Guest Post – Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

Apple cider vinegar for dogs !
Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs
Have you heard of apple cider vinegar? This strong-smelling natural liquid is well-known for its many uses when consumed by humans. For example, it is touted as a weight loss agent, specifically believed to melt away belly fat. Studies suggest that it works by making you feel full, which helps you eat less. Believers of this natural food claim that its benefits go on and on.
The question becomes, is what is good for you, also good for your dog? In this case, the answer appears to be yes. Let’s take a look at the many ways that apple cider vinegar can be beneficial to your dog.
Before We Begin
First of all, let’s talk about what “good” apple cider vinegar looks like. It should not be clear. It should be very cloudy, almost murky-looking. You will want to select an organic, unprocessed, and unfiltered variety, which may say a phrase on it such as “with the mother.” It is within this “mother” where all of the wholesome bacteria and nutrients dwell.
Now, let’s take a look at the many ways that you can use apple cider vinegar to help your dog.
Guest Post – Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs Continued!
Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears
Begin by checking your dog’s ears to make sure that the inside of them do not look too red. If you are good to go, begin by making a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and distilled water. After soaking cotton balls in the solution, use them to wipe out your dog’s ears, only entering them as far as you are able to see. Next, dry out the ear thoroughly to prevent infection.
Soothing Itchy Skin and Combating Fleas Simultaneously
Begin by combining 1 quart of water with 2-3 tablespoons of ACV. After giving your dog a bath, carefully pour this concoction over your dog’s coat, keeping away from his eyes. Don’t rinse him off. Simply towel dry him off, and let him dry on his own. If you prefer, you can also mist ACV over your canine’s coat right before brushing to make his coat nice and shiny. When it is time for your dog to head outside, spray this over your dog’s coat to repel fleas.
Improving Digestion and Preventing UTI Infections
Giving your dog a daily dose of ACV internally is recommended for several reasons. According to Whole Dog Journal, when taken properly it can be beneficial to a dog in many ways. ACV can improve a dog’s digestion, and even prevent a urinary tract infection.
The rule of thumb is to add one teaspoon to one tablespoon of ACV to your dog’s water or food, for every 50 pounds of weight that your dog has. It is a good idea to start with the smallest amount, and work your way up. You should also provide your dog with an extra bowl of fresh water without ACV in it, so that in case your dog ends up drinking less of the water, that he won’t risk getting dehydrated.
Treating Hot Spots with ACV
First of all, do not apply ACV on open wounds or skin that is extremely raw. Now, make a 50/50 mixture of ACV and fresh water. Take a sponge and dip it into the mixture. Pat the liquid onto the dog’s hot spot. Repeat this process daily until the area begins to look healed.
Relieving Arthritis with ACV
Begin by warming a little bit of apple cider vinegar in the microwave, that is undiluted. Take a washcloth and soak it inside of the mixture. Lay the compress directly upon the dog’s joints.
Does your dog dislike the taste of apple cider vinegar as much as you do? Try mixing equal parts of yogurt and ACV as a yummy snack. Peanut butter and honey is another option to mix in with the ACV. Or, you could always try the capsule form of ACV. Simply coat the capsules in peanut butter so that your dog will be more likely to take them.
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