A chance at a museum vocation

My beautiful girls in the stunning museum grounds
A dream vocation, good day readers regular and new I hope your all well and safe out there in the world, after a really dodgy start to 2017 my luck maybe changing with a vocational volunteering role at Brighton museum.
I spoke with my museum project leader to see if this was even viable and lucky for me my mentor knows all about Collectibulldogs, my passion for collections and of course the knowledge I’ve picked up since starting.

the door to tranquility
Im not sure what roles are possible ATM I would rather learn with the curators but if that means I have to start by cleaning the museum toilets I would just for this amazing opportunity.
There will be more information coming my way this coming week and I will keep people posted, Brighton museum was kind enough to show faith in Collectibulldogs they gave us a listing not knowing us or how long we would last so this is a great way of saying thank you whilst learning.
I would imagine the museum will see how well I assist in curating the pieces I’m loaning before matiching me to a role suitable for my skill set and flexible just in case of any illness or triggers at work but no matter any vocation at the museum would be great and I will learn so much more.

These need finishing before the display
wether folks have noticed yet or not Collectibulldogs is rather a large website with page after page to muse, to make things easier there is a keyword finder at the top of the website. Use this as a short cut to any figurine, blog or page your looking for I use it and it’s my site lol.
From one to another
I’m afraid on a regular basis of helping Collectibulldogs my personal PA Alice has now been swapped over by another mentor, the reason being that Alice is a student and as she came into her second year at university became super busy with her studies.
I have expressed that even though Alice is chasing her own Vocation and busy learning she’s still welcome to partake in any upcoming displays we may be attending.
Alice was very interested in collections and the characters that make up the people that collect where as my new mentor is totally different and as I do not really know him I’m not sure what he thinks to Collectibulldogs.
My new mentor has a Degree in Creative Writing and is willing to share this knowledge in the hope that I can make my blogs to you folks even better and not so boring, it’s amazing what choosing selective words can do to get people’s interest.
With this new mentor I will also be getting some help with my out reach so that my blogs travel further and start to gain interest on formats and as I’m such a niche website with no guest bloggers (I did a blog on this) this will be a god send till I reach my goal.
Being a novice blogger that I am I’ve been following a guide free for all called the dummies guide to blogging, I’m stuck on stage seven which is not bad for me, I don’t think I will achieve number seven on the list without assistance the only problem being is I’ve been waiting since Christmas for this ladies participation.
Inspiring others is great
before I introduce you to our artist I would like to add that as a social enterprise Collectibulldogs does not profit from helping others we believe in the same rules that apply to a social enterprise or museum rules.
Mud it is the first attempt
I met this artist on twitter last year I had first noticed them when I realised they were good retweeters and I started retweeting back as you do, after chatting with this lovely lady about what I do we soon struck up a friendship and this cool potter decided to take me up on my idea of creating a bulldog cup.

First attempt unglazed
Not only can these pieces be collectibles now but could be antiques of the future and this first attempt shows that the potter is very capable and with inspiration I think could come up with some amazing pieces. If you want to check out more just MUD IT IS POTTERY
The artist would love more likes on her Facebook page so anyone using that format and feeling generous please go toMUD IT IS FACE BOOK PAGE feel free to leave a inbox message if you have a page for a follow back, please write in if you have any constructive ideas I can pass on just email me at ask@collectibulldogs.com.
My reach has hit Australia 🇦🇺
This is brilliant and what Collectibulldogs is all about I’m actually proud of myself, the collector, and the fact that following my blogs really does pay off, this collector is a middle aged lady that used to show and bred bulldogs herself years ago.

A great find down under
The pieces that she has collected so far are quite investable and choice has been thought about before committing to buy, I remember last year when first speaking with this wonderful lady whom I have to say had no intention back then of collecting and didn’t really see any point.
It is true that as you get older and wiser you do learn that memories trump objects any day so some would think what’s the point. The point is simple it’s enjoyable, if OCD like me it’s a healthy way of handling a disorder, there’s the investment side to all of this and if passionate there’s no reason why anyone cannot get out there and become just like Collectibulldogs.com.

Royal Worcester and Doulton too
Over the past year or two I have had many a person either congratulate me or thank me for inspiring them to either start collecting or it’s re ignited an old passion, this is wonderful to hear and what we strive to be so to those out there trying to grow your collections remember we are here to assist you with the experience we have.

Manor collectibles down under
Getting the news of mays exhibition is great but it now means lots of hard work once the pieces are chosen, I will need to write out a form for each object before it’s packed and then again once we unpack at the museum OMG right! It’s lucky I get to choose how many pieces are going.

The collector drove some miles to pick up this piece that’s passion lol
if anyone has any theme ideas for my display I would love to hear your ideas 💡 this is where the objects used on the installation are telling a story but in object form I was just thinking of a mis match of pieces with why I did this as the story but we will have to see, so folks until next time you stay safe and happy Collecting….
feel free to check out a collection or two we have here
If your a new viewer and like the website my designer has added share icons which I would love for you kind folk to use as much as possible thank you.