Collectibulldogs news proud to announce a girl

Collectibulldogs news I’m going to be a little big sister
Hi readers how are you ? We have great collectibulldogs news and are proud to announce after our second scan our baby to be is going to be a little girl, did I ask the nurse to recheck you bet your bottom dollar I did.
Please do not get me wrong after seventeen years of no babies we are grateful to have our second yet I’m the only male in the home here, the cats the dog my daughter and my wife so you’ll have to forgive this selfish fella whom was hoping to even the odds.
I had stayed up all night the previous night (I wish I hadn’t ) I could not see the screen properly and maybe should of taken my glasses which may of helped, the baby wasn’t moving much and Debbie was asked to wiggle a couple of times.
Everything was fine or our collectibulldogs news maybe of been different, we got to see a strong heart beat the spine looked good and all developmental stages are going well, Debbie is loving her pregnancy and so far has had no sickness or cravings.
Collectibulldogs news

Beautiful pregnant wife thanks all for kind words and support
Hopes of certain activities and ideas will now have to be put on hold as we see how this little one grows up, I had of hoped some interest in the collectibulldogs venture would of been a good idea so there’s someone to take over if so wished.
This does not mean that our baby will not grow up and like my interests it’s just that statistically boys emulate and copy from their dads shaving for example just like an example of a girl is one where they like to wear mums shoes and bags.
Before anyone gets annoyed I know it’s modern times and I have no issues with boys wearing bags and shoes just like girls playing with Lego and soldiers, I’m just explaining myself, I had a few months and most were spent thinking we were having a boy.
Maybe it’s in the genes my brother has boys and we have girls who knows, I just know this little one will be our second princess and will get the same opportunities growing up as our other daughter has which we hope helps her to turn out a lovely young lady.
Collectibulldogs news mental health worries
Ok sorry for the not so thought out sub headers but I do worry a lot about how my mental health disorders will effect the baby my relationship with the baby and of course how I keep my illness away from the baby.
Babies pick up on emotions and I have emotional unstable personality disorder this goes from extremes to feeling nothing, we all get emotions that dissipate, mine just stay longer the good and the bad.

The diagnosis I have were given as Chloe was growing up and I hide my illness from her best I could from suicidal thoughts (even attempts) and self harm to drinking excessively with a sad look upon the world.
Years on and I’m a different person I hope this shines through when the baby is born and I show I remember all those years ago how to change the baby support the head at all times, keep baby clean and happy I think that’s a good start.
Now we know debs can get ready (collectibulldogs news)
Without sounding sexist here I have no clue to what’s used or needed in twenty nineteen to bring up a baby I remember bottle warmers obviously a cot and even the scopes needed to make a bootle up per ounce but I think that’s me.
Whereas with Debbie now she knows the shopping part can take effect, with enough funds to assure everything is catered for and not knowing wether we will still be living here I’ve turned old bulldog shelves into baby utensil storage.
Let’s hope debs doesn’t go mad like some mothers with brands yes we have money but we certainly are not a designer family, the age gap means there’s no hand me downs and the baby will have to wait years to pinch her big sisters clothes.
Part of the pregnancy I think will help to bond a relationship with mum and our first daughter she’s an adult doing her own thing but I’m sure now she’s getting a sister she will want to help where she can (I bet ones not night feeds lol).
Collectibulldogs news ! Growing up with Porscha should be fun !
Imagine we have a get up and go baby one that’s astute early in age the trouble I can see baby and Porscha our mini bulldog getting up to will make for some funny reading indeed, Porscha is six months just gone so nearly a year when baby is born.
Porscha will have to wait a while but give it time and there will be two little trouble makers running us ragged and both needing walks to knacker them out lol, we do need to watch certain things with Porscha it’s been a while since we had both a puppy and a baby.
when we had our first baby daughter a boxer dog called missi was her guardian I’m not sure if this can be said for Porscha yet she’s a scatty little dog with a heart of gold I’m not she has it in her to be of a protective nature but we will see
Keeping Porscha flea free clean and trimmed nails is essential for the babies health and no one wants to see an over excited bulldog scratch accidentally so that’s something to be mindful of, Debbie has had past issues so we get another scan at thirty weeks I’ll keep you posted folks.
Oh Eiffion & Debbie & Porscha, I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am and your wonderful news ♥️ You will be the best parents and give her such a wonderful life. Bless and good wishes. Much love, Wynne Moishe’s Mom on Twitter ♥️