Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 I’m smelling Gorgeous !!!
Squeaky clean!!! thank you princess
Hello readers and a good day to you all, I’m sitting here just about to write my blog and the lovely smell of a newly pampered Wiggles is wafting through the apartment.
Wiggles went to see Princess Winter a local professional groomer and all round pet service lady.
Princess did an amazing job when I went down to collect Wiggles you could smell her half way down the street and after her de shedding treatment I swear she’s a few pounds lighter now.
This service is based in Sussex and I do not know how far Princesses work radius is but I’ve taken a pic of her biz card so anyone around the south or local can take up her bespoke services and have their dog looking the part and smelling better than the wife’s fabric conditioner.
The job was so good we will be going back and due to the fact Princess does a top notch job with all breeds we have given cards out to our doggy friends so their pooches can smell as nice as ours.
Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 THANK YOU PRINCESS!!!
If you wish to contact princess or be part of her group please use the link below to get you there nice and quick.

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 Princess Winters biz card
More Bulldogs
Finally I’m starting to catch up with my affairs yay!!!
I did a deal last year for some pieces with a lovely lady in the states, I was doing well at the time and thought the deal would of been done and dusted but due to unforeseen circumstances it stalled.
I’ve managed to find some funds to get a box over and that’s two so far, there’s about six boxes left to come over and I’m so happy that the lady is very understanding because at the moment all my boxes that should of been here by now are still in her way.
Slowly but surely I will get them over and the best thing was it was a bit of a blind deal so many of the pieces coming I don’t even know what they are, the first box had the Jennings pipe rack in so that was a nice surprise and a lovely piece of American brass bulldog collectibles history.
Fathers Day Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 Antique bulldog match vesta
I love Father’s Day and it’s not because I get lots of gifts off the girls but it’s the only day of the year besides Christmas Day that I get to spend time (Quality) with my daughter Chloe-Mai.
She’s a fourteen year old teenager so has no time for her pops these days, with school and her hectic social life, I only see her quickly and it’s usually when she needs money for town, or help with her home work (she’s an A-Star student wanting to become a vet).
Sshe likes her Maths and English but I prefer it when we have to make something as its more fun for me.
This year we do not have a lot of finances, I need to find lots of dosh to redo my wife’s kitchen after a storm pinched our tiles in turn soaking the ceiling and walls.
I did tell the girls that they didn’t need to get me any thing this year but bless them they still went ahead and bought me this wonderful piece.

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 My Father’s Day gift it came early oops
The piece is an antique match vesta case it’s gold in colour and has a vintage crazed bulldog motif on the front.
I love the pieces provenance as it advertises the sale of British coal in the town of Grimsby.
I cannot find a date or hallmarks yet but it does have quality and as it states some sort of telephone info this might help to date it accordingly.
Even though the value on these pieces are not very high they still make great collectibles and once polished up look great too.
I just want to say to those missing their own fathers on Father’s Day my heart goes out to all of you I lost my father when I was just 15 yrs old and miss him a lot, I spend a bit of time remembering him but feel my efforts are better placed making my daughter feel special so Bring on the made breakfast, the new slippers and best dad cup.
If you want to check out the collectibles in the metals section please use link below to whoosh you over there…
Click here to visit the Metals & More section!

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 Amazing provenance
Abracadabra Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016
Lee my webmaster has been busy indeed and contacted me yesterday to show me draft pics of what he’s been up to and he has been a busy bee indeed, after a few attempts at differing formats we decided to go with the first one Lee has used for his own website.
Unlike this annoying platform with its mucked up blogging dates the new website has more defined roles with each page much easier to navigate and even look at.
I cannot wait to be able to take over the running once it’s launched and add the new pieces that have trickled in over the past few months.
I do not have a Deffo date for the new but I know the patience and over excitement will be worth it and I will end up with a smashing website for all to muse, hopefully it will create a buzz and gain more interest and maybe even repeat views and external link ups to other websites.
Sticking with the website theme at the moment I would like to take this opportunity to announce that we Collectibulldogs reached over 100 thousand page views yesterday, this is an amazing achievement I feel as I’m the only promoter of my website and I do not use clicks or paid advertising.
To other websites my numbers may look low but to me it’s amazing and I’ve worked hard to bring in viewers and interest to a website that does not sell anything and has no proper direction at the moment.
My next goal is to reach 50k viewers to my website I hope to achieve this before we are a year old, thank you to all the folks that have taken an interest it means a lot and helps to show I’ve created something to be proud of.

Princesses, pretty bulldogs and Brad Pitt 9th June 2016 Wonderful stats
Brad Pitt and my apology to viewers Oops!!!
I think there was a bit of a mix up yesterday when I was showing celebs with their bulldogs to my social media followers and bulldog group members alike.
One of the celebs I posted that was very popular was Brad Pitt with his bulldog.
Now as I always add Collectibulldogs to my posts I want to say sorry for any mix up.
I had noticed on analytics that I had a high amount of viewers that bounced off again quickly so if this was you and you were expecting a collection of Brad Pitt pics or celebs pics instead of my collection then oops my bad, I had not stated that we carry pictures of known celebs but I do see how one may of thought that so once again sorry for any mix up.
Brighton antiques museum needs SEO 2022
Two very common boo boos have occurred recently with a couple of parcels one was sent out and the other is coming in, with the parcel going out we had accidentally put the wrong city on the ladies address she had sent it as is but then asked to change it.
I had not asked debs to rectify this before posting so we are hoping that the zip code and state is enough to get it to its new owner, the second piece is a painting that’s been gifted by a dear friend of mine and other than putting a semi wrong postcode (opps) she had also forgotten to declare the powder she sent over that’s used on bulldog folds.
Wow amazing blog at Brighton museum 2022
It’s a little funny as I sit here wondering if it will clear our UK customs and/or if I get a phone call asking me if I know what the powder is so hopefully that does not happen and it arrives safe and sound ready to be added to the collection and thank the stars for international tracking lol.
I hope others out there are not having any issues with your shipping and folks till next time be safe and happy collecting.
Mr Norman Davis still has copies of he’s amazing AUTOBIO it’s a great read and would make a great collectible for any collection.

Prices etc.

Brilliant read
I’m surprised on the amount of shares for this article it’s own merit should see it shared more but with brad Pitt and celebrities whom own bulldogs WOW I thought they all owned dogs like Paris Hilton
I’m hoping my content gets shared more by all you great people out there
I totally agree with you mum, Brad Pitt is a popular celebrity, so you would’ve thought dad got more shares. If you see this please share.
Awww bless you poppet I’m sure comments will pick up soon