Bulldog blog back once more

Bulldog blog back once more
Guess who’s back it’s a bulldog blog back once more I’m sorry I went away I took a year out from collectibulldogs to be a father to my new daughter, I also needed space from the blog it’s interest to others and wether I wished to carry on please excuse my grammar I need practice
Before i continue my bulldog blog back once more I want to say there’s new widgets on our home page ! As many know we got booted off from Twitter and with so many formats at our disposal we hit up Pinterest and became creators there.
my posts are random there most are about bulldogs and how I can get interest to my bulldog blog but there’s also group boards I’ve created on subjects like the Axolotl and even the worlds best stews it’s all to bring interest to my page and then hopefully website clicks.
Ok so many of you know that I have and write about mental health and I’ve just met my new psychiatrist a Dr Newman whom surprised me when he asked about the bulldog website and the Bulldog blog too so this next part is the article he asked me to write.
Bulldog blog back once more meet dr N

Bulldog blog/ artworks from Brighton museum art group
Thank you to those that have re returned and utilised collectibulldogs our website is research based so even when there’s no new content there’s still lots to read learn and even try yourselves it’s been a while since I last wrote a blog article (well over a year ) and there’s purpose behind today’s article.
Now before I continue it’s only right I give those that have had life changing events due to the Covid pandemic anywhere around the world the sincerest of apologies from Collectibulldogs life can be cruel to those that least deserve it.
Todays article is a special specific and articulate account of collectibulldogs and the reason for this is the resent interest shown to me by my new psychiatrist Mr James Newman, I’ve waited since 2019 to see a dr so it was a big surprise when this fella asked me about my blog !
A little surprised (a good surprise) that a man of he’s standing would not only be interested in my passion but even asked me to write up an article for him to read, getting interest from anyone is cool but knowing my new psychiatrist my understand the extent of my passion he may even try and help to push for the council to help Collectibulldogs with its dream to become a museum or some other social enterprise.
I’ve tried for years to get someone with a strong background to see what I do how well I’ve done it and just how good I am when it comes to English bulldog memorabilia… let’s teach the dr about collectibulldogs shall we !
Bulldog blog back once more meet collectibulldogs

Bulldog blog collectibulldogs has had collaboration with others in the past
Collectibulldogs is a play on words (collectible) (bulldogs) and the ( I ) connecting it represents the fact we are online or on the Internet, the collection at one point had over 5000 pieces but over the years charities dog walks and other giveaways have thinned out the collection
I own some of the worlds most expensive and best quality bulldog memorabilia some of these objects date back over 200 years yeah Collectibulldogs does not own any blood sports memorabilia and our website is 100% family friendly.
Our awards include five blogging article awards two awards for making the top 15 on website lists We are in the top five on safe buy when it comes to the safest websites online and Collectibulldogs is one-of-a-kind and out of 1 .8 billion live websites THERES nothing that comes close we are so niche there is nothing like us
Other accolades include an exhibition at Brighton Museum in 2017 (world first) a two week exhibit that lasted nine months i’ve been interviewed on heart FM been in the paper twice and my collection was used on a segment on a popular morning TV programme The collection also freely loans A Victorian papier-mâché toy bulldog to the Brighton toy museum this is a loan for four years and is ongoing.
We have had local interest in the form of Sussex University with two undergraduates wanting to learn about my story and my collection to become part of their third year course completion I found this exciting and an honour and wished more people were community minded i’m thinking about local services and start ups that can be researched and studied for credit.
Bulldog blog back once more THE COLLECTION

Bulldog blog check out our bling
I started out my collection around 2013 2014 and my first piece was a brass bulldog in the style of a Melba ware bulldog I paid £25 for this and sold it for £40 and this is how my bulldog Passion started and I was 32 when I finally landed on my feet this is kind of embarrassing but at least I did land somewhere
My own cognitive intelligence helped a lot whilst researching I found that I was a natural when it came to the background of many of the pieces that I had collected and I started to make correlations between makes makers countries and even the age and artist of the piece I have gone on to share all the knowledge I have accumulated in a free e-book (another world first) that is connected to this website and is free for anyone to use they just need to download it.
Thanks to the time I’ve spent researching bulldog memorabilia I now own a collection worth a lot of money the pieces that are here are Either auction or museum quality whilst recently researching prices I have realised that I have reached my goal of a 30% increase in profit from the overall collection actually I may have exceeded that looking at many of the pieces for sale now online.
Dr J here’s a rundown of what’s in the collection that I’ve collected researched and curated since 2013, porcelain,bronzes, club memorabilia,Silver,metals, Custom pieces, commissioned pieces, Antiques, different countries themed, rare pieces, artworks,prints, postcards, 2d artworks, 3D artworks, glass bulldog figurines and antiques, Victorian era pieces, random collectibles ie baseball glove ,box camera,
Mack truck collectibles, miniatures, medals and coins, jewellery, books and paperwork Trophies, winners hallmarked cutlery dating back to 1900, A big English collection a big German collection and maybe the worlds best royal Copenhagen bulldog figurines all in one place together, I have more but I think the dr can see that maybe my OCD popped by whilst I was collecting.
Bulldog blog back once more more questions than answers
When I sat across from the dr during my appointment I did get triggered a couple of times and felt the tears coming but it was not until the dr asked me to write a blog that I actually let my eyes water 💦 now I’m not sure what made me so emotional about blogging again maybe I’m due some answers in my life who knows.
So as for the ruse just like a dr taking in an in-depth Analysis of all they survey across from them whilst having the small talk with you I’m guessing there’s something similar going on here the doctor today that I didn’t have to be right an article I don’t even know if it was reverse psychology but at the end of the day i’ve written a blog.
The article was mentioned even if no pressure to actually produce content was shown so I do wonder why a psychiatrist will be interested in my hubby OR Passion especially to the point where he asked me to write a blog article this hasn’t happened before with passed drs.
Maybe there’s hope that I will find my blogging spark again get the old synapses fired up and continue pushing out researched information on this niche, I see the doctor again in a months time so I can ask him then it’s not only what he thought of my article but why he wanted me to write it in the first place

Showing dr Newman we are a world class bulldog antiques museum online
Unfortunately I’m losing out each year ATM I pay £25 a month to a host that is supposed to maintain my website and keep things up to date he doesn’t know much about the main points so my website is not SEO ready, this is SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION where your website is set up for both online and offline optimisation where keywords play a big part in getting organic traffic to the website
The first business idea that already comes with the website is paid promo for backlinks blog space anchor text and online advertising I came up with this idea which did start but when I stopped blogging Google didn’t rank me so no one was interested and it’s been like that since.
A second idea would be to sell up create an eBay account and just sell the collection piece by piece and share proceeds between my daughters, as I have been doing this for years I do have groups pages and social media accounts on different formats so I did actually create a clientele even before I created any kind of business Instagram is over 50,000 and on Pinterest my pins get seen about half 1 million times a day at the moment this is all part of the social media presence that I have created for myself sent to 2015.
I am the conduit of this collection I do not own Collectibulldogs my daughters do and as I have said to the doctor my father left me with scars and bad memories and I’ve always wanted to 1 day leave more for my family so my dream is that Collectibulldogs becomes the first actual museum made from bricks and mortar to be established in the UK.
I’m just the bulldog care taker !

Bulldog blog back once more here’s another collaboration with artist Dick Twinney
It is my belief that if I had the confidence to crowd fund or if I had the chance to make a proper entrepreneur and talk a little bit about my ideas I really think that the collection I have created could tell a brilliant story of a underdog braid that has been part of the United Kingdom‘s ancestry just as much as many of the people that have lived there too
There was a time when the collection meant the world to me I couldn’t think of anything else and I loved the collecting the research and the fact that I know so much about bulldog antiques it actually excited me to feel that I know at least one subject matter in life
The fact no one else has shown interest in the past decade has pushed how I feel about the collection to a new low from my family to those around me and it’s not like I’ve not asked for help before but it seems to be just me, when you love something you want to talk about and share it when others don’t care then there’s no point in sharing or talking As no one’s listening

Bulldog blog back once more here’s a picture of me out something the dr will be keen to push for
WELL I DID IT ! The dr asked for an article and surprise after 15 months I write one I hope dr Newman sees the passion I had for collectibulldogs the investment of time money and hundreds of hours spent creating a world beater of an idea and with the right people around me this could of been something bigger.
As someone that’s worked at Brighton museum I’m confident if I created a museum just about bulldogs but properly curated into a story with displays and sub sections I could pull in more footfall than the museum and pavilion per day
Not only is it a new idea of social enterprise it would bring a world first to Brighton and even revenue for the city, Brighton culture is also a great marketing strategy for such a museum.
Before I go and proofread before doing the seo adding a picture or two and publishing id like to point dr Newman towards a link that I think may surprise him Mental wellbeing distraction techniques and ideas and Mental health or social media ones not right I want to show the dr just how diverse I’ve made this website and that not all blogs are bulldog blog related.
I’m hoping next invited to see the dr he will ask to see how a blog is written from H2 headers and keyword placement to search engine optimisation and making sure there’s fresh links and cropped photos and my word count so far is 2157
So folks if your on PINTEREST I’d love it if you followed and help me build my boards up I’m at 360 thousand impressions so far with our best group board hitting 1300 members and growing so pop over using this link and I hope to see you in my followers list
Bulldog blog update
Collectibulldogs is doing its own SEO so our blogs may have subtle differences for us to rank just like here on this Bulldog Blog we hope you continue to read and enjoy our content whether or not it’s bulldog antiques, our updates are to improve our search engine optimisation and as it’s expensive I’m doing most myself learning as I go, in the mean time here’s a good link to our YouTube where you can meet our axolotls AXOLOTL CLIP ON YOUTUBE
This is my first time doing search engine optimisation I’ll have to do it on every Bulldog Blog that’s over 480 left to go ! each keyword I can get updated is a word searched for on servers and as I’ve had no experience before I’m learning as we go ! I won’t be adding update notifications to every article but I will be using new links just like Astonishing immersive VR life in 2022 and adding videos from our YouTube channel
These new updates will get crawled and indexed I on the other hand need to learn about positive and negative titles that have power words and numbers I’m also obliged to add any decent back links to anything I’ve spoken about and the new Google metric ask that you do this whilst keeping your visitors happy and on site confused me too, until the next article thank you and bye for now