Made by Marek
Hot cast cold cast repo and faux I will explain each one first before moving on.
Hot cast bronzes and figurines are an actual bronze metal usually made by the old tradition of the lost wax method and this can be seen via the link on my home page as my friend Marek, sculpts them including the two pictured, this is the most expensive way to make bronze figurines but the best too.
Cold cast bronze is a figurine made from a resin type bronze which starts off as a powder you can see the differences just in the colour but another way of telling is real bronze is cold to the touch where as resin bronze takes in body heat and warms up.

Made a friend Marek
Both processes can achieve amazing results in their own right and many a famous artisan has used the bronze method as it goes back much further than porcelain and it was the big porcelain power houses that saw the demises of so many foundries as it was cheaper to create and ship world wide.
Bronze Reproductions vary but most are copies of famous pieces scarce on the open market the persons responsible re create a cast of the piece then copy it I do not know the legal side of reproductions so cannot specify on value.
Talking about faux bronzes and figurines is easy but for most not easy to spot and partly why buying bronzes for anything other than decoration is risky.
Its best I do not name countries that I know or have heard make faux bronzes but a brilliant example for you all to see is a piece I saw swamp the English market and can be found on ebay in the bronze bulldog section, the piece is listed as a FRANZ BERGMAN cold painted hot cast piece but these are rip offs.
The same as the other BERGMAN bulldog that’s smaller and thinner with intended paint loss this piece is circulating as a silver alloy plain piece too and both have a letter C on the foot and I have done my research BERMAN never stamped his pieces on the feet with anything let alone a C, this goes right across the board I’m afraid with thousands of people thinking they have a lovely bronze piece when in fact its painted white metal.

Antique bulldog collectibles
My personal opinion with bronzes for investment is not only research but find a second opinion by someone with bronze history they do not need to collect but have some knowledge to help you make the right choices.
As countries grow faster like china raw materials like copper iron and other metals used in the making of bronzes are becoming more expensive.
Not only that but the art of hot casting or the lost wax method is slowly disappearing and one day will just be seen in museum demos and kids history books, I will endeavour to right about my different bronze pieces good and bad in my next blog.
WOW all for me hahaha I’m only joking dad (must have your sense of humour) I’m actually unbelievably grateful you did all this just for me so I thought I’d say thank you with some comments for you I know you love these and other kinds of participation and views and viewers if you read this please add your own comments to help my dads website thank you. .
My dad is brave to talk about his mental health and I hope it helps to raise awareness for others I’m proud of him and want to say he’s been my perfect dad now for over 16 years and I’ve been his number one priority so one day dad I’ll repay all this back.
It’s quite funny when I’m up town with my girl friends and they are all looking for make up and ice cream whilst I have my eye out for bulldogs I think my mums the same now too, we buy dad lots of bits n bobs when we come across them but I swear it’s like buying for the queen dad has them all lol.
Dreams do come true mine is to be a air hostess to start out with and I really hope dad gets the backing and help to further his venture he says he is just the conduit or caretaker but I do not have a clue yet about all this and it keeps dad happy so if he’s dream that one day a bulldog museum could be created that would be fantastic for him and good for the country too.
Wiggles is like an annoying little sister she’s unpredictable and doesn’t like anyone going near dad so when I say good night she gets all defensive it’s funny as she cannot move fast at all, I’m really happy mum and dads rescue gets on with Bonnie my cat or there would be trouble lol.
It’s all for you xx
Love your collection ❤️
It’s your collection I’m just it’s care taker smart daughter of mine xx