Watches ! Collectors it’s all brilliant content.

A beautiful timepiece picture donated by a massive fan

Hi readers

I hope all are well ! I thought a different niche but still a worldwide phenomenon when it comes to collecting and I know I own a few ! Watches. The epitome of most of humankind with a connection to collecting the concept. Which spoiler alert is man made I know this first hand (there maybe a few pun type responses) before I met my friend and neighbour called Mark whom is a watchmaker and repair specialist I would of swerved this passion.
I’m unfortunately a couple of times in Mark flat seeing all the mechanism that are used for making and repairing watches got me very intrigued. I even invested some money so that Mark could get a satin piece for one of his mechanisms. He had told me that I have made a dream come true, but to be honest, the money was just sitting there he needed the piece and I am not going to ask someone for interest whom fixes my watches from rare Oakley and my bulldog watches to the Waldham watch company pocket watches that I was urged to start collecting as part of my portfolio.
Alongside my watch collection, I have a few pocket watches nothing to write home about but a couple are from the wool Them pocket watch collection and these can be noted by the registration numbers which you can look up to date and to see if the watch you are holding is indeed The one or one of the ones written down and so far I have managed to get a nickel pocket watch 1901 and rose gold Woolton pocket watch which I am sure is a little later in date neither have an Albert chain attached the reason mainly is I spent my gold money on getting my bulldog pendants around my neck and everyone has a limit when it comes to money.
So what made this bulldog bonkers loving collector start wanting to talk about watches and time pieces and if I’m honest with you it is in a way to give two people an opportunity through the website again interest in the passion they both love and both of these accounts have shown warmth Towards Collectibulldogs on X, yes it was amazing when @missGripper sent me 50kgs of vinyl but these others are just as selfless in other ways. @The watch dude created a post from scratch maybe the first and Devon invited us to his fledgling community so I’m adding him to help and see if I can boost his following.


It is being quite easy to use artificial intelligence to come up with an article these days as most or more and more bloggers are becoming lazy. That is one thing that you will not get here. The reason I am leaving most of the research part to the watch dude And other collectors enthusiast and all those out there interested in this very clever and skill set based high-end hobby to professional business.
Stated I did start collecting watches and this was after going upstairs a couple of times and seeing Mark at work first when I took my rusted bulldog watch and within six months nearly 98% of that original watch is now ticking away with brand-new pieces made by the man himself This pushes the value of the watch way way beyond its market value just think of the time effort impatient it takes to make a maths A+ calculated cog and that’s not just one cog it can be dozens. He makes it very intriguing and the gadgets that I use as a manly man I get lost. I do not know what most of these machines do. They just look amazing.
Presently Mark is fixing a wolverine watch company nickel half Hunter and this is because some silly person decided to change the time by moving the hands what a silly silly person of course that was me he also has a Ukrainian watch that was made when Russia was part of Ukraine or vice versa so this watch holds some significance at the moment the other watch I cannot wait to get back a reconditioned Oakley bulldog face sports watch with beautiful swaying strap and very well on the market so more expensive than the usual other three or four
When I first started, I aimed at China. These were budget brand pieces sometimes themed to look like very expensive exquisite selling partners like JJ and Co MBandF and Hublot. I’m not sure if it is the liberal in Me I find it very unfair that someone can walk around with a watch that is 1.4 million and if you want anything like it you have to take the risk of trying to get a reproduction or replica which does not do anything like the real one often the materials are mass produced not well dead or moulded properly and you pay a couple hundred pound for a inferior piece. I know one of the biggest weaknesses of the Chinese watch market is the facet the face they are using lots and lots of glass and making oversized watches. Do not get me wrong I own the reef tiger Aurora because it has a glass front. The Sun bounces a glare. Most companies use a tinted glass or sapphire crushed into glass unfortunately this watch and many others are hard to see the beautiful going on the inside because of the shine on the bubble dome.


If it were early 2023 and someone said to me describe time I would say it is the time calculate it with The and its movement around the Sun and the amount of times it spins on its axes as it spins around the Sun that’s the scientific definition but I wouldn’t of said writ watches time pieces or constructs that make up this concept we all live by (now nuts is that the amount of things we do because it’s that time )(day or not). Now my definition of time are the watch sets that I have in my back room and The watches that I have now that I have on my wrist.
being a traditionalist gentleman I have always added a little extra when it comes to personal appearance. This could be anything from wearing gold to wearing a flat hat. I don’t really like standing out but I also like dressing night today youngsters so my fashion sense is zero, but I am so unassuming no one notices, that is until they know what is on my wrist and this can be a talking point especially at the bus stop or when I am paying for things and the shopkeeper notices this fella is the one wearing watches plural.
Since I’ve been told that this can be a sign of autism, I have relish in the thought that it is okay for me to go out wearing more than one watch to be honest with you as I am writing this I have two watches on one wrist this is my right one and on my left hand, which is my good hand are 2 watches very different indeed, not being able to get the JJs Bugatti watch at 1.4 million. I found a select lection of reproductions and re-thought out cheaper versions on the Chinese and Asian websites so I own a watch that is the Replica of the Bugatti the Chinese are making these and so are a few other countries. They seem to be getting more and more pleasing to look and wear as the price goes up. but they are not going to crack or afford the movement or movements needed for this priceless watch because the real deal when prompted actually moves all 12 cylinders something you will not find in any of these reproductions..
Reef tiger i used to joke about this company until I realise out of the thousands of companies over in China this is one that can use its brand with pride and to be honest for watchmakers you get quite a lot of watch for your money so I got the reef tiger Aurora or the tank two(not sure about forces links and names) it’s definitely the biggest watch I’ve ever worn. It’s really automatic but does have a manual Winder just in case but I’m quite lazy and use my watch. Winder anyway. Again the only thing I can say about doming a watch out too the glare and it clicks on things I’d normally not go near.


Watches ! Collectors it’s all brilliant content

A beautiful watch pic donated by fan on X links added to of a million collectors 

“BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE” I did not just wait for the likes of Temu or AliExpress to chuck the deal at me. I did a bit of research for my price range and I know that anything over £35 especially reduced or from flash sales should be your bottom when it comes to buying from these places if not the watches that do turn up are very basic even if they state skeleton or hollow some have been taken apart and you can see what mechanism is used inside the Chinese detail are fibs sometimes
My love affair first started when I googled bulldog watches and MB and F popped up with their double movement horological extravaganza! I’m starting to feel the angst now as I’m taking about it, the fashion at the moment is rose gold or titanium. This watch is made from real rose gold or real titanium so the price tag starts anywhere from 98,000 upwards to 120,000. This is before you have any add-ons or takeoffs. I’m going to leave the MV and F link here please click and have a look at some of the watches and you will see what I fell in love with and why and also why I wear the watch that you can see in the picture a double movement homage, automatic watch that has some resemblance to a MB and F but nowhere near The athletic part I think that’s why they can be sold on places like eBay freely.
My sunshine girl ! I have many time pieces now I do have one lady watch it is a man’s Seiko solar I was told it has figments in the face which soak up the Sun and give the watch up to 6 months power. The ironic part is the one I have is quite rare but even rarer is a flat seiko ladies watch but it’s described as evening watches where the sun disappears! And then it came to me if the watch can run for six months then it is testament that it runs perfectly every single night for any lady. My personal watch is the Silver strap version. The watch is so elegant that I could not describe it as a male if it was a watch as a male I think you understand I don’t think I have found a natural name for her other than the happy lady I think that’s enough for me. It’s also one of the first non-Chinese watches I have gone for. I also have a Bulmar again just like my other timepieces this is upstairs being looked at by Mark.
What is in time pieces? Watches pocket watches all the good stuff I get to choose myself if it’s for investment, then my wife is very trusting in what I know and the research that I do the pieces that I do find I’m not going to be for resale any time soon. These get put away after they are authenticated and will one day get brought out and maybe sold who knows but they will give help and support when it’s needed most to my family. I am proud of all the hobbies I have managed to turn into interesting collections.

20 million to all individuals in 2023 whilst Elon takes 3-7b

This part is not really about watches. I wanted to have a little words in your ears about the x platform and the old saying what is the point in flogging a dead horse? Yes, it is a cruel turn of phrase, but I am trying to get people attention. another example is the definition of insanity which is to do the same thing day and day out time after time in the hope of a different outcome. This is very much like the X platform in 2024 unfortunately are about 35% of the issue is our own doing.

On no big heads I’m no mathematician but when all of you combined which is 431 million people a month can only make 20 million a year between you whilst the application itself even at a loss net in three .7 billion that when things have to change Just like years ago, I’ve started a url conquest yes we will repost but if your advertising your business with a link we will do the work and advertise why your really there not just the bite size interest posts we all keep at self promoting but ask nearly anyone they do not make a bragging profit let alone established of their brands.

now if I and others came along and create a post using your link this will cause more people to go straight to your website instead of just looking at your post and deciding whether is aesthetically enough to be reposted, I have 170,000 followers and I’m lucky if my pin post gets reposted 20 times a day. I remember when I could post and within 20 minutes 100 repost would have been the normal and we need to get back to that and to help him those that use the applications solely to make a living.

I know most will just read this and shrug their shoulders because life just goes on which is a shame because if my words were adhered to you would have more mutuals more respect from others especially people saying thank you and you will find slowly but surely other people creating post stating your url your link and it feels good I had the watch dude do one on collectibulldogs and the relief that Someone else actually care enough to do what other was doing felt like I was getting somewhere and I hope that people do otherwise the only person making money on X will be Elon Musk.

Lastly the autistic part of my collectors hobby

Watches ! Collectors it’s all brilliant content

Autistic watch wearer

Watches ! Collectors just brilliant content

Autistic watch wearer of unique looking timepieces

you know your different when two police officers stop you whilst walking the dogs to ask “why are you wearing watches up one arm” which in all fairness is a suitable question when someone is wearing more than one watch I suppose they were surprised when I pulled up my coat sleeve to reveal I was wearing yet more watches my other arm…Distrust soon changed to a more comfortable demeanour with I explained that I am on the autistic spectrum and that you can find me wearing up to four watches a day,It’s to do with superstition numbers and symmetry and yes I do understand most people will think I am nuts because of the watches on my wrists


I could say that I am keeping my cards close to my chest when it comes to talking about watches and timepieces in fact I hardly know anything about the insides and the workings of a watch. I just go by the aesthetic look as you can tell by a couple of the pictures I have added to the article I wrote this for two people that I have met online recently and to add the links so that one person can get his blog out there with real up-to-date fax on all sorts of different watchmakers and I’ve met someone that kindly introduced me to the community so I am adding that community here for any x user to join like I did to learn more about watches.

a community at the moment a friend has started has just 5 people I’m hoping a blog published will help him CLECK HERE TO JOIN THE WATCH COMMUNITY ON X and if your into this hobby the then the watch dude on X would love to have you jump over to CLICK HERE FOR WATCHES BY THE WATCH DUDE I’m happy to say all this ranting on means the blogs number count coming up to three thousand words it should get a decent Seach Engine optimisation score.

please note a URL or backlink is a powerful organic part of owning a website just like a spider and a web the more links you can have coming in and out of your website and the more keywords the better you will rank on Google we Collectibulldogs would be happy to reciprocate a back clink with anyone on a online website or blog  just getting in contact And let us know if would like a existing URL this means adding your website address to an existing article or adding your URL to our link page and have it set their permanently. You could then promote our website to get more visitors to yours and we will do the same. I’ve just looked at the time and it is now time for me to go I’d like to thank everyone on X who has been very proactive with us, especially Miss Gripper that has endorsed us on FM radio and website FMStomp.

Coming soon

we will have our own space on FMstompFMstomp this is not advertising we are not paying a fee a beautiful lady with a heart of gold loves the fact my daughter sees her as a role model and we’ve become friends ever since.

thank you for reading our article
ave Porscha and starlight. And a big hello from the watch fellas.
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