Hi there this page is not to mourn about wiggles but to celebrate the life of ONE AMAZING BULLDOG she had four great years with us as an adopt do not shop bulldog, wiggles said good bye to everyone on the 26th March at midday the whole affair was very peaceful and wiggles was already asleep when the news was she could not be saved so it was time to say good bye.
Her physical form is not with us and we all know rainbow 🌈 bridge is where they head too but wiggles remains firmly in our hearts and thoughts, The wiggles bulldog memorial page is a dedication to the star dog that won over hearts around the world with a 100 million reach at one point !
i do not just mean England and surrounding countries but as far as the Middle East Africa Australia no matter the country I name I know someone or many will be missing this amazing bulldog, this is no ploy for views it’s for all those out there to come pay their respects and remember wiggles like we do.
Before I continue I’d like to give my wife debbie the opportunity below to say a few words we shared the ❤️ And responsibilities of wiggles she loves The wiggles bulldog memorial page idea and I’m sure that debbie would like to leave her own thoughts.
The wiggles bulldog memorial page
When Wiggles first came to us, she was a character in her own right.A friend had bought her down from Crewe and we went to collect her from our main door,I thought a bear had arrived instead of a bulldog, she was so big, with a roll of skin over a face,but still super cute.
She soon made herself at home and found the sofa, Boy she loved her creature comforts the sofa became hers after we had paid out nearly a thousand pound for it but that’s what dog lovers are like correct That was it she stayed there for hours and fell asleep, when she did get up she would go back to the sofa as quick as she could from either her walks or from the kitchen after chow time.

Digital artist will get credited once they reappear
Wiggles loved her food, but we had to put her on a diet as she was a little big when she came to us.We took her to our local park for walks, we had to do short walks at first as she would get out of breath easy.She would always stop if someone was walking past as she wanted to be made a fuss off yet at home sometimes acted like a right Diva.
Wiggles used to rest her chin on me when she would go to sleep on the sofa l miss these moments.She was such a lovely bulldog with her own character, was fussy with what treats she had but any other food she loved especially cheese.Sometimes she wouldn’t eat her dinner unless there was a few small strands of grated cheese on it.
I miss Wiggles every day she was the heart and soul of our home.She will always be remembered.Love You Wiggles. 🌈❤️👋
The wiggles bulldog memorial page please feel free to comment!
A lovely lady called moshies mum left a message from twitter ! Wiggles was amazing! I always stopped by your page just to see this beauty. Truly an icon and sentient being I will never forget. You are missed so so much by your mom and dad and family—and the world. Oh dear Wiggles so young too 😢 Run free dear pup and know that you were loved. With sincere sympathy, Wynne Moishe’s Mom 🙏♥️
Hi Eiffion, I’m so sorry I’m sending this to you so late. I was looking on some of your pages, and don’t know if you want me to post a memorial message about Wiggles on one of them, or just on messenger here. I’m not very good at going to different pages, and finding out where things should be posted. So, I will write a little something here about/your sweet, beautiful girl.
Hi You, sweet, beautiful, baby girl, that your dad and mum named Wiggles. You are still a star, and will never burn out! You will always be a shining star, up in the heavens above. I know that you will be missed by sooooo, many people, but, especially by your mum and dad. Your new little sister is just as adorable as you Wiggles, but don’t think that you were replaced, because no other pup could ever replace you. Your mum and dad just filled an empty hole in their hearts. They will never ever forget you. One day, you will all be reunited together,and I hope that I can then meet all of you too! Run free over the rainbows end, Wiggles. You are now, no longer in pain and can play all day long! Love to you always, Wiggles. I know that I will miss seeing you here. Hugs and kisses to you sweet baby girl… Wiggles!!! 🙏💤❤️🐶🌈🌈🌈 Sandy Hoffman Facebook!
I didn’t know Wiggles very well…(thru Facebook). I do know she was a sweet, loving, special soul. Her life had a profound impact on her dad, Eiffion. There was a need between them that God sent only them to fill for each other. So much love was there ❤ I will miss seeing her unique, darling face.
My hope is that Wiggles remains the face of Collectibulldog.com. Kaye Whitehead Richardson Facebook
Wiggles, sweet girl, you charmed us with your wiggly walk and your poses especially those with your tongue hanging out. You looked so placid and you were a great ambassador for your British Bulldog Family. Run free sweet lady xx Eileen bouizis from Facebook
Well Wiggles certainly had a great life whilst she was with you ,In her last months she was loved greatly Tess Bennett twitter!
This is truly special and shows the love you have for your beautiful fur baby. I pay my homage to the precious princess of yours 🙏🏻 🌈⭐️❤️ Mappy Brar Facebook

with sympathy from NICOLE SCHRAPPE ❤️🙏
Wiggles brought me in, but it was standing back and learning from the manner you chose to handle the loss by giving even more love to another animal that kept me.
And that 'podgy' puppy, of course.— Johnny Carsin Nogenic (@nogenic) April 17, 2019
Bulldog poetry The wiggles bulldog memorial page
You taught me about a world I knew nothing about and gave me meaning a shining light
an honour a privilege walked through our door one day and was Such a wonderful sight
before me stood a one off character a star and a bulldog dog with plenty of might
and after you claimed our brand new sofa you knew things were going to be alright
Accolades WOW and a social media icon your became a beloved star all I did was lend you a hand
We took you from Facebook to twitter where you were seen as stunning and famous like a rock band
loving it here you were a spoilt dog from day one you wouldn’t touch anything that was canned
we spent fortunes on your so called diet going out just to bring you back expensive brands

Beautiful pictures courtesy of helene wheeler from FACEBOOK
With sentiments like that I’ve decided to keep Wiggles The wiggles bulldog memorial page open for all to be able contact and contribute I know a couple of ladies whom would like to express their emotions, I’m very sorry the news was broken later but we needed time to ourselves and if I’m honest was putting this off as long as possible!
If you have any memories of wiggles either you knew us personally met us somewhere or just loved seeing wiggles your contributions to helping keep the memory of wiggles firmly in peoples mindsets, this amazing dog helped me from bad times to a real boost in publicising squishy faces on all social media formats she deserved a MEDAL 🥇
Poetry by liz Heslop
Through my face is quite alarming ! I am really rather charming and I haven’t any vices so to speak
But of all the food I’m offered (and I take whatever’s preferred) there is one thing that I definitely seek
you can give me camembert although you may not think it’s fair to smell the strong aroma on the breeze
You can give me danish blue or some Gouda, it is true that I am dying for a little bit of cheese 🧀
If you have some Parmesan just drop it in the pan or any sort of cheese with suit me fine you can keep your meat and fish when there is Edam in my dish
Thats what I like when I sit down to dine
When the vicar came to call (though he hardly comes at all)
He was startled when I leapt upon his chair
But I was in a real lumber, for his sandwich was cucumber,
And he jumped at least six feet in the air!
You can give me double Gloucester or cream cheese which is softer
I would even eat some processed at a pinch
When it’s time for me to go, though you will be sad I know,
Don’t take me to the vet, but if you please,
Rush me to the grocery store, take me quickly through the door
And drown me in a barrel full of CHEESE! WIGGLES LOVED CHEESE 🧀
A beautiful bulldog the size of a baby polar bear was handed to me some years ago it was ten months after we lost Scruffy Louise and I was so excited 😆 a day coming from the north meant she ponged and needed a bath but there was no getting her off the sofa just five minutes after arrival.
Any bull type breed to me is beautiful and it was lucky that my skill set and her look were so compatible my posts with her face touched thousands around the world whom grew to love wiggles but not like myself, remember wiggles was more than a media star 🌟 she was my constant companion and just made me bulldog for life.

A digital gift of wiggles
Bath times were easy feed times were easy everything about wiggles was easy EXCEPT photos! Yes I have caught some crackers but that’s not for the want of trying ! Many are accidents as she knew what the camera and iPad was and for some reason never liked photo time most of the time.
A little known secret (who knows what goes on behind closed doors lol) I’m missing wiggles when I go to the loo you see wiggles would follow me in back end and get me to rub her top tail area and say WHOS A SEXY WEXXY THEN her bottom would nearly hit the sound barrier wiggling and then she’d go prancing down the hallway just like a lamb in spring.
Wiggles enjoyed her life with us !
After getting the vets out of the way we started walking wiggles around a nearby park I believe this done us the world of good as well as wiggles, this was a continued success until the move where we ended up walking her along Brighton promenade instead.
Wiggles made writing ✍️ easier and even her snoring was a sense of comfort and I often had article brain freeze until I gazed upon her and an idea would spring to mind, not just an inspiration online but a funny little bulldog at home using our one of a kind leopard print table as a back scratcher was just many of the misdemeanours you find wiggles up to.
A funny event was the quickening of her chow going down in the bag we had not realised for a while that wiggles was just feeding herself whenever she felt like it, she was not happy when we pegged the bag and this just turned into kitty litter and cat food eating till we learned PICK EVERYTHING UP LOL.
What I will miss is her constant company I don’t care about views the museum or the collection at the moment it’s not nice waking to an empty apartment but instead of turning thoughts into a depressing state I remember her for being her WIGGLES WE ❤️ U WE ARE SORRY IT WAS YOUR TIME
more and more will be added as I compose myself each time so keep popping back
Wiggles enjoyed walks along the Brighton promenade as you can see here in this periscope clip
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