Hilarious Laugh My old/ new Ridiculously brilliant friendship

Ridiculously brilliant friendship hilariously funny
Hi readers ! I hope all that read my articles are well and safe, so what’s Hilarious Laugh My old/ new Ridiculously brilliant friendship all about as it does not sound like bulldog antiques or memorabilia and that’s correct this blog is dedicated to a very old friend back in my life.
On my phone autocorrect added this friend as Leanne Kingdom but in fact he’s name is Lee king, I’ll tell you all a bit about this friend of mine but I’d like to spend the article talking about positive aspects ! Ok so let’s get honest Lee came out of prison in 2019 his done months of therapy and is not the person I knew years ago.
Firstly it is not uncommon for people to do wrong things but that doesn’t mean to say that they cannot change and I am very happy with the therapy team that worked with my pal they have really helped him to change his life around and us getting back in contact for him what is the icing on the cake I said to him this was some kind of forgiveness from me.
Do not get me wrong this person never physically harmed me yet the friendship was so hard sometimes I had to find ways of releasing the frustration and a little bit of self harm came into play, 14 years ago we were having a lot of fun but there was also a lot of messy stuff going on things are really shouldn’t mention in the blog.
Hilarious Laugh My old/ new Ridiculously brilliant friendship
If anyone said move were made then I made the first move,my friend Lee had sent me a Facebook message a while ago saying that he was sorry for the things that he done years ago I felt that this apology could’ve gone somewhere else and I dismissed him for what seemed quite a long time.
lying on my bed one day I was wondering what it would be like to meet up with Lee and go for a coffee chat about what has gone on in the last 14 years since we have been apart and how much our lives have changed since we were much younger,I am quite excited to state that I have much more hair than him ha ha ha.
as Lee is an old friend we didn’t see the point in meeting up and not having him know where we live this seems a little bit childish he is not a fret never was and never will be so we took the decision to invite him round for a coffee and a chat and to be honest he hasn’t left since (jokes we a lot of spend time together.
in a roundabout way we both need each other Lee has had a hard life just like me he is also very intelligent very witty and has a brilliant sense of humour which I bounce off like a rubber ball and this could be why we were such a bad influence on each other all those years ago, things have changed now not just for Lee but for me to.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship

Ridiculously brilliant friendship MEET LEANNE KINGDOM or lee to his mates and family well everyone really
it’s not even been a month yet and I have spent nearly every day with Lee he has been a godsend when it comes to helping around the home and I don’t mean the hoovering, Being one man in a household of females does mean that I am the king of my Castle but it also means that I struggle with two main jobs, this is now not a problem with my ridiculously brilliant friendship just a phone call away.
The banter between us is stupendous it literally is When you find the most random things very funny and we will come out with things that end up making us tear up with laughter, i’d say we both have a dry sense of humour and this helps it doesn’t really matter as we spend most of our time just laughing and laughing.
you wouldn’t think that 14 years gone by without us seeing each other unless it was on the altercation in town but other than that it was a full 14 years before I saw Lee again and I wished that we could’ve patched things up years before but Lee was on his own path and he had to find his own way in life to become the man he is today.
every friendship needs working on but I would agree that this one doesn’t he would never harm me my family or anyone that I know and I know for a fact that he would protect my family of ladies with his life, not that kind of chivalry is needed these days but it’s nice to know that you have a friend that’s got your back.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship Continued

Ridiculously brilliant friendship hilariously funny PORSCHA MISSES LEE EVERY NIGHT !
I have an understated the title because every day that he is here or we go out it’s just another opportunity for us to laugh our faces off at anything or everything it all depends what runs through our mind at the time but we do look silly middle-aged walking along the street giggling like teenagers.
He was around until my eldest was around six or seven and that’s when we parted ways and he was very happily surprised when he came back into our lives to find we had another daughter this one 18 years younger than our first we both as parents have two children Lee has a boy and a girl
Years ago the old lee would be quite happy sitting in my front room drinking a can of Stella Artois and just chilling until about midnight and then he went home sometimes it was earlier but back in them days we had late ones I have noticed recently that Lee wants to get home at a certain time I’m not sure if this is institutionalisation or the fact that he just loves his soaps.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship It’s somewhat of an understatement I think for this article I think that it is brilliant that he is back in our lives he is an asset to the family and I wished that he had changed his Waze a long time ago as I myself could’ve used the confidence he has helped boost my own life even know that sounds selfish but then we all need friends to rely on
What do we do ?

Ridiculously brilliant friendship he’s got a nice apartment but I don’t think it will allow me to tell you where you live LOLs
The short answer to the title above is everything that I couldn’t do before, Lee is what you call old school if he’s not wearing his work clothes then he certainly doesn’t really want to be working as he doesn’t like getting dirty which is fair enough BUT For some reason this chap is happy to get dirty helping me with my DIY projects even coming up with ideas himself.
it’s working out just nicely at the moment lee shows respect for the fact that we have a baby and he will normally leave early evening but we don’t let him leave without a full belly and if he needs anything else that we have then he is more than welcome to it as well as help with information and filling out forms et cetera, I think he’s a very clever chap myself but he thinks I’m more articulate.
It’s hard to say that he is not the man I once knew yet every single fibre of him is as stated whomever his therapy team were they did an amazing job he is now a very nice to know person with a cracking personality and a sense of humour that I just adore and love bouncing from.
awkwardness is for those kind of friends that didn’t really know each other in the first place and there is no awkwardness when Lee is about we do you have our times when we are quiet, sitting there making dad noises 1,000,000 miles away from some of the things that we used to get up to when we were younger, Life really does move on quick.
Never judge a book etc etc

Ridiculously brilliant friendship This is the pond myself and Lee built together
A few things I’ve learned about never judging a book by its cover and that is that people can change that Lee is living embodiment that this is true he hit rock bottom and bounce back he’s learnt the hard way that he has learnt and it has changed his life for the better
now has a driving license loves driving and is waiting to buy a car he also has a lovely girlfriend and a really nice apartment so from say three years ago he didn’t think he was going to make it as part of society anymore and to look at him now it’s brilliant are you wants to work as well as use his newfound freedom to travel the country.
i’m not worried about him going anywhere though as he has offered to take my family out for day trips he is willing to pick up shopping from the supermarket and to do other activities once he has got his vehicle I think this gesture shows that he is a completely changed man with different morals and a better understanding of other peoples issues as well as his own.
since he has been back we have not stopped on this journey Ridiculously brilliant friendship he has encouraged me to go out more to walk the dog more I am to basically get out and get some fresh air instead of spending my time indoors as he thought I did but now he knows that I spent my day in the back garden working on one project or another.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship (Are you up)
not quite a daily basis but I do find quite a lot of texts even from the past few weeks asking me if I am awake and this means am I happy to have company which in a way is a nice thing as years ago he would just turn up and knock on the door, we are both in similar boats so I normally invite him down.
Lee is very good at being the second pair of hands that I have not had around for a very long time which means that projects and DIY chores that would’ve taken months to complete Are being worked through on a daily basis, we recently put up a fence for next door which Lee was happy to help with.
it is only right that Lee would want to get out and work and does prefer paid work on a daily basis and who wouldn’t but sometimes this is not possible so he comes down and helps with me instead, I have asked him why he never charges me and the response I get is that he would never charge me for any kind of work bless him.
having another man around even for a few hours a day is a breath of fresh air it’s normally my wife and her friends that are here for my daughter and her friends so to have a male friend round is a bit of a luxury for me, And until Lee finds his feet I would rather he was here with me safe and sound rather than being in town or old haunts where there’s Temptation.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship What a trooper !
already know in my family Lee doesn’t know about my mental health and that is why he has been trying his hardest to get me to go out I do understand I do need to work on my cardiovascular and it is nice to have someone caring about your mental and physical state specially when you think it’s only you in the world that thinks these things.
I will start this part by stating that my wife when she first met Lee did not like him at all she was not happy with me hanging around with him and blames him for a lot of the issues that I had at the time like cutting myself, this was later seen as stress this was stress for my friendship that I was trying hard to hold onto.
My wife Now sees this gentleman as a type of medication for me she really thinks that he has brought out more confidence in me and that I am able to laugh again when once I thought I had forgotten sorry and even thought I’d lost my sense of humour, if you spend 10 minutes with both myself and Lee you will realise that is not the case anymore.
i’m not sure what the future holds no one is but I really hope that myself and Lee do not ever fall out again it is a waste of a friendship a very special Ridiculously brilliant friendship i’d rather cry tears of joy any day then have to go through losing someone that you trust all over again.
Ridiculously brilliant friendship Popped the question
now that would be silly wouldn’t it I’m a married man lol, I am of course joking and what I meant to say is I will be renewing my vowels with my wife and I have asked Lee to stand as my best man this is for me I did not have my wedding and I was staunch in standing there by myself.
this time round the best man won’t be missing We handshake Fist bumped quite a lot Annette ladies way of showing appreciation and gratitude,I suppose at our age it’s not often you get asked to be a best man,even if it’s just a vowel renewal.
so just to give you a little bit of information Lee currently has two girlfriends one is a lady that lives about 30 miles away and the other love of Lee‘s life is Porsche our mini bulldog,he can’t get enough of our four-legged little friends he brings the treats regularly and spends ages playing with her.
an accident put way tell me being able to play tug-of-war and other games with Porsche as my left arm has been damaged Lee has two good arms so is prime picking for Porsche to start nibbling on and basically nosing up until she gets her bum / backside stroked.
It’s never to late ⏰

Ridiculously brilliant friendship hilariously funny Vintage bulldog postcard
14 years may sound like a long time for some and not that long for others I’m guessing the younger generation will think that what I am saying that time is fleeting The world Mosa 28,000 miles an hour and our lives are just as fast but we don’t realise this until we reach our 40s and 50s looking back.
44 was the year of my birth this year and I am petrified when I look at the amount of years I have been on the Earth to the amount of years I have left, what I’m trying to say is if you have any bridges that need mending that you should start doing them straight away as it’s never too late to get that person that made your life better to come back.
it would be impossible to say that I am never going to fall out with Lee as we are both adults with different opinions I can confidently say we will remain friends for life now with so much more laughing to do projects to get done and a little bit of mischief on the way wouldn’t go amiss we wouldn’t be Lee and Ave otherwise.
this is not the first time that myself and Lee have fallen out but it definitely will be the last and carrying a grudge for any amount of time is just exhausting a waste of time and is better spent trying to gain friends instead of losing them so I’ll be doing my best to be keeping up with lees funny banter as he keeps up with my OCD and continuous garden projects.
Last Lee !
Ridiculously brilliant friendships are not easy to find it’s like having your friendship soulmatefriendship soulmate but not knowing that they are or were until they are not around anymore, sad part of the story is i spent years on my own not trusting anyone when it didn’t have to be that way.
in just three weeks we have managed to clean up the back garden we have gone to the tip with the rubbish and we have put up next doors fence, reclaim in a plastic membrane from next door we also made a pond this would’ve taken me months on my own to complete these chores but we have managed it all in just the three weeks stated.
we don’t work fast and we often feel weak as we laugh our heads off at something normally random silly but is typically one of us being ourselves i’m still not convinced that there is a Loch Ness monster in my pond but Lee reckons that he saw one maybe two, he also thinks Bigfoot lives in the trees behind the flat.
it’s this kind of distraction that is perfect for my mental health it takes away the notion that I am using hypervigilance to try and hear things that may not be there Lee is very astute when it comes to my mental health and is very clever in the way he goes around gesturing for me to be doing things Bless him.
Dedicated to lee king a friend a brother a keeper !
Hey Lee buddy I’m writing about you lols, look my good friend I know that both of us have had it hard growing up, there’s no pain game here we both know our pasts but I’m now fixed on the future and where it takes us.
your a star for wanting collectibulldogs to do well and you pushing me to keeping the website alive is food for thought, anyways I’m sure you’ve been in the media before but this time it’s about something positive lols.
i’ve been using this keyword (Ridiculously brilliant friendship) to describe the relationship sorry no the friendship and it does feel like even though 14 years has passed it was like we had only not seen each other for a little while as soon as we were within I contact we were both laughing our heads off just like the old days.
Writing about Ridiculously brilliant friendship has been fun but Toothless the Axolotl needs worms so I have this current take up some from the wormery I hope you enjoyed reading the article and if you can get back onto WordPress and send a blog comment would be great and please share with your friends and anyone else that you may think might be interested in sharing my content creation.
the before part to this Ridiculously brilliant friendship article is Forgive forget life’s short a poignant article And another that we use different keywords for as bulldog memorabilia and bulldog memorabilia Brighton aren’t really up to scratch at the moment for ranking last highly on Google