Antique bulldog and the beast

Antique bulldog and beast
Hi readers, over the past few days parcels have been arriving mostly pieces to go out to others but a few pieces that I have found for my private collection and here are a few so, I thought I would show a few of my piece.
Also please note ALL FACEBOOK GROUP CREATORS most of you know me and the bulldog antique collections purpose but I have left your groups after I got a negative response from a punk or BEAST hence the title and I would like to use a stronger word but swearing is not going to achieve nothing.
If I was not a norse in your groups then I would like an invite back if I’m welcomed which some have done as soon as they saw I went AWOL and to these people I cannot thank you enough for showing that facebook is free for all to use and it always tends to be the most envious of people that give me grief, I’m sorry my bulldog antique collection makes haters out of some people but there are still tonnes of great folks on facebook and twitter whom love seeing my posts and that have shown faith in me and my crazy bully venture.
Antique bulldog and the beast
I have started to worry that my site and blog are becoming boring I am not sure if it is because I do not get any mail regarding collecting or the collection as such and I also do not know if folks are reading any of my blogs, well I hope so anyway as its fun to do and I love talking bulldogs bulldogs bulldogs, and on the subject lol, I have just agreed to help one lady in the states sell on her pieces and another lady contacted me a few days ago asking if I was interested in her bulldogs.

Antique BACKLINKS American history of the English bulldog
She has around 200 pieces and will hopefully be sending pictures soon so I can choose what I would like and also offer to help sell the other pieces so she is not stuck on Ebay for weeks on end.
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I have added pictures of my newest pieces and will go through them so if you see what I am seeing then the first piece is a vintage silver plated tobacco humidor, the larger compartment opens to place tobacco and the piece where the bulldog sits unscrews to place a wet sponge or anything that would stop the tobacco from drying out and keeping it fresh and damp, (SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU DO NOT START).
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The second is a piece from Germany the middle sized version and its made by ELPHINA and I could only find the large and small at first so it was surprising when my wife found one for me but as with the HEUBACH pieces maybe there are even more sizes out there.

Carrying on from there is the next piece its the larger out of the two and one I had mentioned in a previous blog, these are Austrian made around 1900 they are quite rare and I have never seen a larger version before so made my offer and bought him I just hope he does not break the shelf he sits on.
Antique bulldog and the beast ( seo antique)
The next two pictures are of one piece its a stone ware recycled day of the dead piece that could be used as a jar of sorts hmm maybe doggy treats or in some cases a swear jar lol.
The last picture is of a large Italian piece I have been trying to research these as they are well made but badly signed so they could be reproductions or peoples own pottery folk art.
Right I think its time for a cuppa and a rethink about my collectors club for some reason there is over 7000 members and hardly any posts yet I know lots of members do have amazing pieces as they inbox them to me where as I wished they posted to group and if it carries on I may have to let a lot of none posting members go and start looking for more enthusiastic collectors to join the group, if I do not it is going to be mainly my posts and I do not wish that as I will be seen as big headed brash or a have it all, can I just thank the folks still interested posting liking and engaging still with the group.
Lastly welcome to all my new TWITTER and INSTAGRAM readers I hope you enjoy my site and my details are available if needed…HAVE A BIG BULLY WEDNESDAY FOLKS
Justified Backlinks 2022 free guide
Discover Bulldog memorability at collectibulldogs 2022
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Love these!
Yay a comment I cannot see what your loving but I’m loving the fact your here
There are some very nice pieces there some weirdly coloured ones but I suppose that is why they are collectible and also adorable pieces
Colour runs deeper can mean many things from no paint in the wars to a specialised piece
Nice! Love the box & the last one especially. Good article too.
Thank you Kaye I really appreciate the comments keep em coming plz
Hey Dad, Great article alwaus loving your website, Collectibulldogs is awesome!
Collectibulldogs is brilliant poppet it’s not easy sorting the spam from those wanting a free back link but we have sorted that with our spam detector.
Your site is amazing do not let anyone tell you otherwise and you run it how you see fit
It’s hard sometimes to take hate in jest but I have a good go at it