Boxers and Bulldogs endorsement by Gary o Sullivan

Our latest endorsement by Gary o Sullivan
Hi readers I hope your all well, I’m so excited I can barely contain myself the article Boxers and Bulldogs endorsement by Gary o Sullivan has to be one of the most privalaged blog articles I’ve had the pleasure of writing, waiting patiently for the day to come that this pro Boxer decided to endorse Collectibulldogs and our mental health awareness articles.
I first met Gary o Sullivan on twitter last year I had heard of the boxer before hand but did not approach him until I found the courage to help support a fight he had coming up, if you were to meet or talk to Spike as he likes to be called (by he’s friends)!!! You would come across a very intelligent gentleman with time for others and especially the fact he loves being a family man.

All you doggy owners I’d love your support and prayers for a win this coming March the 16th a great belated present to my newest of fans
Who is Gary o Sullivan
Gary “Spike” O’Sullivan is an Irish pro boxer who has held many championship belts like the WBO international (Wow) and the He has also held various Irish boxing belts too, you can find all the info on spikes boxing performance here At Gary’s Career or check him out courtesy of the boxing Insider here as they Interview our great new endorsement
Not just a pro boxer Gary o Sullivan has been a stunt man in a film aired in 2007 called strength and honour and also played boxing opponents in other films including the last round and the Vein within, but boxing is in his blood with fights against the likes of O’Sullivan vs. Hall O’Sullivan vs. Nunez O’Sullivan vs. Lemieux and O’Sullivan vs. Douglas.
Why Gary o Sullivan chose Collectibulldogs
Speaking with Gary on a personal level he learnt of my tanasity for what I love and surprised when he found out I had created this social enterprise not just on my own but that I did it suffering complex mental health issues, Gary o Sullivan loves bulldogs don’t get me wrong but it’s the fact he knows my struggles and sees that I always get back up something he can definitely relate with.
Gary has been a ear to talk to and even if he’s a big hard boxer he listens has empathy but doesn’t take fools lightly as they say and to me his a gentle giant with a real heart and concerns for others around him, he didn’t even charge for the endorsement all he wants is for Collectibulldogs to do well and to see less of my pessimism when things are going wrong, in return I will be asking readers to follow Gary o Sullivan’s pages and give him the same love and support he’s shown to us.
Gary’s message
Dear all, your on what is a knockout of a website ive checked it out myself and still going through articles, Eiffion is a born fighter I mean he has collected all this created a world online and with people on a personal level (me included) and all whilst suffering with his demons, I know all about wanting to be a success and I also know the hardships getting there so I’m helping by endorsing Collectibulldogs for Eiffion hoping it helps with his own success and his future personal growth.
I advocate and encourage anyone willing to talk about mental health and eiffion has bravely and honestly put his heart on he’s sleeve to divulge the demons he struggles with, if we all help support this adventure of eiffion’s then he may just get he’s dream one day, I have a team in my corner every time that bell rings and that’s whats needed here so come on everyone and show eiffion that 2019 is just round 1 for Collectibulldogs DO IT EIFFION MY TEAM ARE BEHIND YOU.
Gary saying thank you to his own sponsors (paying it forward)
Prize fight whiskey 🥃 (FUNDING)
THE MARDYKE ARENA INSTITUTE OF SPORTS 🥎 performance and excellence
@gym_trition (food and supplements) On twitter or contact them via email

Collectibulldogs is Humbled

Proud website
This fellas record is outstanding if your a fan of professional boxing 🥊 his work with his local area and charity doesn’t do him justice, I tip my hat to Gary o Sullivan I could not get in the ring have a fight and be mates after to be honest I doubt I’d like being punched on the nose continually but some have it in them to go all the way and show hard work discipline and the right diet can get you what your mindset wants, I have dreams of creating a museum maybe Gary dreams of his next opponent hitting the Matt we all have our dreams.
After researching gary we are humbled that he wanted to do this celebrities as you know are prown to wanting lots of money, as we do not sell anything and are just an educational website for now this team up is great, some decent SEO work will go into Gary’s segment and in return I hope he retweets a few posts every now and again to get Collectibulldogs on a verified page and when twitter see him as our endorsement they won’t get all funny about it.
Paying it back bulldog style

Always improving the page
We have our own core following both here and on our social media formats so it’s my suggestion that to say thank you we give Gary support back, just like the rest of us Gary has devolved his online appearance and you can find him firstly on His own Facebook page full of amazing content theres also Gary’s TWITTER PAGE
If you want to see amazing pictures of Gary’s career then INSTAGRAM is a great format of Gary’s fights can be found all over YouTube just piggy back off ours Here and search for Gary o Sullivan Boxing matches, for that are not into boxing Collectibulldogs still needs endorsements to move forward and everyone chooses what they wish to be in life and we commend the gentleman for such an illustrious career he is a star 🌟 even if a tough one.
It would be great if Gary could send a signed autograph or note to Collectibulldogs it would give us more provenance when approaching museums and other factions to see that the endorser shows interest and it’s proof too if the online site was ever lost or collection sold that would be ample enough to show it was of truth, I now have to bide my time before pestering him lol.
Our first endorser did not work work out I have said that’s as far as I’ll mention it as we both have the same friends online and I feel Gary is a much better support network that will hopefully share our posts and tell his friends about helping out a one man promo team with disabilities that has defied the odds to prove vulnerable adults are just as capable too happy collecting .
Update may 2020 !
Just like everyone else Gary has been in lockdown but spending loving quality time with his family as he soaks up he’s new found fame Irish boxing online have a great write up ! On Gary’s new film / documentary the prize fighter !
The Irish mirror also cover this documentary and I hope Gary’s success just keeps on rolling !
Plenty of @spike_osullivan ✅
Plenty of @Packycollins ✅
Plenty of @cwarriorsgym ✅Plenty of reasons to watch The Prizefighter ✅
A behind the scenes look at Spike's push towards a world title.
Tomorrow night at 10pm Virgin Media One. #ThePrizefighter
— Virgin Media Sport (@VMSportIE) January 7, 2020
We are hoping to catch up Gary real soon and as soon as we can get a link to virgin media player we will drop the link to this new and interesting looking into the life of a boxer from the ground up and critics say O’Sullivan doesn’t disappoint.