Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post

Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post The the Mad Professor MariartiTM game
Friends, A passion for bulldogs, A penchant for geekery and 3-D Printing. About Me
I have always been a proud Geek ever since I was around 12 when I discovered computing at school using an Acorn Archimedes A3010, the fun myself and a friend named Kevin had learning how to change all the computers from English to Greek and then leaving them for the other students.
The then so called I.T. teacher, plus finding games like Mad Professor Mariarti to play in class and enjoying leaving him to his own devices so he would take off and clean his glasses and then knock on the screen to let you know he was waiting, but I digress.
The Acorn (Archimedes) A3000TM and the Mad Professor MariartiTM game
I have always been into gaming and computers from very young and working out how to build and repair and improve them has always held my interest and fascination.

The Acorn (Archimedes) A3000TM Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
So I suppose that 3-D printing a natural progression for me I also love the programming nature of it which I think stems from using things like LOGO which involved making a triangular icon called turtle move around the screen with PythonTM type language like FORWARD 40 RIGHT 90 etc…
The fact that most 3-D printers use G-Code to tell the nozzle where to go sparks my interest and brings back memories.
Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
Meeting Eiffion and the 3-D discovery
I got introduced to Eiffion through my marvellous wife who has known him for donkeys’ years and since I have known him, I have always admired his passion for all things Bulldog. I find that if someone has passion for something in I life is a great trait to find in anyone.
His passion for Bulldogs and their respective collectables is unbounded and as far as I can see it is unchallenged from me just looking at or admiring usually a piece he is able to chart its history and origin also how it was influenced and how it influences now.
The range of pieces in his collection is ginormous in its diversity of materials, subjects, uses and inspirations from around the world.
Around a month ago my wife and myself popped over to see Eiffion and family and noticed his 3-D printer which at the time was a Sculpto+TM, which is called Plug ’n’ Play 3-D printer meant to be for the masses and it does have its good points such as being linked to a site called Thingiverse which is part of the MakerBot family which you can print directly from via the SculptoTM App, but the use of proprietary filament is a drawback especially when you see the price, but it does serve as a good way to enter the world of 3D printing to those wishing to dip a toe in.
A 3D passion for bulldogs

Sculpto and thingyverse from the article Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
The Sculpto+TM and MakerBot ThingiverseTM
That day I was there to help Eiffion by taking some photos of his collection for his soon to be released new website, the pieces that make up his collection go from the B-E-A-utiful to the truly elegant and onto the ridiculously sublime.
We were taking some group shots of similar items and some of his truly outstanding statement pieces he owns, I cannot begin to describe how wonderful the pieces he has are but I am sure you will look around the site and appreciate it as much if not more than I do they are pieces of ART some sculpted out of clay some from metal or wood but all from the heart of someone who loves these amazing K-9’s,

Printers now designed for all imaginations Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
Some of my favourites are the ink wells (as I have a things for pens and writing tools, check them out on the site), also the old school trophies and medals given out at competition which are a truly diverse collection all of their own.
Whilst we were there, we naturally got talking about 3-D printing as it was well within my geeky scope of interests and Eiffion asked why I hadn’t taken the leap myself yet, the truth being I had always thought of it being prohibitively expensive but that was based on my research into it a few years before.
It is true some of the machines can be pricey but it does now seem that most pockets are catered for from as little as £80 right up to £1000’s just for ‘home user’ models giving you so much choice from size and detail to dual-extruders many types of plastic to print with.
Let’s chat PLA 3D printing passion

friends a passion for bulldogs Check out those beautiful colours and textures
I know plastic at the moment is having a hard time but the PLA (Polylactic acid) being made by using fermented plant starch such as from corn, cassava, sugarcane or sugar beet pulp making it recyclable which is great you can turn your supports for your print back into filament if you wanted to as well wasting nothing.
The range of just PLA filament colours and materials now is amazing from standard colours like red and blue and green to Silks and Rainbow multi-colour and even glow in the dark and fluorescent as well, the list is growing all the time you can even get wood looking filament and marble effect to filament with carbon fibre and metals in it making what you can think of in some truly amazing materials with exceptional looks and finishes.
With 3-D printing becoming more and more accessible and the general geeky public using it for all sorts of applications from printing out things for computers, parts to improve their 3-D printers, printing out their favourite characters from Anime to Gaming to designing their own creations.
This and the fact companies have seen this market growing and are now catering for it with more competitively priced machines capable of printing so much more and faster piqued my interest no end.
Back to Eiffion’s again

We absolutely love Porscha she’s a little cuddle monster my wife cannot wait to get better and visit so to take selfies together ❤️🐶 Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post 👍
Our second trip to help Eiffion by taking more photos of his extraordinary collection we got a massive surprise when he handed over the Sculpto+TM to us as (selflessly gifted by our bulldog loving genuine gentleman ) he had just got an Ender-5 which was an amazing looking piece of tech (I must admit my inner geeks heart did flutter), we spoke about the things he was printing and I remarked about pieces you could print and we go to talking about designing some pieces for the relaunch.
On my 3rd visit I also got to take the wonderful gorgeous Porscha out for walkies, she is so good and gets so much attention as she is super cute and friendly!
Porscha on the promenade
I have never designed anything 3-D so I was sceptical as to what I could achieve but with help from Eiffion and his passion and ideas we got some ideas down and I started to see what I could achieve, well to say a change took place is an understatement as I found that designing even with my limited abilities and skills ignited my imagination like nothing has in a long time.

Programs I use to enhance my online experience wether building computers from scratch to designing 3D prints for eiffion’s giveaway I’m ❤️ This new venture Some of the range of Autodesk applications and software above Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
Using programs like Meshmixer and Netfabb both from Autodesk along with Tinkercad which is browser based but also part of the Autodesk range of software is amazing and allows for your imagination to run wild (to the limits of your talent).
Catching the bug from my friend ! 3D passion

True friendships are hard to find I’m glad I met Eiffion all those years back and created a bond I hope to help him with the new website and get that going Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
I have now officially caught the 3-D printing bug I love seeing the end results of what I have designed or chosen to print but what is really driving me is the designing but not just that seeing how far I can go with my skills as they are and figuring out what I need to learn as well (which from my early assessment is a staggering amount).
I have been testing what I can and cannot do yet and the results are OKish in my opinion the results if you are wanting to see can be found at Antique Bulldog Collection @eiffionashdown78 on Instagram.
This new found passion of mine which challenges me to think and learn but also to reengage my imagination and my love of art and design and whilst I am designing things for I am also thinking of things I would want to print out for myself things I can use on my home PC (which I built) and other things that interest me in all facets of my life.
I think I can say that this new found hobby/obsession is a great creativity outlet for me and I can imagine it would be for many other of a geeky and non-geeky nature it offers a good completion bonus and reward once your print has finished and you get to see it in your hands.
I am eager to try out other filaments soon such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) which is what LEGOTM bricks are made from and is a good one for making structural things from, PETG (Polyethleneterephtalate Glycol), PET is what most plastic bottles are made from but this is slightly different PETG is great as it is also structurally secure and then there is Carbon Fibre reinforced PLA which contains 20% Carbon Fibre which makes the PLA structurally more sound and as an avid Formula 1 fan I must admit makes me excited.
ABS vs PETG vs Carbon Fibre reinforced PLA
As you can see the difference is quite marked apart from the colour the finish is what I am referring to and I find them all amazing in their own way and can be used for such different projects.
As you can see I hope I have caught the bug quite seriously and for that I cannot thank Eiffion enough he is after all an inspiration to many but very much to me with how he conducts himself and how he cares for his family which is a true mark of any good human being the world over.
With my new journey starting and now in possession on an CrealityTM Ender-5TM printer with its more than adequately sized printing area of 220mm x 220mm x 300mm ((L x W x H) = X x Y x Z Axes) and able to print in all of the aforementioned filament types it is truly a gorgeous mechanical thing to behold and watch which can at times become mesmerising and consuming.
I can see myself designing and creating a huge repository of builds and ideas for now and the future when my skill and talent catch up to my imagination which cannot happen soon enough although patience is a virtue the strive to get better and better is a strong one.
I would for anyone reading this say look into 3-D printing if you have any small desire to try it or artistic flair that you wish to express in a different way, a way that allows you and others to touch and feel what you have created.
passion for 3D printing Bye for now bulldog and antique lovers

The CrealityTM Ender-5TM 3D Printer Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
So to sum up meeting Eiffion and being inspired by his passion for his collection and the versatility of 3-D Printing has led me to here sitting writing this piece about how I got here whilst also tinkering with files and prints in 3 different programs as I do also sketching out my ideas on paper and in lists on the computer,
simultaneously admiring those of others and reading anything I can and watching countless videos on YouTubeTM trying to improve myself with this new (to me) technology and the hardware with which it all is made wonderfully possible to do and is allowing me to express myself and show others what I find entertaining and marvellous either designed in a CAD program or shown as a finished rendering or finally as a created and printed piece plastic.

The ender 5+Tm Eiffion shouldn’t have any issues with this piece of tech yet I’m on hand if he does encounter any issues Friends a passion for bulldogs guest post
Whichever type it may happen be sitting on my hand or a nearby table or stand or simply sitting on the Build Plate waiting to be removed and cleaned up I know how much can be achieved with 1’s and 0’s and when combined with X x Y x Z Axes it is truly magnificent.
Passion for printing
Scuse me for butting in !
We have known Lisa and lee for years now I first met Lisa as a young starving lad this lady would make sure I ate as much as possible when I visited, this lady just missed the birth of our first child but was there when family was not, this lady has had me laying on her sofa at silly o clock in the morning after a break down there’s so many things I could write an essay.
We lost touch for a little bit and lee arrived in Lisa’s life and turned it around this fella has a selfless caring nature and I’m still getting used to cuddles but that’s just lees warmth he wants to show it’s us that are not used to people being kind caring and helpful.
lee is right when he says we have a bond or kinship due to 3D printing and they are the owners of both the Sculpto and the ender 5 and I’m so happy I could help ignite a hobby with lee but honestly when my daughter was two months premature and only Lisa there as support I’d give them a million printers and more.
My reason for butting in is to mention two things one is, Lee and Lisa are both members and this is the website for the society, they go around the country doing shows teaching people how to care for reptiles amphibians and other specialist creatures like snakes scorpions and spiders 🕷
My little 3D printed puppy
3D Bulldogs So how we make them updated 2022
Spare a thought please consider donating
The other reason i wanted to mention is lee is a diabetic Ok I hear you say so are many others ! Yet lee intends to run a marathon in aid of a diabetic charity I’ll leave the link needed to donate and lee needs a minimum of £500 to get started, to summarise he’s efforts so far he pase walked over to where we live and home again just to unclog a printer nozzle, you can read lees story here I hope you can spare a thought for he’s selfless commitment and for those with deeper pockets than others please consider helping lee to that crucial £500 starting fee and remember it all goes to this charity even the shirt 👕 on his back for the day