Bulldog figurines by European artists !

Bulldog figurines by European artists ! Check out these amazing and different pieces
Our sympathies and condolences go out to those devastated by the Covid 19 outbreak it’s heart wrenching! Bulldog figurines by European artists is just a nice look at bulldog figurines that were found outside of England 🏴
Its nice to see the English bulldog so popular back when many of us were not even here yet we love seeing all bulldog memorabilia and think we got a wide range of porcelain bulldog figurines to showcase.
The fact some come in sets used to be annoying until the rest were found and we now look for different sizes in the same model of a bulldog figurine whenever we are looking to boost the collection.
We love these pieces the fact they are here tells it’s own story and each piece from about year four of collecting until today has been a pleasant surprise, no one as yet has contacted us to state they have a bigger selection but we are eagerly awaiting.
Bulldog figurines proudly showing

Bulldog figurines by European artists ! From huebach in Germany WEVE not come across more sizes yet
These or many of these bulldogs cannot be found now or it would take some research to get to find many of them so we are proud of the ones owned here, the sets make for great pictures in theirselves too.
If it’s Karl Tutter from Germany or Theodore Madison from the brilliant danish manufacturers The Royal Copenhagen selection these artists all show different skill sets but to a standard not like today’s modern bulldog figurines
The brilliance of these artists is evident in the work produced and mini or nearly all of the pieces shown have a bulldog life light quality and not the type of ornament to be sitting on the windowsill behind glass where it will be safe.
Nearly Half of what makes up the porcelain side of collectibulldogs is actually from Europe and other countries too, if you were a collector then Germany and Japan Erstaunliche Porzellen Bulldogges treasures from Germany looks at some of what we had back when it was written
Bulldog figurines it’s a changing world

Bulldog figurines by European artists ! Possibly K Tutters only bulldog sculpture
As no one knows what’s around the corner after the Covid 19 pandemic there’s a chance that thousands of businesses even sellers online will of disappeared making it harder to continue to try and get back to normality
auction sites will peak, there’s already growth online Backlinks ! Improve your online business is testament to a new online world and social distancing will play a big part on the effect from big auctions right down to flea markets and garage sales
There’s not a percentage of pieces we can share with you that came from local areas car boot sales Facebook and other sources mean we have ventured around Brighton and it’s local areas to find bulldog figurines and collectibles.
This kind of collecting bulldog figurines and any kind of bulldog memorabilia for that fact has been sorely missed it’s been nearly two years since we went to our local car boot sale we loved the early morning walk along the sea front
Just beautiful bulldog figurines

Bulldog figurines by European artists !
Its been quite a ride researching the bulldog figurines that are from Europe! Trying to find German stamps to put a name to a piece has or was a challenge at the time, this industrious nation had thousands of pottery makers across the country and hundreds of brilliant artists
This cannot be said for Denmark a vast old Viking nation with a rich past, we seemed to of hit a wall here and could only find the Royal Copenhagen company. Most of the stunning porcelain bulldogs made here were before their time

Bulldog figurines by European artists ! Our collection so far
Creating Bulldog figurines out of any material cannot be easy there’s many processes, disciplines and know how to go from a drawing or idea to the actual piece, the artisans of Royal Copenhagen took this to a new level with a new tripod method.
This idea was to show the bulldog in a certain pose and have much of the weight resting on just one front leg, when we got our first piece it was seven cms high so the idea was not seen as WOW until we received the piece by Knud Knun another danish artisan
The two bulldog figurines could not be as different to each other as they are and both created by two different people and the sizes have no compassion the Knud Knun bulldog piece weighs over 2 kilos and is one of our largest.
One dwarfs the other but the risk was taken and both artisans created magic, these are not cheap ornaments in our eyes they are highly prized European porcelain that has its own history yet shares the love for the same breed as other countries have.
Bulldog figurines start with Dahl Jenson

Royal Copenhagen Dahl Jensen Bulldog figurines by European artists !
If your a collector or like what you see then a great suggestion is to start collecting bulldog figurines made by the danish artist Dahl Jenson, these small collectibles are detailed with a lovely pastel patina and the entry point to royal Copenhagen
The prices wanted often reflects the artist not Just the piece so whist your paying less than 200 pound for a bulldog from the likes of Dahl Jensen you could be looking at ten times the price for a Knud Knun bulldog figurine.

The rarer royal Goebel Bulldog figurines by European artists !
own personal collection is missing a couple of pieces from the Royal Copenhagen bulldog collection we are not sure when we will be able to submit these to the collection due to recent events and cash flow but it would be nice to know that we had or do you have every piece made by this amazing company.
Bulldog figurines a huge contribution!
Germany like England can show the world just how in high regard they see the English bulldog through An industrial culture where artists took on this breed and the factories pumped out many pieces.
The Bulldog figurines from Germany could be endless a country the size of Germany in the 1800-1900s could of had thousands of factories working to supply local and import demand as well as exporting out to the world.
HUTSCHENREUTHER POTTERY manufacturers were just like the English counterparts of companies like Royal Doulton Royal Worcester and John Beswick From the famous Beswick company all whom invited artisans to work for them.
Being English as a native and not speaking any German the names of the artists and the factories has been a work in progress I won’t deny that, Goebel Royal Goebel the huebach brothers, sitzendorf if I spelt it right and I doubt I have.
I mean no offence when I get it wrong and for the sake Of seo I should look and add the real or right spelling but I’m not about to go and awake the baby lols I can emend the article at a different time
this does prove if you don’t know foreign countries languages then it can create a bit of a barrier so thank the World Wide Web for helping, one anchor text link posted leads to an article where I spent more time getting the names right.
nymphenburg and huebach

Bulldog figurines like the stunning Nymphenburg bulldog
Showcasing the different kinds of bulldogs you’ll see there’s a quality look about them some are crude but most are well made and to look just like a bulldog, no more so than two bulldogs that we find true to life
The huebach brothers have had a story of a past the set of huebach bulldog figurines hold two stamps, the first on the seated version shows that they were made by Grebruder and huebach yet the standing pieces just have the huebach brothers stamp
The fact collecting these into a family was an honest attribute we did know that you could get the sets in an amount of three different sizes but when it continued it became a search but we think we found each size now

Rare piece by Huebach Germany
Still made one hundred years after the artisan first created it the Nymphenburg bulldog is seen by many as the most exquisite quintessential sculpture of the bulldog breed ever created, from calf bone to collar fold every detail is highly covered
Can you help us find bulldog figurines?

Bulldog figurines by European artists ! A gang of Rosenthal bulldogs
As we look at our website analytics you can’t help but notice that many of the visitors are actually from the Country of Germany so we would like to take this opportunity to ask those that read this with the one that they could help assist in our search.
Germany is a massive country and has been with many different areas with names that would be hard to pronounce yeah either know or write so we are asking if anyone can give us any names or areas of Germany to start looking.
just like England and some other countries we believe the relationship with the breed goes back a long time, by the diverse selection in our English bulldog memorabilia collection, we want to Try and increase the pieces we have.
If you can help please find a contact form below any names makers or places that we could google to research would be great ! Any new pieces found will get credited to the person whom helped to obtain the piece.
Fingers crossed please
since the outbreak I started speaking more about the joy I was getting from owning a garden I was proud to announce that I had grown a lawn created a pond and showed live videos to those without gardens to help with their lockdown boredom
This all changed when Covid 19 lockdown Hypervigilance issues kicked in and I became a recluse from my own back yard as I’m not used to so many eyes looking at me whilst I’m trying to do my gardening
The fingers crossed part is my shed should arrive tomorrow and I’m excited just like it’s Christmas! I’ve already found a place and my next bulldog related article could be from the confides of my own space
privacy at last and a man cave where I can put my scooters my drone my virtual reality set and the 3D printing modules, I’m even hoping to run electric out to the shed so that I can make tea at my leisure.
Lastly !
Thank you for your visit with so many online these days it’s a privilege to have you visit collectibulldogs.com, please do not forget we love blog comments and social sharing really helps to get our articles seen
it’s unprecedented times as you know and with a sense of normality trying to reconnect with society we want to wish everyone safe ! Remember even if your bored that an economic country cannot run when its citizens are sick so always put people before profit.
due to the amount of new websites collectibulldogs dropped its bulldog figurines articles and sent out this free offer Backlinks ! Improve your online business it’s not an answer to anyone’s prayers but it’s a start to those about to use the online world.
we cannot see why businesses wouldn’t be interested most will have long established websites and it would take two mins to do the exchange and in return anyone wanting a certain job done or product bought can look at these sites it also helps boost their / our domain authority.
STAY SAFE STAY INDOORS SAVE LIFES ! Still the safest way to try and stamp out this pandemic that’s swept across the globe it’s an unseen foe that will take time to defeat.
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