Merit award what does it mean

Merit award what does it mean ? Hey beautiful example of a board of Maria trophy from Alexandra Palace 1900
Hi readers ! Today’s article is about the bulldog shows Merit award and what does it mean, many that go to shows or club shows of one breed will know what award of merit is for the rest here’s my facts !
This could be seen as an award to excite the dogs owner but it’s not best in show nor a winners trophy placement, this award for merit is basically saying to the breeder that their dog has potential
Each show has different categories and this section we’ve found in bulldog antiques that many bulldogs were presented with the award for merit, these awards keep the breeder trying or the shower of the dog a reason to keep going.
It’s my belief and I’m sure some research will show that many dogs went on to win other more Prestigious afterwards like first place best in show and the cute puppy category yeah many would’ve started out winning these types of awards.
Merit Award a popular antique

Merit award what does it mean ?
collectibulldogs has a couple of trophy and coin related pieces to do with this subject I am not sure myself whether or not award for merit is still an award given out yeah I can state that this was a popular award way back in the 1900s and before.
This it’s quite evident in the antiques that I have collected over the years especially in the bulldog club area and these pieces as you go back in time seems to become more extravagant and expensive looking as an award sometimes these award for merit trophies and coins can also be objects that have been used as the trophy.
For example in the times when Alexandra Palace was used for bulldog shows it was 1900 when some of these particular awards were won yeah when you read about Alexandra Palace you will read that the owners were about to sell this amazing space in 1900.
Alexandra Palace is a Grade one listed entertainment and sports venue in London, situated between Woodgreen and Muswell Hill in the London Borough of Haringey It is built on the site of Tottenham Wood and the later Tottenham Wood Farm.
Originally built by john Johnson and alfred meefed it opened in 1873 but following a fire two weeks after its opening, was rebuilt by John Johnson and Alfred Meesen Intended as “The People’s Palace” and referred to as “Ally Pally“, its purpose was to serve as a public centre of recreation, education and entertainment; this was North Londons counterpart to the Crystal Palace in south london
Award for merit a beautiful example
Recently I had my 44th birthday and my beautiful wife Edd bought me this amazing gift that came in an old box so I was quite excited when I was ready to open it up ! Inside what looks like just a ashtray with a coin stuck in the middle turned out to be a award that was given in 1900 at Alexandra Palace
I have no research when the bulldog arena show or crufts went from Alexandra Palace to the NEC in Birmingham and our antiques as far as I know are all from around the time Alexandra Paris was being used for different kinds of shows.
Where is particular bulldog and take has beautiful scribing on the back you can see quite easily that the bulldog that one this award was called IVEl delphinium, This could be a good place to start if I wish to research how much further this particular bulldog went regarding trophies won.
at first you see a copper ashtray with the bulldogs club logo sinked into the middle Of the tray it is until you look closer that you can see that the whole piece was made as a trophy/award, yes it is an ashtray I’m back in the day this may have been popular yet today this would not be the kind of trophy given out to any show let alone a bulldog show..
The trophy
guessing that it was a very male based pastime in the 1900s so the reason why trophies were basically glorified cigar trays ! I’m also guessing these were not used but kept as awards instead.

Silver medal dated 1897 hallmarked 2
this one is a copper tray with beautiful inscription on the back and a very decent weight,The piece is the most unusual award that we have managed to find at Collectibulldogs most of our antiques are medals and coins represent in the best of bulldog in history in the UK
it is great when you get pieces that come in that are already museum quality and do not need to be held or displayed for years before so, If I ever get around to creating a physical bulldog antiques museum one day then these are the kind of pieces that will be perfect for showcasing.

Merit award what does it mean ? Silver medal weight limit class 45lb
i’m also thinking that it would be interesting to find out whether the Bulldog club in the 1900s had its own trophy maker or whether they commissioned the awards out to a trophy award maker, Silver and copper were more widely used years and years ago hence why our bulldogs antiques regarding merit award are made from these materials
other awards not as prestigious as first class or Best in show awards are for weight limit i’ve added an example of this above it is a 1897 sterling silver bulldog coin or award, again with the same beautiful Scribing and again museum quality from the outset.
I do apologise to my readers for the lack of knowledge at the moment about how to increase my user experience this is new guidelines by Google so that my metrics will increase if people know reach this website state as a user and use more than one page unfortunately I have no experience in keeping people interested if they are not but it would be great if you could jump to this next blog article.
Remember if you have any questions about the merit award or any other questions you might have for we would be happy to try and answer them, we have eleven years experience in just English bulldog antiques so that’s quite a lot of knowledge accumulated

MERIT AWARD I’m looking for information on this bulldog statue
just like this merit award we have done our research and just like this Merit Award or any article we have some knowledge and if not we are happy to help you research until you find what your looking for check below for a perfect example!
This gentleman contacted us at as he had no other website that could at least look at his Query, he wanted to know if I’d seen a bulldog statue, the pictures sent left little indication to help so we have pushed for a little more info
As you can tell these pictures do not really show much and I would be spending ages trying to connect the image to anything I find online, the only idea I have currently is to use the new feature on Google called Google lens they deserve a merit award for this feature
you take a picture and Google pixel will show anything it has in its data base, this is a great place to start and isn’t local to just the pixel, you can download this feature snap away and even get it to tell you where to buy products cheaper

Merit award only half the story
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