Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space

The beautiful type of cabinets I’d love ❤️For my Bulldog Antiques
Hi readers I hope your all well and safe, Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space is my alternative to writing about my lapse this summer I think I’ll add it to our new Our new mental health section a place to add or read the real issues facing people with a mental disorder and or their families. A new concept that we think all websites should have !
This Blog article is about how space went from a premium to an issue and now I have thoughts to either dough out the money for a display or pack it all sadly away for five to ten years, Siennas small at the moment yet the pieces and presents bought are building up and what was my collection displayed throughout the flat it’s now crammed into the bedroom.

Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space Like a lot of these old places there’s an old fire place isn’t Alec’s work stunning 😍
Oh before I continue can I just say if you left us a five star 🌟 review with GOOGLE REVIEWS then thank you very much and to those that have not we would love your review to become part of the individual efforts we ask of our readers to keep us at least looking as good to others as we do to you.
So my dilemma! I’ve spent ages on this now and when I started my new Face book carpentry community venture I networked for donated pieces and met a joiner called Alec woodland, this fella has a heart of gold he’s works are out of the city and he donates he’s off cuts and this week dropped round some other useful things too.
Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space Continued

I had made sienna a toybox I think it was filled within a week.
So after meeting Alec I started looking at Alec Woodland joinery on he’s Instagram page and a unit that looked stunning popped up, I was astounded by the workmanship and craft craft of this particular piece that I also jumped the gun a little bit and asked for a quote it felt a bit like if you can’t afford it don’t ask but I did ask anyway.

Please remember when being asked to leave comments and reviews your helping this little ones future as my daughters are the named owners I just look after it all until they understand what they have
this kind of display cabinet or display wall made by someone like Alec would cost around £2800 with Alec doing the job on site and if he sent this out as a flatpack for you to build yourself as in DIY you’re looking at around £2300. When I found out that I could’ve afforded this if I didn’t buy my E bike and other pieces that I could’ve at least had most of the money needed to have this beautiful bespoke unit in my home.
yes I have thought about Making this myself but I know for a fact that if I was to get one cut wrong the whole of the system would be compromised and even if Alec was to make and send in flatpack chrome I still feel that I will be the person to make it go wrong and eventually fall apart apart.
It will take a couple of years if I wanted to save for this kind of cabinet to have in my home and this is what I intend to do as collectibulldogs is a one-of-a-kind website that’s growing steadily and the collection still remains the most essential part of the website.
I should of thought ahead !

Hey move over dad I need my space
Being told that you’re going to be a father again after 18 years is a bit of a wow factor and at the time the collection has its own room in our old home where space wasn’t a problem as there was only three of us living in our home now that we have moved I have not given any thought to Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space until recently!

Bulldog antiques, Baby Blues over space see what mean 😢
Post Covid should she some sort of normality in 2021 (I’m hoping they have the vaccine by then) I am believing that my dream of a bulldog museum that is under my stairs in the front garden is not going to be happening so the second best thing would be to have a open house where people can come round after getting in contact first and see the collection in a beautiful bespoke way.
2020 with Covid and Brexit has left me not collecting for a while I also need a clear out and a cabinet system before collectibulldogs can get better, it’s a shame I’ve not spent much time article writing let alone collecting as our only award this year was safebuys 5/5 for most trusted website in our niche
If you require any advice if your still collecting at the moment feel free to reach out and ask questions I’ve seen a weird spike in the prices from some countries where as others are holding their own despite new tariffs either coming or already here
Roll on 2021 hope and faith for a better year !
I did think in 2019 when I lost my sister and Debbie lost her father that 2020 was going to be a better year but I had thought completely wrong 😑! It’s been a weird few years in the U.K. I remember those that had jobs cussing those on state benefits I remember in 2016 / 2017 we had austerity start and a lot of organisation shutdown in the UK as well it’s 20% of the police force
This was then followed by the idea to leave Europe so then it didn’t matter what your vocation was or wasn’t your vote was wanted not your dignity rubbed into the mud and during this transition we have Covid and that’s the state of play now
I’m one that does not wear a mask 😷 sorry to those offended but due to a medical and mental disorder issue I am exempt but I still fear this horrific virus and 4000 deaths a week if we don’t do anything is mind blowing. I’m writing this as the U.K. prime minister states on TV as from Thursday we are in national lockdown.
Id like to express after seeing the graphs to anyone effected by Covid 19, my own 18 year old daughter is a front line carer so I do worry about her a lot well every time she leaves home for work.the happiness as with before will be the fact we have such a cutie 🥰 taking up our time we hardly notice restrictions applied.
Google reviews please
Please can I finish my article by writing to each person that has seen the website in full that know about our Awards page and the graft put into this website to finish their time here by pressing the google Review link and adding your 5 star story.
since we started we have 10 and are getting a little more noticed online these google reviews just like trustpilot will increase our trust and domain authority with the website gods, as we are a museum I spend lots of time promoting for visitors I’d like to be able to know we are found quite easy and have a respectable Google score