English bulldog collectibles, ebook surprise
Hi readers I hope your all safe and well I was wondering if there has been an increase at all collecting English bulldog collectibles the reason why I ask is that there has been a good taking (In my eyes) of the ebooks claimed.

English Bulldog collectibles
Since we launched the ebook there has been over 100 takers so far so does this mean a rise in English bulldog collectibles or have most of the takers just claimed one as a point of reference? Either way it’s a start and a good surprise for me whom was pessimistic about ten being claimed.
Im genuinely stoked as to the fact over a hundred books have been taken and that’s just so far, thank you to those that believe in me any my experience/ knowledge and I promise if you can get the tenacity part down and not afraid to make contacts you will prevail and very well find pieces I’ve never seen before myself but anyways I wish you every success if your going for it.

My English bulldog collectibles for father’s day
It would be great if at least one person gets the ebook and has started with their English bulldog collectibles venture, I’m a little envious if so it takes me back to when I first started the ups the downs and all the contacts I made along the way, if you are an ebook taker and started we would love to hear from you.
English Bulldog collectibles
You may be wondering why I’m using specific words in the blog! Collectibulldogs had an SEO (search engine optimisation) audit made and was given what’s called ranking keywords and these are supposed to help me gain favour on google.

English Bulldog Collectibles from Royal Doulton
I’m yet to understand SEO myself and just learned that more than one keyword is classed as tail ended or something like that but that’s as far as it goes, it’s going to take me a while to get used to how best use this and not just fill blogs with wording like English bulldog collectibles.
When you folks use search engines people pay to be at the top of the server page so you see their websites first and apparently the mind instinctively goes for the first to forth choice, I had tested my own keywords when I started out and realised I was so new and niche that I was at the top of many pages anyway.
English bulldog collectibles, making an impact
Putting the SEO to one side I’m happy to announce Collectibulldogs has its SSL Certificate this may not mean much to your good selfs but it adds an extra layer of protection to the website and makes us more trusting to servers like google and bing etc.
I’m not sure about what’s making us grow on twitter is it wiggles and her cuteness or the concept of English bulldog collectibles and the art of collecting well more of a passion than an art but you get me.
The profiles on twitter that have started following Collectibulldogs is getting higher, first it was wrestlers and other minor celebs of sorts and then Justin Bieber and now a few others have added us some I do not know as I do not follow American rap but the sentiment and support is appreciated and I really hope this string of good luck continues.

Gaining high profile followers
Theres news in them views
Let’s be Honest from the start off I cannot stand google analytics on the iPad I don’t know if it’s misleading or slow because it’s an app but it’s numbers do not reflect the true views on Collectibulldogs yet I fall for it all the time and put myself through the ringer.
The good news here is the increase overall on our views from 2016-2017, Lee my web designer shows me the graphs and I get sent reports but all I understand is either good or bad and good is great for me, if I want more views I do need to get back to proper blogging about (yep you guessed it) English bulldog collectibles lol.

English Bulldog collectibles lots of them
There’s many a subject to cover, that isn’t or hasn’t been a problem the first part of 2017 has either had me stretched to the limit and in pain due to an illness but I can feel myself getting better, I will get back to blogging about pieces in general after the display this year.
Curating my English bulldog collectibles
I asked the museum if there was a vacancy open for volunteers and ended up with the job of curating my own display lol, I thought this was going to be easy but as the pieces are there my mind draws a blank every time I go to remember a date or name, I think I will go and spend a few hours at Brighton museum next week and help the curators directly and then just curate the rest as I take them in.

Use the ebook with tanasity and you can own the best
The display is set for the end of May and will run into June I’m hoping I can talk my mentor into leaving them out a little longer but I’m not sure that will be permitted but it’s worth a try, there’s 33 of the 50 or so English bulldog collectibles already at the museum I’m waiting on permission to take the rest down which are mostly ceramics now.
Once I’ve had a meeting with the museum mentors manager next week about guidance publicity and few other topics I’m going to muster the courage to go around my city and invite different demographics to the display, antiques dealers , dog owners, pet businesses, even gallery owners and doggie orgs like bulldog rescue dogs trust and the RSPCA ( Royal society prevention cruelty to animals), I think asking personally or sending an invite would work better than just say a paper advert but as they say all publicity is good publicity.

A piece being curated for display
Lastly folks
If I leave a list of the key words do you think you could have a play around for five minutes using your computers on different servers across the world, if you type in any of the keywords and I’m not at the top scroll until found and then click on me this will create a click for that key word and help us rank better, well that’s the idea.
Before I go I’ve just guested for mullards antiques and looking to guest for others, why not let me come blog for you or vice versa, also if anyone’s prepared to create a backlink with me or add me as a link on your site or blog that would be brilliant, as you can imagine this just means even more work frustration and misunderstandings until I finally understand and get it right. Till next time folks happy collecting and to any new collectors good luck and enjoy most of all.
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