Justin Bieber gave wiggles a follow
Good day readers I hope you are all safe and well, I expect Collectibulldogs is the envy of many a teenager ATM with the resent twitter follow of mr Justin Bieber, I was very surprised to see mr Justin Biebers name come up and stoked we have our first celeb.
My goal is to try and get mr Justin Bieber to give Collectibulldogs.com a shout out in the hope we gain some views, the premise of the website is to inspire so if he sees wiggles and my posts he may go ahead and help us out.
I wonder if Justin Bieber followed us because he loves bulldogs he has a following of 93 million and follows back three hundred and three thousand so the odds were stacked against us but it’s amazing to have such a high profile icon as a follower, I’m going to inbox this in the hope he gets to read it.
On behalf of Collectibulldogs Hi Justin Bieber
If you are reading this Justin Collectibulldogs is a free website for collectors I created the little empire I have now and as we do not sell anything promotion is key and we are yet to get a celeb shout out, I thought this may come after this Mays display but if you could be a gent then that would be great.
If you have any questions please get in touch a short message from a star could work wonders for a small start up like ours with one aim and that’s to inspire, the pessimistic side is telling me there will be no shout out or message but you never know and I’m not going to use my illness as a ploy let’s see what happens, anyways thank you to Justin Bieber for our first big celeb follow.
we would love to hear what you think of bulldogs or the ethos of the website 👍
In return it’s only fair that I share justins website just incase the younger demographic and cougars are reading this lol, Justin Bieber we wish you every success and any probs with my article please contact me ask@collectibulldogs.com
Justin Bieber website for fans Justin Bieber website Fan website
So I’m sitting here the other morning enjoying a cup of tea when our national morning tv show started @GMB or Good morning Britain, the feature was on a small / young ladies collection of dr who figurines, I was amazed and even remember her amount it was 6641 pieces.
As per every segment the presenters in this case Eamonn Holmes and he’s co anchor ask the public to send in pictures of their collections, so that’s what I did I found the web address and started emailing not thinking anything of it.
The segment about collecting
When the segment came on the outside broadcast was at the home of the young lady, could you imagine getting all that to the GMTV studios, after the segment finished they showed the pictures sent in and we made it, there it was my bulldogs in front of me, it was really cool to see.
I believe Eamonn Holmes (from sky news too and this morning) saw more than one of my pictures due to the comment he makes I hope it’s audible but it seems both presenters were attracted to the picture, these are all little steps and most maybe thinking so what but to go from nearly giving in to this kind of promoting has to be a sign to carry on.
The TV station has my details if any more collections come up or if they do any other things on their programmes, I hope to get a spot on TV one day, England has lots of antiques shows so hopefully one day the right person might just see Collectibulldogs and see there’s a story, fingers crossed but that’s the future and I’m just happy how this week has turned out.
Lastly keep em coming
We still need views to continue I don’t have a sponcer and I do not mind but it would be great if the website was seen more and I don’t have the umpth to get the name out by myself, saying that I should give myself credit for making it this far alone.
Whats needed is a few high profile accounts to notice and share my posts and someone that thinks it has the wow factor and whom is listened to by the public a bit like endorsing but I could never find that kind of money, a week ago I wouldn’t of dreamt of any Stars following us and now I feel there’s hope even if I have to be patient.
the trouble promoting bulldogs
Guest post by author Susan day