Basford Bulldog champions !

The man behind Basford Bulldog champions Mr Ernest Roddy
Hi readers today’s blog article should be of consideable interest to those that show,breed, or just love bulldog history, the basford bulldog champions no less, I found a lot with lots of bulldog clippings in so bought it.
Looking through the contents and reading every scrap of paper it was not until the end I saw the name BASFORD ! Most or at least some of you will know beswicks homage to Mr E Roddys champions with that large standing bulldog figurine with the brindle patches.
Tim Wilcox also added one of Roddys bulldogs to his limited edition plate series (one of our favourites) a stunning pastel setting and the bulldog standing all musclely and proud, some could say the muscles are an over exaggeration but I think the bulldog looks fine and fit, the artist captures the essence of the BASFORD BULLDOG CHAMPIONS strong,fit healthy show winning bulldogs.
Mr E Roddy resided at Portland house in Basford park road (big hint lol) and this was in Newcastle Staffordshire, it would seem that Mr Roddy was not alone in creating a successful bulldog line that is still found in the breed right up until modern times, the gentleman whom helped Mr Roddy was called Mr Allen !

The home of a champion Mr Roddys Staffordshire house

One of many Basford Bulldog champions
At the kennels it was Mr Allens keen eye on mating and he’s own knowledge and research that helped the Basford kennels become champions in the ring, the sires from the Basford kennels were reported to be affordable to all breeders that passed Mr Roddys standards with the ear of he’s trusted kennel hand.
Fees were not a problem even in 1937 it seems the kennel was modern by anyone’s standards and the bulldogs all treated with the utmost care, from birth to parting the puppies were treated excellently and if Mr Roddy was away showing a Bulldog among fellow fanciers at shows he knew all puppies were in the capable hands of Mr allen.
The Basford Bulldog champions took Mr Roddy across the globe, as well as the hundreds of county and country wide wins, he also done very well in America, Australia and Canada with proven champions and coming home with first place winners he really was the Norman Davis of he’s day.
There may only be a few clippings but this kind of provanonce helps to tie in pieces with the artists subject, I wonder if today champions are immortalised like back in the 30s and 50s (Mack truck chose Mack the dog in 1956) it would be amazing to have some fanciers “I now know them as” winners created and distributed.

Basford Bulldog champions
Basford Bulldog champions Continued
Now I know more myself I can look out for Sheffield Bulldog club memerobilia check out the names and see if I can add something to the collection from this wonderful man’s legacy I’m a lucky chap to have a signed edition of Mr N Davis autobiography but an object from the man that created a legacy would be amazing.
The article does state 1937 so it’s a long shot but to hear from Ernest Roddys family or anyone that knew the man would be worth following, yes there’s plenty of known fanciers around today to try and interview but most either do not use Collectibulldogs,read my articles, support the cause or offered any assistance toward bulldog information I’ve done it all myself.

Yet another champion

The list is endless
It was indeed a proper pleasure to return back here to Mr Roddys kennels and marvel at the dogs before my jobs even begun, I was quick to praise Ernest on three amazing wins in 1937 with Ch.Basford Revivals replica Ch.Basford Son of revival and Ch.Basford amethyst.
On arrival at the house I was greeted by PETER Ch.Basford Golden Nymph one CC, he was four months old last time I saw and reviewed him and now he seems to of become the house dog, Peter has a brilliant future as both a show and stud bulldog and is now a firm favourite for future shows.
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On my expection of the kennels I started with the bulldogs sleeping area and saw again that no expense has been spared in keeping these kennels to a standard I wished all kennels could adhere too.spotless with a fresh smell unlike the disinfectant smell I’m so used too a brilliant example to follow.
The dog quarters have been depleted recently with the departure of Basford stunner Basford Knut and Basford Crooner, moving on to the bitches quarters where my eye was drawn to Basford Gem nursing a litter of the best pups I’ve ever seen, remember all three champions this year came from the Basford kennels.

Beautiful Basford Bulldog champion
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Basford Bulldog champions

Other than the formats issues I enjoyed this article it really goes with the website and as I know your collection very well can now spot the Basford by Beswick, great little write up that I know you’ll work to sort out the articles issue. Keep up the great work
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