff

Margarete Steiff the inventor of this plush toy dinisty
AS STATED BY THE COMPANIES OWNER The company motto, as styled by Margarete Steiff, is “Only the best is good enough for children”. Steiff products are subject to meticulous testing and inspection.
They are required to be highly flame resistant and, among other things, smaller pieces such as eyes must be able to resist considerable tension, wear and tear, etc.
These plush animals are made using alpaca hair,felt woven hair and plush,eyes are made of wood or glass,stuffing is wood shavings
The button in the ear is to stop counterfeits being made
This animal has like all its relatives, the famous button in ear 👂 it’s a mark of finest quality, artistic design and attention to detail. Steiff’s philosophy “ only the best is good enough for children” is reflected in every Original character this is why animals are so popular with children and adults alike.
Oh yes oh yes oh yes

Wiggles with churchie bulldog
after you’ve read about the teddy Bulldog please use the links provided to continue your collectibulldogs.com journey
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Now when I first started I never thought I’d be making friends with churchie the bulldog from the insurance company and due to this bulldog bond they are sending a surprise which I’m guessing will be their latest churchie plush toy but who knows
I’m going to try my dang hardest to see if they would be interested in any kind of indorsement or swap I doubt they would want us showing up on their front page but for a hidden link exchange to improve our DA I sure would put them on my front page. Happy collecting folks and more blog articles coming soon.
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