You can find beauty in the unknown

You can find beauty in the unknown From an old Aussie friend and gifted to the collection it was made in Australia we think but don’t know who by
Hi readers, it would be wrong of us to start “You can find beauty in the unknown” without of course expressing our deepest sympathies to all those that have lost loved ones since the pandemic it’s heart wrenching.
Hopefully this article will occupy some for at least five minutes whilst we are still on lockdown, You can find beauty in the unknown is an article where I’ve gone round the collection and picked out a few unknown pieces.

Well it’s a beauty of a smile but who made this piece ?
Why you maybe thinking ? Well as a collector I love nothing more than checking out the Royal Doulton cabinet and knowing if I pull on the latch that nearly every Royal Copenhagen bulldog is there is a treat.
But as the title suggests there are pieces here that could be seen as beautiful just by the way they are presented, some are antique in date but all have one thing in common they are all unknown pieces.
You can find beauty in the unknown Continued

An example of a studio piece a real go at replicating the original north light piece
The English Bulldog collectors market is huge and it’s easy to be taken in with overspending on certain popular auction websites and I’m sure that’s how I obtained a fair few of these pieces of unknown beauty.
No back stamps no makers marks not even FOREIGN embossed to show they were made in either occupied japan or Germany so they are real head scratchers, such a shame really as some are beautiful looking bulldog figurines.

It has beauty another example of a studio piece
Other collectors may disagree but I believe a collection needs a cross section to A be a viable collection even of the same niche and B it makes for a more interesting collection overall.

For such beauty you’d expect at least a signature or initials
Tasking myself to pick the pieces added was not easy there’s a few hundred non descriptive pieces here all pieces of unknown beauty and made from different materials but I thought I’d start with the porcelain pieces.

Stunning large terracotta bulldog head
Brains and beauty needed

It’s an unknown beauty a humidor and pipe holder
It’s true as a bulldog memorabilia website it’s our job to find out these answers and sometimes we research the unknown yet with life itself being busy and just so many pieces help would be needed.

This beauty is possibly Victorian
brains combined or someone with more experience in this field could possibly help with some of the pieces yet not knowing if any are studio pieces there would be some discrepancy over the true nature or information given.

Little beauties pincushions
Its also nice to be able to show some pieces that are probably not in the gallery yet ! As you can see already there’s a mixture of pieces from antique looking little pots and pincushions that we believe are 1920s Germany

This beauty is porcelain but has a metal nut underneath ?
The more bisque looking with dirty bottoms show their age well and Kudos to whomever had the skills back then to create the unknown beauty selection before you and also proves you don’t need a massive budget to collect.
It’s time to go (after lockdown)

Just a small example of the unknown beauty here
My Beauty of a Wife keeps telling me I need to thin out the collection and after twelve years and looking around she’s right I just didn’t want to face it, we have many pieces here that could do with a new home.
In light of that if anyone wishes to pay for their postage then come and introduce yourself (our email is and you can be shown what the wife deems as a space pincher and these pieces could be off to new homes.
there’s makers pieces too I’m sure of it and of course the unknown beauty That there must be a pile of, I will get the last say of course but space is always a premium so after the lockdown ends you could maybe give a piece or two a new home.
These are not for resale so no buyers please just those that either collect or take a shining to a particular piece, I’m currently staring at one shelving unit right now where the wife thinks every piece needs to go lol
Until then we need to stay in and soldier on !

Bisque in style early 1900s beauty

This beauty as other 👍
Each country will be different but the powers that be are asking us to keep the lock down going to save lives, this is easy for me mental health issues means I live a bit like this anyway, asburges syndrome and other issues mean I enjoy my own company more.

An unknown beauty bulldog piggy bank

Unknown beauty
Congratulations 🥳 to each and every single one of you for helping to fight this new virus and I’m sure there will be incentives after for example the NHS saved the life of the English prime Minister from the same party that’s torn the NHS apart for nearly a decade.

A stunning beauty pre 1900s England
hopefully the party responsible (conservatives) will now see the error of their ways and give total power back to all our emergency services that way they can do professional jobs not sub standard and then have to face committees when things go wrong.

Lovely colours on these unknown beauties
Anyway rant over WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO RELIEVE YOUR BOREDOM? This last paragraph sentence here brings me on nicely to what I’ve been up to recently and why it’s not been so easy for me to accomplish but we are getting there.

An artists attempt with pottery. Found on popular auction website
Loosely inspired by Beswick sailor by the pond !

Beswick beauty inspired bulldog pond
I started this a little while back a makeshift pond that can either be fenced off or filled in when our baby is older but the idea is to bring as much wildlife into the garden as possible! Digging the hole was easy in the fact Porscha helped out but there was a hindrance

Beswick beauty inspired bulldog pond Or it will be when everything grows
Hyper vigilance it’s a real nightmare ! It’s easy to describe it’s like over hearing a conversation (maybe next door) and the talking is negative and aimed at what your doing but the worst part is the brain cannot distinguish wether it’s actual people or ones own negative inner voice
When I can handle the outdoors I love it and created what is the start of a very nice feature inspired by our own sailor by the pond from John Beswick
It’s not an expensive build as you can see it’s easy to build a rockery or theme but it’s easier when A your state of mind is sound and B Porscha is not around as to see it as a game and destroy it in her puppy like way.
Pond life
Its already started, about ten minutes after filling the hole there was an influx of flying wildlife I’m wondering if it’s the only watering hole in the area ! There are tadpoles in the pond too but we had to cheat
It’s amazing what you can find being offered for free but due to the enclosed state of the garden we wouldn’t of attracted frogs as there’s no access so we found frogspawn online and it was delivered and put straight in.
once grown the little frogs have the opportunity to either live in the garden or make their way further with the little holes we’ve created just in case they wish to migrate to other ponds but it is nice to know there is a tiny eco system already working.
ive asked my wife to leave the two spiders that have set up home on the steering wheel alone and explained why each creature does what it does and the whole point is to create more wildlife not squash it lol.
Overcoming the odds !
How does someone diagnosed with complex mental health issues get over such obstacles? Well it’s trail and error really, my idea is to get a shed that is secluded and buy a transistor radio, the music would be a distraction both from hyper vigilance and who doesn’t like music
Do not get me wrong, so far I’ve put up a gazebo I’ve put together a shed with my brother created a lawn where there was just a tree root system, I’ve put up bird boxes bird feeders and there’s lights everywhere.
Maybe the lockdown is effecting me as most of the day most people are at work or getting on with their life’s I live in a quiet street but with windows everywhere so it’s all about what kind of day I’m having and how confident I feel.
I’ll leave now with the happy thought in my head that soon I’ll have my own shed a man of forty two just popping he’s shed cherry lol, I’m looking forward to my own space where I can either get on with ventures or just chill sit back and enjoy the beauty of nature all around me.
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Stay in stay safe save lives ! Plz keep each other safe out there !
Wonderful piece Eiffion! You are so correct—so much beauty. Your collection is beyond magnificent & spectacular! The best in the world.
Thank you Wynne I have to say I agree 100 percent there but there’s still time to get even better xx