Life ! is yours just a processed tin of meat ?

life is yours just a processed tin of meat ? THIS PICTURE IS COURTESY OF GOOGLE
Hi. Readers when you look into the morning mirror do you see yourself a a shiny silver tin with meat inside Is your life a processed tin of meat ? I know it sounds nuts but I feel it’s time to speak up around the issue of SPAM Everyone is different your stories are all personal or your niche and relevant to you ! Just like an art painting it will draw people in whilst others just walk past, articles and other interesting content creation is getting a hammering whilst filth gambling and media clips I won’t mention. Why is a denied account still working and able to contact us directly and offer services I cannot write here as it’s family friendly (LOCAL HOOKUP) Facebook even have an algorithm name for their ladies of the night online. These are everywhere now and seem to attract social medias attention for all the wrong reasons so why should their business be seen as legit whilst your ask yourself Is your life a processed tin of meat ? as that’s what’s happening to your amazing content.
Sign posted with affiliates if so how lame.

life is yours just a processed tin of meat ? This picture is courtesy of Google pics
What I mean about this part is there’s a blogging community of third party writers they often work as reviewers and representatives of companies like Amazon they write review type articles where is the hype that you will click on the link and maybe buy something that way they get a commission. These kinds of accounts as stated give the right our commission on the amount of products sold for the amount of reviews given so it’s understandable that social media and its algorithm wants to push these kinds of articles towards the ads section instead of giving away free advertising. Collectibulldogs it’s not a company that makes money I started just by putting my Collection online and then everything else went from there even the blog articles that I have written have been research and I myself have spent hundreds of hours on my website So it is disheartening when I decades worth of work is like that small tin of mate I don’t understand why a teachable website can be seen as spam and as I asked you is your life a process bit of meat I feel like mine is especially online.
Imagine the cost ?
Just by picking the Ford top social media websites it would cost over £100 per week just to boost or advertise one pin or one post on these formats yes after you have spent about £5000 you might get verification has £100 a week so that the content is seen as content and not spam

life ! is yours just a processed tin of meat ? Build your backlinks with collectibulldogs
after researching blogging websites and other websites that share articles to social media the cost for a social media manager can range from £99 a week up to £500 a week this isn’t someone Dedicated to hours of work Are you still on your website or blog this is a menu based Business where the more you want posted the more you pay. others may laugh at the thought of Collectibulldogs doing online media marketing that something we have been doing for over seven years I have spent most of this time trying to promote myself without becoming that shiny silver tin. The idea of COLLECTIBULLDOGS doing a subscription service is a new way of getting blog articles out to social media online and other formats that have welcomed the websites back link we don’t always need social media to get visitors or views but it does come in handy.
A loophole I’ve found on social media is quite a easy one but it does require the other members following you to be generous with your time and to help you with your advertising or promotion weirdly if someone else Posts something to do with you in a short article or even use that link this is not classed as spam as the person doing it is an interested party. now if you go and put the same post on your friends profiles the format will contact you and say that they have removed these posts blaming you For spamming on one of the clients personal profiles disconnect to lead to suspension or a complete wipe out if your social media account. it was because of a Pinterest spam blocker that gave me the idea for this article as on Pinterest the creator ID pins for anyone to create their own idea of what their creation should be yet Pinterest Take the algorithm to a new level And just like in life it’s the top tier that get all the impressions likes and saves I am lucky if I get 10 saves for my create a pins and 20/40 likes. Maia Pinterest Tally for audience engagements and metrics doesn’t Match the amount of viewers that I have or followers And I have noticed a proper downfall in the help you can get when create a ticket to explain an issue, if you mention verification at all you will not get a reply this is rather sad for customer services from Pinterest.
Your life online shouldn’t be seen as spam !
You spend hours using your synapses to come up with a content and keyword rich article with amazing pictures and subsections you get your search engine optimisation spot on and you have you also send ready and you post. wait for a while to see whether or not you get any organic impressions and then you can start by adding your new article to social media, by adding your back link more than a few times you will be classed as a spammer even if you are on the likes of Facebook and you own your own page or group still be seen as you spamming. hours have been spent trying to get through to social media formats to explain to them that a lot of what they say contradicts itself I speak about the loopholes that I have found but they are not interested most of the time I do not get a response especially when I have issues with my formats. do not get me wrong Collectibulldogs has established it self enough now to be able to leave articles in quite a few different places without being classed as a spammer and my life is not always seen as a process tin of meat but I am still caught out sometimes
Organic offer !
With the subscription service to one side if there’s any websites or blogs out there that wish to help us both then get in contact all these are important! Backlinks more than guest post blog comments bigger than thirty words.and most importantly reviews. All these somewhat small things may not sound important but if Google crawlers pop round and see interest in what your publishing they will think wow and then boost your rankings all your domain authority depending on whether or not your website or on a third-party blogging format Collectibulldogs has a decent back link archive we even have a government base back link from Brighton Museum this is something that most websites cannot yet as the IP server is confidential only spent to keep people away from any kind of interaction with the any of the government’s websites with my article writer focusing on TikTok and Twitter we have all the formats covered and it would be down to us to get your post not just seen clit as well as interest to your blog, experience means we can use our search engine optimisation that comes with a press to create a 100% readable article published from Collectibulldogs to different countries around the world
My online knack !

I’ve spent years building up a friend base a client base and trusted enough to be admin in 100s of groups, somehow I have 52 thousand followers on Instagram a format I’ve just started using and Pinterest has 35 thousand followers with an average of 430 thousand impressions pm Facebook profile is nearly full (it’s always full so I de clutter) that’s 5 thousand followers and my page associated with Collectibulldogs has over 7200 likes, collectibulldogs has four different pages on Facebook and has a group with 2900 members and growing. Other formats include Flipboard medium tumblr blog lovin Flickr LinkedIn blogger these are the formats that I can think of at the moment oh and there is I ❤️ it too but I haven’t worked out this format yet. apart from Twitter I have formats everywhere including my own YouTube channel and a TikTok channel for any video type articles and I can share any videos from the articles to YouTube and TikTok and sometimes to Pinterest depending on the niche.
What we don’t offer !

Life ! is yours just a processed tin of meat ? OCD PLAYS A BAD PART I DO NEED TO SLOW DOWN OR ADD NEW / YOUR CONTENT
Not all but many marketers are like me at home using a desktop or other device Avon website hosting and design are usually people that have limited colleagues and work at home this can only be found using Google Maps many that say they are a company usually work from home. Learning through other blog article sellers and back link Sellers that like me they have lots of websites to post blogs in and get backlinks from, these are multiple sites created in a fast manner and black hat SEO technical ability has been used to boost their domain authority yes for a fee they will post your article your bank link may get logged but the visitors promised are a no show as the websites used are not popular or heard of, I am totally different I only use the one website and the following I’ve created Every post is different for example a work or tech based article would get more views on LinkedIn than Facebook so even though the post will be optimal for all formats has
Lastly Life !
No one wants to be seen as a spammer and guest or paid for posting can help with this, first of all your seen as interesting as your publishing from a URL different to your usual WiFi or IP address you also want new interest which a new website brings. most ask that their backlink is permanently based on the blog so that readers in the future can click onto the link and go over to the article that they are reading to see more. The other reason for the back thing is so other websites get better metrics for their domain authority The prices for organic inclusion and exposure is varied some people charge little but only offer little and others charge way too much for what they offer, I have been honest and open and stated exactly where your article will go and in the link above it states what you can expect from Collectibulldogs when working with us. Wether for personal use advertising a product placement or blog insertion then Collectibulldogs should be on the website that you are aiming for we have various awards for our own articles and we are seen as in the top 5% of trusted websites on the Internet we have no spam and the filter is at zero.