Grand-dog (OCOBO) our own good bye to Norman

Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman
Todays article is going to be hard to write it’s not for keywords it’s not for visits it’s actually Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman THIS MAN WAS MY HERO ! And as I write this I have his book still in its bag next to me.
we would like to share our condolences with the Davis family his friends and family and the massive bulldog world that this gentleman will leave behind as he himself catches up with past friends as he to crosses rainbow bridge
This gentleman Norman Davis was a living icon he’s knowledge and compassion had no bounds when it comes to the Bulldogs their health and well-being and he worked tirelessly year after year to improve the overall health have a nations breed
People say that one person cannot change the world that that is wrong grand dog did just that within the bulldog community and with his standards so high and following the true ancestors of bulldogs before him he created OCOBO and a healthier type of dog.

Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman LEGEND HERO
Grand dog was a nickname given to OCOBO founder bulldog breeder, bulldog fancier ,crufts judge and winner, world judge (2 times) the list of ventures that mr Norman Davis was of a busy life in the bulldog world.
When I lost my own dad at an early age and had trouble trusting other men Norman was completely different he always had time to answer my Facebook messages and I was even asked what number I wanted in the sequence when he sent out gifts of his autobiography where the first 100 he signed.
Norman was known in the highest circles around the world so when he did talk with me I felt Immensely proud and honoured not even our own endorsement Gary o Sullivan has spent as much time chatting as Norman did and that will be missed.
Grand dog ! AND OCOBO

Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman his own OCOBO page on Facebook we hope is still staying at the top
Norman Davis did not just have a few wins with his bulldogs when we spoke he mentioned over 140 and that was just in the UK ! This man was Wow I was smitten by every word and took on board what he said to its fullest.
OCOBO was Norman’s life he devoted he’s later life right though until this this sad news running the Kennels behind those (for some ) famous gates and the beautiful grounds on which champion after champion was breed and trained.
Wiggles was an OCOBO bulldog to give you a definition, the kind of bulldog that came from OCOBO this certain kind of the English bulldog that Grand-Dog himself had developed, I’m also nearly certain that the Puppy offered here is from the same DNA lineage and I remember just how cute and popular wiggles my friend was.

Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman here with his son
OCOBO is a kennel that has always followed the Bulldog bible / standard dedicated N Davis and as you can see even years ago when I wrote about Grand-Dog or the bulldog standard in my mind the man and the book we have went hand in hand
Facebook messages will show one of our last conversations was the gifting of the bulldog bible to Norman and in his own words he told he to keep it and I’d need it. I had thought about offering it to others but the real man of the standard was Grand dog.
my interactions with Norman did not properly start until I showed him the website he was actually surprised to see Bulldogs presented online in this way and he was actually proud that someone like myself has gone ahead to give the dogs a more positive look within the online antiques world.
The biggest affirmation I’ve got and this can be seen on Facebook messages is that Norman was proud at the fact that I was collecting bulldog memorabilia showcasing it and not profiteering from the venture that I created.
before I continue I’d like to take a minute just to reflect I’m just how much this gentleman meant to me as a person and as a bulldog lover to it feels numb presently as the news gets digested and I wonder how 2020 could have changed so quick.
OCOBO Grand dogs brilliant autobiography!

The AUTOBIO from Norman Davis OCOBO LEGEND
it was the end of 2016 and grand dog had told me that he was publishing his own autobiography and could the website help to promote this amazing book, well of course we jumped at the chance not only to pay back or pay forward the kindness Norman has shown to us but it was also an honour and a privilege
when I found out I was getting my very own book I giggle now when I look back and asked how much did I have to pay and of course this generous man hasn’t put a price on the book it was a gift from him to us and to add to our collection.
as autobiographies do this book tells you about the life that this man led and if you want a read That’s wonderfully written it details the life Norman lead but in a way that keeps you reading as the decades are written down and each chapter talks in depth about on mans amazing life.

it Was an honour my friend and the first book I read in 25 yrs.
Spanning more decades then I have been alive and more silverware the most football clubs have gleaming in their display cabinets Mr Norman Davies smashed it both at home in England and in other countries come in first with his beautiful Bulldogs that himself and his family have breed and trained themselves.
I’m not too sure myself if the book is still for sale but it was on Amazon and I will leave a link lead into a past article Mr Davis it’s an honour book and DVD combo and TOP DOG!!! Norman Davis you can follow these articles to see if the book is still available.
I would recommend trying to get hold of one of these not just because it is one of the best bulldog books written in the last 50 years but it’s also a little piece of Grand-Dog that we can all own, if I knew family better I’d suggest some ideas on how to remember this giant of the bulldog world!
The bulldog world lost its top dog Grand dog

Norman Davis collection piece GrandDog will always be top dog
It has been a privilege over the years to be able to meet ethical breeders that want nothing more than to breed The healthiest bulldog as possible and continue this in the specialised skill set that is bulldog breeding at the top flight.
None come close to Mr Norman Davies and I don’t mean this rudely Mr Norman Davies has been a rock in the past when I have felt like giving up and the fact that he enjoyed the website himself has meant the world ever since he mentioned it.
The bulldog world has now recently lost its top dog and I doubt there’s any kind of character out there that can replace this one-of-a-kind legend in the world of Bulldogs, there will be thousands maybe even more across the world that will be shedding a tear for the loss of this loveliest of men.
Grand dog had memorabilia

Norman Davis collection piece Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman
One question I did ask Gand dog years back and that was “Do you collect sir” I was always respectful and polite, I was shown a few pieces and one I believe was the hot cast Doris Linder Royal Worcester on a beautiful antique table.

Norman Davis collection piece the pieces were and are inspiring
It was affirmation the knowing that he could share such information with me about what he had and just the sheer opulence that flourished from each picture that made me start thinking about how to boost and get the best for my own collection.

Grand-dog our own good bye to Norman Bronze head bust Norman Davis
In that respect and frankly speaking in all respects Mr Norman Davis has taught so many so much he’s passed on a lifetime’s worth of knowledge and helped one of gods creatures to try and better itself after I truly man made mess up.

Norman Davis collection piece OCOBO LEGEND had a brilliant eye for bulldog memorabilia
The pieces that I did see from Grand dog were just bulldog figurines and I never once pestered Norman to see all the trophies, medals, ribbons, dog coats, and the countless pieces he had won worldwide.
Lastly and good bye Grand Dog OCOBO LEGEND A ONE OFF !
After a move and a baby there was scope that the year 2020 would be one of those good years we all seldom get, with the pandemic and this recent news it changes the face from one of hope to one that just wants to sleep to forget.
collectibulldogs will Honour and never forget a gentleman whom was so far up the food chain they did not have to give us the time of day let alone chats and conversations that helped a collector and a breeder both with the same love enjoy a natter about bulldogs.
we have helped artists writers and others since we started but nothing beats personally being asked by Grand dog to help promote he’s book to the bulldog masses, it was the least we could do back then when collectibulldogs was finding groups hard to get interested.
Up until a while back my mental health PTSD was boosted in the morning when I had seen Grand Dog had shared our post to his own personal profile on Facebook (those were the days,) we loved the fact he took time out to either read or social share our content.
Good bye Grand dog bulldog legend !

Grand dog Collectible from Norman Davis collection
Every niche, demographic or walk of life has its doers and those that don’t, the legend that will always be in our hearts was a doer and he definitely got things done, there will be many life’s changed forever after knowing this sad news.
Collectibulldogs and myself thank you Norman, we took up your time we ask you questions and sometimes felt like we were pestering you but not once did you complain you helped a fellow man grow and put belief in a mind that was loosing its way

Norman Davis collection piece Grand dog had a nice selection in his collection
Goodbye friend, bulldog god, father, grandfather, the best in the world when it comes to our beautiful bulldog breed you will be missed and you deserve a bronze / statue like England’s hero’s as that’s what you became, this has been said before, a United sung hero in the canine world.
If you knew grand dog or would like to leave your own words then Thanks for the courtesy of K9 news (thank you ) there is an online Hi remembrance that is going on, write down how you feel Or maybe thank the man for the decades of service he’s put into the Bulldog breed and doesn’t he deserve a massive class for the accomplishments that he managed to achieve
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