This dude needs a keyword masterclass

This dude needs a keyword masterclass
Our sympathies to all those effected by Covid 19 we hope we’ve hit our peak here in the UK and hope things are getting better slowly worldwide Ok this dude needs a keyword masterclass
It was bought to my attention today that it’s brilliant that my content is consistent and original yet I’m failing or WordPress is failing me when it comes to the art of keywords
It was my understanding a keyword is a relevant word or words (short or long tail) and these are what people search for when looking on the internet and typing into search engines I understand that part
also putting the keyword into the article at a certain density is seen as good practice and to have to have the keyword not only in two sub headers but at the front I’m shown is beneficial to the article.
This dude needs a keyword masterclass continued !
Using the keyword in the alternative text of a visual picture is part of good seo too and it also helps to make the page rank better or as I have seen using the seo guide on WordPress.
Keywords have never been issue until I was told recently that the website is missing out as I’m not using certain keywords! Ok so it’s easier said than done when A your niche is just yourself and B your not selling anything like bulldog statues art or books etc.
The keyword that may be chosen because it’s popular could be used but we get word press warnings telling us how many times we’ve used that keyword before and to maybe try another ! No offence at 2 am when your only chance to write presents itself there’s no time to re read the whole article and find another keyword change all the article around and publish.
So what am I getting so wrong for example yesterday I wrote an article and bring the Bulldogs and the SCO score stated that age used brindle bulldogs no Leston 42 times this came up as grain which means perfect so is it just okay or you want a case I’ve change in the same words around for keywords as they cannot be too many especially for this niche.
Keyword masterclass or some tips
I’m not silly if I was to use a title with the words giveaway or free or buy or sell I know these will automatically rank better as the words are to do with E commerce and not resource collectibulldogs doesn’t sell so we cannot use these keywords
English bulldog collection, English bulldog antiques collection, Bulldog collections,bulldog memorabilia, these are just a few of the long tailed keywords collectibulldogs needs online users to type in but again as we are not known these words are never used.
the person that pointed out this keyword conundrum also gave me some examples of keywords and how many were used in one day I’ll show you
as you can see there’s none relating to bulldog memorabilia or collections and these keywords are most probably used by affiliate websites that review on behalf of such places as amazon and are bound to get more clicks and exposure people want to buy things not just look at them.
Keyword masterclass All tips count !
If there is anyone out there that can make this fella understand the keyword world I’d be very grateful I mean if I’m only using certain keywords how do I pass them through the WordPress seo chart without it telling me to choose another as this one won’t rank.
I’ll say now I know tonnes more about black hat and white hat seo techniques than I do understanding the simple world of keywords! Apparently each website should have a rich amount of of keywords but as I’ve been following the WordPress chart all our keywords are quite individual.
there’s no point back tracking not only are there hundreds of articles I know the keywords chosen won’t match the article and I will feel down like I did today when getting the email, I know the person whom sent it meant no harm but I felt a bit like a failure
Ive learned so much in the short amount of time I’ve used the online world so to hear I’ve messed up on something that’s so simple to others is a feeling I don’t wish to share I’m 42 and cannot keywords how embarrassing is that, I’m not even sure if I owe my readers an apology for passed articles it’s all so confusing.
Check out these bulldog antiques (one of our top keywords)
Keyword masterclass Update
It’s now 2022 and I the owner am doing my own SEO, keywords have changed a lot since I wrote this article! Words are all about POWER or positive or negative validity ideas are now the normal for titles, as I’m going though each blog and updating basic SEO I’m hoping by pressing that update button I’ll be adding new keywords to the ones we already rank for