EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022
Hi readers of collectibulldogs today’s article is EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022 I’ve had a productive day putting up a fence for my neighbor and went out with a friend to collect pond life so thought to write an entry.
As a way of getting keywords and power words into the mix on my articles some need to be more than about bulldog memorabilia or the collection so let’s chat about EBay.
We all remember when this company first popped up eBay, global online auction and trading company launched by American entrepreneur Pierre Omidyar in 1995. eBay was one of the first companies to create and market an Internet Web site to match buyers and sellers of goods and services.
At first it was felt as a bet sketchy there was stories that put you off using eBay but within a year or two a quarter of the world was shopping on this very website,essentials luxuries there is something for all.
EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022
Competition was very low and I doubt eBay had any trouble in using keywords to get clicks on to this platform where there are thousands of sellers setting up shop and selling anything and everything
Today when you google most of the time you will see a bar and this is usually full of products that are either from Amazon or eBay the two biggest selling formats outside of China, but as the title suggests competition will be on its way.
Savvy sellers are now using more than one format to sell their products so this means that you can find one Seller on eBay but will also have an Etsy account and can be found on Amazon a very clever way of spreading yourself out.
There is a downside as to why sellers have had to jump ship and all use more than one format to start selling from a few years ago some of the formats changed and became just as expensive for the seller and more expensive for the buyer.
EBay sellers tricked and post sucks

EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022 WE STILL USE EBAY FOR ANTIQUES
How this all started I do not know but a few years ago you could buy from a seller on eBay and they would send out a parcel to you and depending on what you brought and how much you may or may not have to pay import fees.
eBay started a shipping service and express to the sellers all they had to do was send their pieces to the warehouse and eBay with the packing the shipping and the paperwork this actually became more expensive for the seller and became problematic with pieces coming back.
A simple explanation ! In the UK you can import anything up to £36 without having to pay any duty when you started buying from eBay after the shipping change over if you was a penny over you would have to pay the £36 whereas before customers would not be bothered by 1P.
This was the first decline of eBay‘s massive power the sellers should’ve kept the power to send the parcels themselves, there was nothing illegal about this practice but after eBay changed the shipping rules everything became more expensive to buy.
E commerce wars 2022

EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022 Bulldogs and collectibles The quality is only matched by the quantity
Bulldog antiques museum google mapped
Amazon started a year before eBay but was very much a garage selling bookstore whereas eBay has a properly formatted website that brought buyers and sellers together using a very simple keyword format.
“Jeff Bezos” founder of Amazon was selling his secondhand books and some new books from the garage probably using a primitive email system and an old mobile phone this may sound primitive it was to become the worlds biggest product selling company.
EBay’s problems were to begin way before Amazon decided to aim for the stars ! The review system the product description to the payment options and the different attitudes given by the sellers, yeah the biggest problem is always been refunds and sending broken things back.
People used fake ip addresses to sell you nothing, One such example was to teenagers saying that you could buy an Xbox and you will get a computer box with a brick in it and they stole the money.
EBay now !
Before we talk about the fight EBAY now has with the e commerce world let’s talk about any changes seen ? So there’s there make offer button and discounts but has anything else changed in years.
Yes is the answer the price ! Is it inflation is it greed or is it eBay squeezing its sellers The format already makes money on each seller sale and even on the shipping, Did eBay know that by taking over the shipping people would have to pay more in duty in their respective countries.
It used to be in my country of the UK that if you pay duty that you will pay it at the post office when you go to pick up your parcel or send a bank transfer to customs and revenue, this changed to eBay handling shipping and customs
No as I do not know for sure I do not wish to spread this information so I do not wish to state whether or not eBay had any part to play with any government in this new strategy of getting people to pay for import duties on prices that used to be ignored.
EBay verses
The mindset would go straight to Amazon in the year of 2022 If one was thinking of the largest online selling format in the world, this is true but I do not believe the decline of eBay is down to Amazon alone.
Once upon a time eBay had the whole online world and access to everyone’s server paying for advertising and topping most online pages, this has not changed but the world has and with it has come many other selling formats that have jumped the queue ahead of eBay.
It seems every format now has a selling section meta formally known as Facebook has its popular market place and selling pages and Tiktok once a child’s video format is now taking in more revenue than eBay WOW that was fast !
We can come down the list a bit so there is Shopify,Etsy,Ruby Lane,worth point and who would would of thought music magpie and VINTED would be as popular as they are now, is that all the competition noted hmmm.
EBay Verses the auction house
There are three more competitors that eBay has to fight with One of those is there every day or Weeknd auction house, this part is a no brainer as an auction house has years or decades of experience and the price comparisons even after fees is staggering
Crown Devon have a bulldog ceramic with the English flag on the back and wearing a pilots hat a collector friend of mine was watching this particular piece on eBay price that over £600 for months but did not put a bid on and here is why
Cleverly waiting he joined an online auction bidding system where you can bid on various auctions around the world and he managed to get this bulldogs ceramic for just $60 plus fees no one on eBay could ever match that kind of price.
Obviously that’s just one example of hell the auction house wins over eBay any day this is down to the price also the description and knowledge of the piece that’s being sold eBay sellers are good at research but not as good as an auction house.
Who’s got dibs ?

EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022 HERES ONE RESELLING EXAMPLE
A system called reselling is a new threat to all auction formats that are not auction house related the idea behind this is someone buying up a lot of one product and then selling it’s at a later date for a much bigger price.
This is not illegal and one company that many have heard of are known for this on a huge scale, FIRST DIBS Is one such site that will buy or outbid normal sellers for products on places like eBay and Amazon and then resell at a massive mark up.
At the pace this company works you can see in real time pieces on eBay being brought out and a few days later being sold on the first Dips website, the pieces have a huge mark up put on them that a lot of collectors and buyers out of the game.
Bulldogs memorabilia is not immune from reselling Bing and Grondahl Royal Doulton are just two brands once seen on eBay then on first dibs they seem to have some knowledge on what to resell as there are collectors out they’re willing to pay over the top to have a certain piece in the collection sad 😞 really.
EBays last battle is Advertising
Yep The Achilles heel in all online auction formats is personal advertising this is where websites trump most other e commerce sites. Massive amounts of money spent on brand advertising but no seller advertising.
Amazon came up with the affiliated marketing sellers scheme where are people like me who write blogs are paid to write articles that take the reader directly to the Amazon website using product placement in a blog article.
The power of ADVERTISING! is universal on the planet this means a website can send out a blog article to every single format that excepts a link and that’s a lot of formats, online auction sites do not have this power and sellers are classed as spammers if they advertise themselves.
Every format has its paid option where you can run a campaign where you post an ad is seen by more people than a usual post, but unlike any website that ad will stop when your money runs out.
EBay Verses advertising continued
Working hard on Collectibulldogs means that I am able to advertise on my own groups my own pages and my own accounts on formats my blogs are linked to external sources as well as visitors that come to read them.
The article is permanent so there is no need for money for an advertising campaign and I can write as much as I like about any description I don’t need to worry about how many words I’m using and any back link will stay with the blog i’m also able to add back links to other blog articles that may have products if I was selling.
So as we come to the end of the article it does seem like once upon a Time eBay ruled the online e commerce world and now it is EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022,will eBay be here in ten years time.
Do you think eBay will reinvent itself or do you think greed has taken over to the point most people would rather think of Amazon as the place to go for most things now, use the comments section to let me know what you think maybe you shop at eBay and not Amazon or vice versa.
And lastly

EBay verses the world E commerce wars 2022 Kindness matters try to always be kind to others
There’s always the lastly lol, this article in part is show people whom I think could help collectibulldogs, my psychiatrist has shown interest as my passion is good for my mental health and I also think the LighthouseLighthouse project maybe able to help.
I’ve just sent off a blog for publishing at Brighton museum that’s my forth one for them and I hope to keep this up by guesting at hove museum soon too.
If I’m honest I didn’t believe that my psychiatrist has the time to look at my website let alone be interested in what I’m doing even asking through an email if I could continue and I’m not sure if I will be continuing after August I’m still thinking about it.
Please remember if you love or like the website you can always hit the trust pilot review button on the homepage or give us a review on google maps and there’s also a review section on the Collectibulldogs Facebook page thank you.